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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Have you tried speaking with the people at your Treasurer's Office? Sometimes they can send you where you need to go to have your taxes reviewed, or to have the payments adjusted. Most places don't WANT you to have to sell your home because the taxes are outrageous, and if you bring it to their attention, they will (usually) do something about it. I would also recommend attending board of supervisors meetings, or whatever they are for your area, and getting your voice heard. I would guess you guys are hardly the only ones feeling the pinch.
  2. Except that I have taught my kids not to use certain words, because of their power, I agree with everything else you've written. I do believe that you can inadvertently cause things to happen, shifts in reality or in your own mindset, because of the words and energies you put out into the world. One thing I've pointed out to my kids is that the world is not a very big place and there's no real need to contribute to the negative feelings surrounding it. IOW, think positive, be positive, and add to the happy/good/positive in the world.
  3. How's it going? I was thinking, 24 hours with the new treatments would, hopefully, show some improvement. :grouphug:
  4. We started late and I'm thinking, the second time around we'll do lots of projects and the third time around we'll hit all the extra books. It's the only way we would catch up. As long as you've laid a good ground work (at least read the stories), I would not worry about it at all!
  5. Check eequalsmcq.com, under Chemistry, there's a set on the periodic table.
  6. I've known adults to mispronounce words they had never seen written. Once you grasp phonics it's so much easier to know how to say things. He's still little yet and working on his speaking skills, I would not worry at all. Give him time, practice enunciating together (emancipation proclomation, had to say that a zillion times in Pre-K to work on my enunciation). Again, I've known grown ups that mush words if they've only heard them, reading teaches you a greater clarity of speech.
  7. :grouphug: I hope all is well. We don't have insurance either and it is so difficult to balance these things. I hope your kids cards come soon.
  8. http://eequalsmcq.com/index.htm I love this site. He has a new Chemistry curriculum, WOOHOO!
  9. :iagree: Sorry, like I said I'm bushed :) I would check Dalmation Press (Walmart) for children's versions.
  10. I remember the DC sniper, once they hit Fredericksburg, all outdoor sports were cancelled, and we're 45 min from Fred. I'd keep them in, because I'm paranoid :)
  11. Milton wrote, 'Paradise Lost' They're all authors, I believe, but I'm pretty darn tired today. Go to Amazon and put their names in the search bar there.
  12. Are you familiar with the area he was in? I would be interested to know if it's considered a "bad part of town."
  13. We started using a different spelling program. We'd been using something I had found online, but his scores let me know it wasn't doing its job. We also switched math, but that was just because I thought he could have done better, iykwIm.
  14. The Dangerous Book for Boys/Girls (both if you need both :) ) Those are full of kid do-it-yourself ideas. Also, we got the kids disposable cameras, so they could take their own pictures of our vacation. Oh, and a first aid kit, really, lots of band aids and all the usual kid medicine in your medicine cabinet at home. Calamine lotion, aloe vera, anti itch spray.... stuff to pop popcorn over the fire (or stove), stuff for smores... hot dogs (if you don't eat this stuff, then ignore me, and I'm sorry if I offend). Apples too, all those are GREAT over an open flame, pop em on a stick and the kids will think they're eating like kings ;)
  15. We tortured my great-grandmother with the knowledge of her husband's death (over a decade before) for awhile, before my gramma decided to just humor her. Losing someone once is difficult, losing them over and over again.... I couldn't imagine the pain. I vote, lie to her. There's no sense in repeatedly breaking it to her, it won't stick and will only make her grieve anew.
  16. First, thank you all for your responses. It is comforting to know that ds is not the only one doing this. I'd ran a search, but only came up with the vague idea that other people had experienced night terrors, but nothing mentioning the extent, or the idea that mom and dad might be more scared than the dc. He's gotten the medication, but I think the night terrors are more related to the fever than the strep, since he's had it once before with a fever. Now I know, stay calm, at least outwardly, and try to just let it pass. I think that is going to be the hardest part, just letting it pass.
  17. We've been slinging strep around this week and my older ds just caught it yesterday (or started showing the symptoms). The last time he was sick with a fever he had a night terror. It was the only time I'd been confronted with this situation and I was frantic. Last night at 2, he woke up screaming with his eyes wizzing around and it took me a little while to figure out it was another night terror. Then, at 5 it happened again, only this time dh was there (it was the first time he'd seen it). Dh wanted to rush him a. to the emergency room, b. to the local psychiatric hospital, and c. to a priest. Please tell me I'm not the only one that goes through this and finds themself terrified every.single.time that ds has had a break from reality or might be possessed or something. He'll talk to me, it doesn't make complete sense, but he will talk, he can drink water (for some reason I feel compelled to hydrate him when he's like this), he'll walk around, but you can see in his eyes that he's 'not there' iykwIm. I read up on night terrors after the doc offered me that explanation, but they don't mention interracting. Oh, and when it's over, it's almost like he was hypnotized. His head droops down, he goes to sleep and a few minutes later, wakes up with no idea what has just gone on. The episodes have lasted between ten minutes and forever (it seems that way, I would guess at the very least a half hour, but it feels like days). Help, tell me this happens to other people, please. Should I send him to bed when he 'wakes up' like this? I want to splash water in his face, slap him, make him walk around, anything to make it stop, but rationally (now that it's over I can BE rational) sending him back to bed seems like the best thing... any info will be greatly appreciated.
  18. I think that has more to do with the Crystal Skull theory. I believe that Machu Pichu is supposed to be where they originated and once all the skulls are put into their proper places they either surround it or it's the center of the power they're supposed to eminate. (insert spooky music)
  19. :iagree: (I don't know what it is either, but I've always heard it referred to in a very negative light :lol:)
  20. Plotting a massive plate licking (kids get your scuba suits on!) How shocked do you think they'd be to wake up with my children licking their silverwear???
  21. I would like to find the home of those that sent their sick child to a b-day party this week and reinfect every.member.of.the.family. I want to send my dcs to lick all the cups and silver wear. At least then we could watch the fireworks... Stuck at home tomorrow. Unlike SOME people, I don't want to spread the misery around. I'm not bitter, not bitter at all :)
  22. The crystal skull thing is creepy. Documentaries are so dangerous to my mental well being.
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