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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. E H's web site is FANTASTIC! Thank you for the link!
  2. :lol: Luke is definitely "active." We'd agreed, before starting Andrew hsing, that we would pull Luke from school before we allowed them to medicate him. Jocelyn is in Middle School and I don't want to disrupt her life in such a big way. However, if we were to move, she would not get enrolled in another school.
  3. My neighbor is changing his daughter's name, completely. Situation is a little different, she is his bio child and was born while he was in Iraq, her mother had become a meth addict while he was gone and really botched her name. Now that psycho mom is out of the picture, Dad is changing the whole shebang. I would say, do it. I couldn't imagine the little girl across the street trying to explain that her name is Jocelyn and spelled Jostlelin, because her mom was a druggie.
  4. I agree with the pps, who said you should check the ending. The book may end well and make him feel better. Otherwise, my kids have an imaginary dream book. They picture a giant book in their minds and then flip through the pages to the kind of dreams they want to have. We talk about what they're going to dream and all the great things that will happen. Granted, I only do this when we've had nightmares or they have seen/heard something really scary before bed, but it does work :)
  5. One minute we're selfishly depriving our kids, not putting them first, the next we're selfishly depriving every one else's kids... not putting them first.... I wonder what that author will do when she has kids.
  6. Now that I've started hsing, I could not imagine putting my youngest in school. We're going to start PreK (at home) in September, so when he is old enough to start he'll be so far ahead, there won't be any point. Believe me, I'm hearing about this already. What's funny is how easy it is for "concerned" friends and family to dodge back and forth. My oldest is in ps. She loves it, she does well and I can't think of a good reason (beyond the fact, that her education would be better) to take her out. She is getting an education, good enough for community college anyway, but she enjoys school enough that I'm not willing to remove her. That gets used too. If hsing is so superior, then why is she still in school? If ps is good enough for her, then why not my boys? One moment, I'm being selfish, the next, I'm picking favorites......... argh! My gramma, tg, is super supportive. At least I have her.
  7. How do you know where to start for Singapore and MEP? My ds is doing well with a fly by the seat of my pants approach, but the more I hear/read about Singapore and MEP, the more I want to put him into them.
  8. The ones here do not allow children and have no child care options, that nixed it for me. We do the YMCA. They have free day care for up to two hours a day. They have tons of machines, a pool, a Wii, DDR, weights, and a basketball court. They even have a homeschool gym twice a week, as well as various kid exercise programs for my older dcs.
  9. LOL, I would update my various pages, but I'm much too busy buzzing on here.... (I once spent an entire day on Disney, planning an imaginary vacation... I am the QUEEN of procrastinating and completing somewhat meaningless things) From HEAV: Make a new file called "housework." Put it on your desk top. Move it to your recycling bin. Now, empty your recycling bin. "Do you want to delete housework?" Click "yes." Repeat as necessary ;)
  10. For Miquon, do they have to be able to write? I was not going to push writing, as per TWTM, focusing more on reading until Luke was ready. Looking at the sample pages, there is writing involved, I was just wondering if you skipped the writing or if your dc is just that incredible ;) I really do appreciate you answering all of my questions :)
  11. A wildlife rehabilitator (sorry for my spelling), would be an excellent person to contact. They have everything you need, including all the information you could possibly want :) The dog warden, game warden, or animal control office should have contact info. for you.
  12. :iagree: With an exception for any creepy or drug/alcohol addicted family members.
  13. I only ordered the rods for right now. I shouldn't have ordered those, but I couldn't help myself... one moment I was considering the next moment my order was confirmed, lol. Dh and I both have great heads for numbers, but we had much the same problems in school that SpyCar mentioned in another thread. I slept through three years of high school math, managed A's and B's, but never felt compelled to continue on with Calculus. An exciting, usable, and affordable math program sounds so exciting! I wanted to do Singapore with my older ds, but he was already in 2nd grade and I couldn't figure out where to start :(. Luke will get a good math education from the ground up.
  14. I'll have to wait for another pay day, but I am going to get these. (So naughty, already ordered the rods.) Thanks, Spy Car and Carmen, for the info!
  15. LOL! Move here, with your family........... lol, not move on, lol, omg, what a horrible mistake!!!!!

  16. A problem teach, an advance son, and a refusal to let it have a negative impact on his future.
  17. Holy cow, Rosie, you brought tears to my eyes. Thank you :grouphug:
  18. Is there any way I could get you to move here? Life would be so much easier if I could just walk over and bug you :)

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