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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I completely agree. The fact that only American citizens can be called 'terrorists' is extremely disturbing. The whole thing was really disturbing... not to mention the fact that our Federal government can hop right past our local governments and give OUR police warnings against us. Granted, most of the cops out here fall into the possible terrorist catergory, so we weren't too concerned.
  2. Yes, you and I both, but you're not going into a home any decade soon. I'm talking about your parents' generation, the folks that were lied to about that.
  3. Yes, but some of those taxes were supposed to be set aside for later, to deal with these issues. They gave x dollars for their futures and the government spent it as it came in, instead of putting it into some sort of savings plan. Now, do we say, golly they screwed you, sorry, and leave it at that? Or, do we pay these people what they are owed based on an agreement with our government, and simply make it clear that from today forward, your SS/Medicaid money goes to pay whatever DC says it should and is only titled SS/Med money to make you feel less sick about having to pay it?
  4. If you think you're wrong, then you're going to feel guilty. I read your reasons, and I'm sure, in the back of your head you're thinking, 'good reasons, BUT maybe I'm just not trying hard enough' (or something along those lines). Ask yourself, if I was someone else looking in, would I think it's rediculous to have a house keeper? Would I think it was wrong? Would I even care? You are your own worst critique and sometimes seeing someone else's pov helps :)
  5. But, for those in homes today, the government told them they would be okay in their old age, because they paid for SS. As for why we're broke... I'm more miffed about bridges to nowhere, pork pork pork, art shows on the public bill, and spending of that sort. Someone giving their family their possessions and then qualifying for more gov. assistance does not bother me in the least.
  6. How many years did these people pay into the system? How long did they contribute to SS? Folks with property to lose are not folks that have milked the system all the way. These are people that PAID their taxes, people that were told, pay into SS and we will take care of you when you are too old to do so. As for home care.... I'm all for it, however, in some situations the family cannot handle it. In those cases, the family puts themselves at risk (for charges of abuse/neglect), if they don't get outside help. For a family that cannot afford that, state care is the only way to go.
  7. I have a solution! Instead of giving their things to their kids to 'rob' the government...... They should all rob banks. Get locked up in prison, hey, they'll even be treated like grown-ups! Free meals, bed, tv, medical care, lots of exercise and entertainment, and no one complaining that they're robbing the system. Sigh. I'm going to call my gramma and give her the good news :) What a relief.
  8. I meant for the people that think sharing refills is wrong, period. If it's wrong to share refills, because you are supposed to pay for separate drinks, then isn't it wrong to share any drinks? I mean, if you share a bottled water, you just stole a sale from that poor company! (C'mon Peek, work with me here)
  9. I was hoping for responses from the other side of the coin, lol. I don't understand why, if it's something that will not be used, why anyone should keep it. Beyond the millions of furtive old people out to get the government and our tax dollars, those few people that have things that are important to their FAMILY, iow, not themselves alone, but their family and heritage, why they should be FORCED to keep these things and let them fall into disrepair, or (imo, worse) other people's hands. I've always thought it was the RESPONSIBLE thing, to pass on what you have, while you still can, while you can still explain its meaning or signifigance, especially if you know it's something you will not be able to care for. How silly for someone in a home to still own their house and their things, when they will never go back to them. What could be the point? And then, should they be forced to sell things they would've given away in their will anyway? I mean, just because you're going into a home doesn't mean the government should suddenly have a complete say over the things that belong to you and your people. Sorry, that went rambling on, lol... Hopefully, my point came across ;)
  10. So, is it wrong to give your things away before you go into a home?
  11. :iagree: If we go to a fast food place, which we seldom do, then I have no problem drinking off the kids' cups or all of us sharing a big drink. Granted, I'm not going to get a small drink and refill it over and over and over, but I have no problem with drink sharing.... If it's wrong to share drinks with refills, is it wrong to just share drinks? Wondering if the milkshake for two is no longer a sweet thing, just a devious underhanded way of making theft more pallatable.
  12. I think the reason you should not steal, is because it would lower you to corporation standards. The problem with codes, like Hammurabi's, are that they ignore individual truths for a less honest, blanket truth. An eye for an eye, simple and straightforward, but it does not take into account the person who accidently destroyed someone's eye, or the good samaritan that tried to help someone and their eye problem, but made it worse or simply couldn't fix it and is now blamed for the loss of the eye. Yes, corporations are immoral money machines that ignore the individual in order to bring in as much money as possible, BUT the corporations are made on the backs of MANY individuals and when you steal from the corporation, if, for instance, you keep that dollar, then, it's not the corporation that will suffer, but the INDIVIDUAL whose register comes up short. What it comes down to, is that petty revenges, keeping the gum or the dollar, will not contribute to ending corporations. All it will do is add more negative to the world, create another person getting screwed for something they have little to nothing to do with, and contribute to the overall sense of resentment and anger at a system that has become so focused on equalizing us all, that it's starting to strip our humanity away.
  13. We bought an outside can, the kind where the handles hold the lid closed, and use green trash bags. It's much more convenient and it has wheels. Our kitchen is small too, but with the wheels on the bottom, we move the trash can to whatever corner is not in use at the moment.
  14. I didn't know we were reading again! I'll go comment on the SL, it's only been a few months since I read it last.
  15. I'm not sure that many people do this with nefarious purposes in mind. My grandmother is giving away many of her things. Every time I see her, she gives me something and does the same for everyone else, for every visit. Her thought is to clear up any issues BEFORE she becomes incapable of doing it herself. Rather than relying on her kids to be fair to eachother and not create huge family rifts, she's doing everything she can to give her things away before it becomes an issue. Now, she may move into a home eventually (I doubt it, we're a big family and have many people willing to care for her), if she does, she will have nothing/no assets. It's not because she wants to cheat the government, it's because she doesn't want to be the cause of uproar later.
  16. The one in our fridge sets off an alarm if it's left open for too long. The kids hate him, because we always know when they're window shopping for something to munch on, lol.
  17. clean out your coffee pot. It's easy and effective, you can see a difference... either that or dust the top of the refrigerator. Either way, you get something that needed to be done, done, quickly, with immediate results. Oh, or you could wash the car. Those kinds of things. They make me feel moderately better when the dumps have lasted beyond a week.
  18. Just wanted to say... This wins my best thread ever award. Congratulations!
  19. Love being the only voter. It's much harder to figure out my answer that way...........:glare:
  20. Sometimes you just have to purge. Even if it has nothing to do with politics or the spouse ;)
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