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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. :grouphug: Good for you. The world needs more Heathers in it :) Keep us posted? If it's the right thing, then it will all fall into place. I'm relearning how to pray, but putting forth an effort and now I have something specific to say.
  2. I was under the impression she meant using it to equate not having had sexual relations with being pure. Thereby implying that someone who has had sex is not pure. I'm pretty sure that the people who are concerned with sexual purity do mean that someone who has had extra marital sex is not pure. IMO, it's all opinions and I don't see it as so very disparaging.
  3. Perry, it used to drive me NUTS to hear them call former President Bush, Mr. Bush. I don't remember former President Clinton being called Mr. Clinton, and I thought the same thing you do know, that it was strictly partisan rudeness. Apparently, it's not, it's just ignorant rudeness.:glare: ETA, I guess it's a writing policy, and the same thing DID happen to Clinton. I still think it's rude though ;)
  4. I agree with Peek about a good alternative. Also, lots of CCs have FLO classes, that would make it possible to go for the first few years, while only needing to attend for tests. Once they reach that point, Gramma could start homeschooling little one while Mom/Dad worked on their degree (ducking).
  5. I love you too :)

    I tried to stay away, I even turned off the computer, went to visit with my gramma, and had a loooong, looooooooong talk to my mom (who's out of anti-depresants)... I come back and augh, I commented :(

  6. We homeschool, because we want to raise our children how WE believe they should be raised. I have no doubt that Carmen's children will grow up to follow their parents' teachings. Why? Because Carmen and her dh are dedicated to teaching their children these things AND THEY BELIEVE THEM. I have no doubt that the many, many parents on this board that BELIEVE in purity until marraige are raising children who believe in this and their kids will act accordingly as adults, because it will be what they believe. Wishy washy parents, like myself, will need to show both sides of the coin, because deep down, we don't really care or don't really believe pre-marital sex is wrong. We hope our kids will wait, at least until they're grown enough to accept the responsibility that sex entails, but if they don't, well, we sort of expect that too. Hope for the best, expect the worst. These parents should teach their kids both ways, because our kids are going to end up just as vague as we are. To insinuate that ALL kids will have sex is false and blind. That's putting your own worries on the heads of others. I think it's called "projecting?" Peek can check ;) Don't project your fears, concerns onto other families. They aren't insisting that other parents teach abstinence, why should people insist they teach contrary to their own beliefs? Finally, it's not akin to teaching self defense. It's more like giving your kids a recipe to cure a hangover while asking them not to drink.
  7. I think Carmen meant, why did you ask, when you already know you're right? You aren't interested in other points of view, you're only interesting in saying they're wrong.
  8. It is..... I just got a little hysterical and could not find it. Scroll, scroll scroll, omg, eeek! I did report it, I'm going to guess it's gone now. There were very nasty pics....... geesh.
  9. Yeah, and porn! Imagine my delight on opening THAT! And then the scramble for 'how do I report this, make it go away!' I report it and it opens back up! Ack! On the gifted board no less? What is WRONG with people?!?
  10. I completely agree :) The bolded part, especially. I can understand where someone would not expect kids to go into their room. My room is a MESS, because it's my room, the door is closed, when nosy nancies start to open it, they're stopped immediatly. All the adults in that home DID fail. The kids should not have been left to blindly follow kitties from one end of the house to the other. At the very, very least, the bedroom should have been closed and the kids should have been informed they are NOT allowed in there.
  11. We bought ours for all the same reasons. Also, information on the internet is so easy to alter, I worry that much of it is false. We also find reading a book easier than reading a screen :) There's nothing better than perusing an encyclopedia, you learn so much and the pictures are good too :)
  12. It is my understanding that the farm was dissembled BEFORE the war, so that makes perfect sense. It is rather incredible to see the devastation that was caused by the "good guys" :glare:, but then growing up in VA, I guess my opinion is tainted.
  13. The only hitch I see, is that you would still end up with lots of fit families wanting to take part. IOW, they're fit for a reason and they're joiners too (they're already on all the teams, right?). Maybe you could try to start your own club, or see if the Rec Dept will, for families who NEED to get into shape. Some sort of a 'graduation,' once you're family has reached its goal weight could keep it from becoming 'owned' by the oldest members. Everyone's ripping off The Biggest Loser, be creative, make a presentation to your Rec Dept.
  14. YES YES YES It's just like any other habit, make it a habit to see the good/happy/positive. I think we share families, they are incredibly negative, every story has a negative connotation, and it seems like, even memories of the 'good ol days' are tainted. I still struggle with this, but have managed to make myself APPEAR more positive. (Even Ben Franklin had to fake something - modesty - he says if you can't, then fake it) I have found that my views are not AS negative as they used to be and can see a future where the silver lining won't be tainted by tarnish ;) Start simply, imagine the world's your dcs art project and try to be objective and take note of the positive. Wow, that guy cut me off, but gee at least I'm not stuck infront of him :D Oh, I washed the car and now it's pouring, at least I managed to wax it first :D Eventually, you stop feeling like a welcome mat and the good thoughts pop up on their own. :grouphug: and don't forget to roll your shoulders, that always helps.
  15. It's incredible, for them, to even have a vague history of their family at that point. It saddens me, that so many people cannot find their family history, because of that era. Combining what little they had with what little my mother's father's family had has given them deeper roots. What's really incredible is that the family reunion was in OK, but the family is from VA. I was really surprised to learn that my mother's father's people had originated so close to where we live now (the part that wasn't from OK to begin with anyway). Both families moved out west, what are the odds?!?
  16. I wish there was an "I agree" that isn't so happy... There isn't, so, I agree.
  17. My mother's father's family found out about the black side of their family, when they all showed up to a family reunion :lol: It turned out that, when they were freed they were given my mother's family name and kept it. It's not a blood relation, but now they're all very proud to know eachother and call eachother family :) They're on my tree, but I had to add them in a convoluted way, since they aren't really related by blood or marraige...
  18. The same reasons that some give for hoping their dd would choose abortion, is why I would be leery of adoption. There ARE lots of good kids looking for homes and I couldn't see adding to their ranks, or someone from MY family being the reason these kids WITHOUT a family continue waiting, iykwIm. It's funny, because I don't doubt they COULD find a loving family, it's that I would be keeping another more needy child from getting that family that bothers me, lol. If dd was super young (12-15) I would adopt. I can't see her keeping the child or managing the responsibility at that age, and the 16 year difference in our ages would make it pretty easy for me (I would still be young enough, iykwIm). I think the only thing I really could not support would be abortion. I posted that earlier, though, so I won't go back into it ;)
  19. I don't think there would be the same number of abortions, if the practice was illegal. As you said, legality implies that it is acceptable. If society's acceptance was removed, then some women would go with society and decide, it is not the right thing to do. Also, while there are some in political circles that like to say that thousands of women would die every year, that number is WAY out of proportion, and based on a study done in 1936. In 1973 (the last year before RvW) 39 women died from illegal abortions. Advances in modern science, the internet, and improved emergency services would make it more likely that LESS women would die today. I'm sorry to see you bowed out Greta Lynne, your posts made me think.
  20. Definitely! I found my dad's uncle, one Dad thought had died a long time ago, he's 91 next month! That was a big eye opener. Dad's father committed suicide when my dad was just 8. He had to move away from where their family was (Fall River, Mass) and his mother never kept in touch. Finding out the familial home was still standing, and at that time still held by the Brodeur's, was so heart-warming. Unfortuneatly, they sold the house soon after, but I only found out once it was off the market. My dad, my dad's dad and all his brothers and sisters were raised in that house, we were all disappointed to find it was no longer in the family. Dh's family is WAY more interesting than mine, lol! His mother was born in the states, but her parents and older sister were all from Scotland. His family is full of single mothers (he doesn't know his father), and I found out that our last name was assumed four or five generations ago. The original Lyon, in our line, was actually a Fruid, but once he was a grown man, he took his father's name (his parents never married). His mother married someone with a title (that I can't think of at this moment) when he was 7/8, but he, apparently, always knew who his father was. I LOVE reading the church registers regarding his family. There's one entry that speaks of a "moral and virtuous young lady" marrying "a low dirty scoundrel of a man" :lol: Then, there's the couple that had children, in Scotland, but both parents at different times were charged with crimes and sent to Australia. The husband came back from his term and his wife commited some crime, off she goes. While she's there she starts a whole new family. She comes back, stays for a bit, then (purposefully?) commits another crime and back to Australia she goes... Only, she doesn't go back anymore. It's like the most surprising, plot twisting story every told, lol, my family tree :lol:
  21. I love learning about my family. I've gone so far as to map out various in-laws' family trees, just so mine is closer to complete :lol:
  22. If Mom has not been attending practice, then she does need to attend. I have to say, normally I can remain cool and calm, but the first time an adult uses abusive language in regards to my children... cool and calm leave the tri-state area. It wouldn't be quitting at that point... it would be Mom spitting mad utterly destroying any ties dc has to that Teaching your dcs that it is OKAY to quit, especially in cases where abuse is present, is a GOOD thing. How many people remain in dead-end jobs under horrible bosses that treat them like s---, because they were taught NOT to quit. Look around and see if you can find a similar program offered elsewhere. Even if the team is not as high in the standings, you'll be teaching your children that it's better to be treated well and happy, than to win under a tyrant.
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