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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. You're also kind and understanding. You are a good friend. You are a giver, you give of yourself freely. Not so tough. You, also, are understanding and family has great meaning for you. You love your mom, even if she hasn't been very fair to you or your dcs. You must be a good cook, lol. And, I'm going to say a hug from you is a great experience. I struggle with my weight too, okay, so I'm huge, but my kids and my husband LOVE my soft hugs, sometimes they even call me Skish, great term of endearment. Also, you are willing to see past things you may disagree with in order to love (in a neighborly way) the person underneath. Good for you :) Elm, you obviously care, quite a bit, about your family. You struggling means you are trying to be "better," that also means you strive, which is something I stink at, and you hope, which is always a good thing.
  2. I'm not sure that anyone is trying to imply that non-spanked kids are going to end up dead or burned or anything. It's that, for some parents, in those cases spankings are deemed the best possible solution. I was spanked as a child, but found being chastised in public, or infront of anyone, really, to be crushingly embarassing. I do not argue with my dh in public and I pull my kids aside, where no one else is, before I speak with them about bad behavior. It's interesting, because that embarrassment has had a HUGE impact on how I treat my family. Spankings were just spankings. The things that earned me one, I did.not.do.again. They hurt, physically, but (with a single exception) emotionally I was more sad that I had caused it than anything else.
  3. Driving down 301 and dd undid her seat belt and climbed in the back window. I almost had a heart attack. Older ds, tried to pull Grampa's feeding tube out, I could not get him to understand it wasn't a game. Youngest attempted to jump off the end of a pier into the river.
  4. Okay, I don't get it. Is this literal, or was RegGuheert on to something?
  5. Happy Birthday to you! (chachacha) Happy Birthday to you! (chachacha) :grouphug: Now go enjoy yourself! :auto:
  6. That's how I feel too, there must be something good here, for my dh and dcs to love me like they do :)
  7. Thank you, I didn't even want to respond.

  8. How about when you insinuated that it was because you were from the North? Yes, yes, you're so cultured. Good for you, didn't realize this was a Brag Alert. Oh, and btw, the South encompasses more than merely one state. Check a map, maybe they don't do geography up North?
  9. Because, as we all know, people in the South are slow, backwards and cling onto the past. We can't help it.:glare: :blink:No, not judgemental at all. or that we have not... Because many parents have and most...
  10. My husband loves me, my kids love me and think I know everything :) I do well as a leader for kids (not so much adults)... as a matter of fact, I'm pretty darn good with kids.
  11. How old is your dc? Luke's using it and the slowness helps cement the concepts, but for an older child, I imagine you could go faster.
  12. I would have to put the beating the dead horse threads above the brag threads, but yes, the brag threads make me feel bad. I'm happy that others are doing so well, and I am hopeful that my dcs will have accomplishments like these one day, but (isn't there always a butt?) it makes me worry more than I might have (are we doing enough, am I ruining my kids?!?) and... well... I was raised not to brag, not to say there's anything wrong with anyone bragging, and it makes me uncomfortable, see pride before destruction, Murphy's Law, etc. I always want to knock on wood for people that post them. Or wish them good luck or send them blessings :lol: and we all know where THAT would get me.
  13. It depends on the situation. When I coached soccer most of the kids and (imo, strangely) many of the parents hugged me after games/practices. At Scouts and 4H I have a no touch policy, which I've explained to my own kids and those little soccer fanatics that seem to need to touch me. It goes against the rules, so no hugging. At church, I've always been a bit of a hugger. Ime, it's pretty easy to tell who does and does not want to be hugged/hand shake/etc. and I usually give a quick wave, even when we're within feet of each other, as if to say, no worries, I won't touch you, goodbye ;) I will say, I HAVE to do something with my hands, ergo the wave. I've always been bad at keeping my hands still.
  14. Tone is a big factor. Ds has one friend that is, imo, extremely rude. His tone is a dead give away. When he asks questions like that I normally respond with, 'if you don't care to be polite, I don't care to answer. Goodbye, then,' followed with a smile and a closed door. However, lots of kids, at that age, are still learning tact :) With them, I say he's busy, or it's just not a good time.
  15. Alison, think of those people that are rude and/or nasty for no obvious reason, that's a troll. There's plenty irl too :glare:
  16. Well, I am shocked and appalled! How dare you post such a controversial thread! Really! My word! So forth and so on. :lol:
  17. I would not say it was harassment, unless people starting sending things to their home, calling them, or otherwise interfering in their day-to-day lives. If you post something online and do not set up some sort of privacy features, then you may get some nasty input. The internet is like a vast stage and once you put yourself into a spot light, any spot light, you risk a face full of rotten veggies. It would not surprise me if the majority of the hate mail is being sent by kids, they are responsible for a lot of the really negative comments on most other sites I use.
  18. Lol... no, but maybe we could impliment that ;)
  19. Not so icky. There's more clean-up needed afterwards, but... well... it's better than being frustrated, iykwIm.
  20. My brother had a purple burn when we were kids. It was sun poisoning. I would go to a doctor (doctor doctor, not dermo doctor, iykwIm).
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