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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Your chest is the home for your heart... if we believed that our hearts or souls resided or related more to our feet, I wonder if the pressure would be based in our feet? I've had that feeling too, but attributed to an overstocked book shelf, iykwIm. Oh, and for what it's worth, I don't think that God/Jesus/demons/satan respect cultural boundaries. IOW, a demon could sit on the chest of a Peruvian as easily as it could the chest of an American.
  2. I'm like that with many things. I have to let them roll around in my head for awhile, to compare them with what I already know and really examine what I've added/learned. It's funny, because when I least expect it a connection pops up, in my head, and then it all makes sense. Can you believe... my sister has the record for Mr. and Mrs. Pacman and the kids LOVE it.
  3. Ah! See, my dh grew up raised by his step-grampa. He had no idea, beyond television, how a married couple worked. IOW, I was supposed to do ALL of the "women's work" and he was supposed to provide and relax. You can imagine how great that was for me. The resentment explosion was good for one thing, though... we understand each other MUCH better now, he is more kind, understanding and helpful and I am much more open and supportive.
  4. Check out some of the links below... the first are for Borgs, the next group are Reformed and Calvinism :)
  5. I sent them to a bible school that was ran by a friend (A FRIEND) and they came home worried for the state of my soul, because I smoke..... That's made dh a little leary. Especially since my kids (for unknown reasons) speak very loudly in public :001_huh:
  6. The dogs aren't allowed, but I know they sneak onto the couch after we've all gone to bed :glare: I'm also pretty sure the cats have been sneaking onto the counters at night :glare: Which is great, because we only just started letting them in (they were my neighbors', until they moved and left the cats behind). IOW, they aren't allowed on the furniture and they pay as much attention to that rule as my youngest does to the no eating after bed time rule.
  7. Us too, of course, I know whether or not this is "classical" is a matter of debate, but that's what I call it (so there!).
  8. :iagree: That was our experience too! Now, of course, ds is irritated that he's working while his cousins are lazying about, but that all changes while they're staying here. LOL! The boys are ALL doing school work, I'm back to rereading the Ancients (for my nephews benefit) and my sister is talking about leaving them here all summer :lol:
  9. Life Science - complete Parent and Student guides eequalsmcq.com follow the links, it's for elementary age kids, but is VERY in depth.
  10. I'm pretty skittish where too many rules are concerned, lol. That being said, I do find the idea of structure alluring... Dh said I can be any kind of religion I want, as long as the kids don't start condeming everyone to hell. He also said he'd tag along, as long as I don't expect too much from him :tongue_smilie:
  11. Lol, welcome to the land of 'it's my RIGHT to have an opinion.'

  12. eequalsmcq.com Lol, I throw that site out every chance I get. His emails are GREAT, his experiments are GREAT and there's very minimal work expected from the teacher. Oh, and the prices are GREAT ($50 for a year). Life Science is FREE FREE FREE.
  13. You can put them back into their nests. The whole, smell of humans thing is a myth (thank you Cub Scout camp, lol). I would say the mother bird will take care of it, isn't that how some birds are raised? Their parents lay eggs in another bird's nest and that bird raises them.
  14. It seems like the new format killed all the social groups... I think the book club is still up, but I'm so far behind in all my reading I haven't had a chance to read with them :glare:
  15. Ah, I hadn't even thought of that. Thanks for clearing that up.
  16. Day care, day camps, remedial classes, summer school, etc. We had the same problem, even before we started hsing. Poor dcs, all their friends' parents worked, so no one was home during the day.
  17. LOL, even after my quack comment you're still helping me, thank you! I found a Reformed Calvinist Christian site, but Min is too far for me to drive. Thanks for the links, I'll check these out. My dh will be so proud of me (hunny, I learned what a Borg is today ;) )
  18. Thank you... now I'm off to find out what a Reformed Calvinist Christian and a Borg are :)
  19. I would have to wonder if they were putting anti-happy drugs in the food. My mom and dad both have told me about the Army and Marines putting what they called downers or softies into the food, to discourage any tea, self or group (iykwIm).
  20. Saying this quietly, so nobody else notices.... If I had sent my kids to camp and this happened I would be outraged... at the camp director. I trusted them to care for my children and to put the kids in a situation like this is incredibly negligent. I haven't kept up with this post, too much too fast and just not important enough to me, but I wonder that there was not more research done by the camp. When I worked for parks and rec we always used county resources, because it was too much work to find out all the ins and outs of privately owned places and if there was a trip that fell through due to lack of planning... well, we'd have had our heads on a platter by sun down.
  21. That's such a hard thing to work past. Augh, our worst year was due in large part to my harboring so much resentment. I had to learn how to tell him how I was feeling, which is something I still have difficulty with. That's where my, Friday evening turn the page, came from. Otherwise, it all just builds up until I'm a seething mountain of bitterness and by then, all the reasons have become this gray wall of 'just because.'
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