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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Okay, I thought you were just trying to get her a second chance delivery.... Sort of miffed. SO GLAD I MISUNDERSTOOD. sigh :001_smile:
  2. I see your point. It's not as though her opening post was about the crazy long island ice tea sessions (rofl), it was a pretty general outline of her life style. It also explains dw2, for those that asked. At the same time, things of this manner (alternative lifestyles) are matters of great contention. I would be surprised if she expected this post to be a cake walk with lots of support. And, again, I agree, the General Board is FULL of posts that have nothing to do with homeschooling, except that they concern homeschoolers. Hey, I've posted plenty, responded to plenty, and tend to find them a great deal of fun :)
  3. I think the bell was broken. Don't get someone in trouble for not doing their job, when they did their job, but the contact equipment malfunctioned. Check the slip, sometimes you can sign it, giving them permission to leave the package on your porch. Granted, you run the risk of having it stolen, but that way, if you miss him and you're at home, you'll still get your package.
  4. A thread explaining why certain tags may be used, because of the beliefs held by those that choose the tags? :001_huh:
  5. The monogamous relationships I've seen end, tended to be because they stopped being monogamous. Interesting lifestyle choice, I couldn't do it ;), but then, there's LOTS of things I couldn't do. (We call tea, happy happy fun time, or Mom and Dad making the bed.)
  6. :lol: Check her temperature and then send her here right away! Our vents haven't been cleaned in eons!
  7. I put all his test/review grades into an Excel file, every Friday. I've kept everything he's done so far, but it's only been seven months, lol, I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep it all, but I'm thinking of throwing together a BIG folder for each four year period.
  8. I think I'll just put a CD on TOP of his video. Then, even if he doesn't use it, I can PRETEND he does, rather than his other video. I understand the dislike of live action. I got rid of the rags, because it's easier for the boys to access the visual material if it's on paper. The only VCR is in our bedroom, and it is not hooked up, unless I hook it up. The video is kept in a safe place. It's funny, we have a bow and arrow set, bb gun, and an old rifle that are easier to get to than dh's porn. Shows where porn lines up in my esteem. Oh, and I don't feel sorry for the adult women in most of the porn industry. They're adults. We don't do strip clubs, period. Dh is uncomfortable with the idea of maybe getting "happy" while sitting with a group of friends and I think it crosses the line.
  9. He knows what it stands for and just finds it hilarious that my friend would call him 'dear husband.'
  10. We're about nine years behind you guys, but I've passed the attempts to intellectualize porn. I can't, period. Dh and I had a looooong talk where I told him I was TRYING to be rational and to see that this isn't "cheating" and that I should not be threatened by these disgusting women and their bizarre antics, but.... BUT, I still feel that way, and all the rationalization and thought in the world will not change that. He's found a few things that work the same way for him (for instance, me having male friends). We've both agreed, then, that with few exceptions (his one tape and one very dear friends of mine), we'd put limits on these activities. It's funny, I don't get hurt if I catch him 'making tea' (unless I wanted to take part). It's knowing he is getting excited over other women, especially women that are doing things I cannot bring myself to do. I love him, I want to be his 'favorite,' iykwIm. I can admire a pretty woman along with my dh (fully clothed people we either know or saw). I don't mind him finding women attractive, it's enjoying himself while seeing these women. It's amazing how quickly they understand the hurt when their wives are the ones looking. :glare: Someone else posted a tip... about making pics/etc for dh, iykwIm. Thanks, I hadn't even thought of it. I think I could stomach him looking at ME for that.
  11. First, I hear so much about porn breaking up marriages so I am wondering, is your dh looking at porn a leavable offense? No If not what are the consequences? Alot of crying and hurt feelings on my part and guilt guilt guilt on his. How do you work it out? I chucked all of his skin rags, we have a no porn on the internet law (rule shmool, it's a law), and we have one video tape of porn. I despise that video and will dance on its ruined carcass the day the VCR eats it. Until then, it's an "emergency only" thing. What if you have a complete difference of opinion on the matter? What if your dh agrees to physically do as you request but you know that he feels differently on the matter, how do you handle that. We agree that it's not good for either of us. However, he doesn't watch it, for the most part, because he knows how I feel about it. That bothers me some, but not as much as if he watched it regardless of my feelings. Is there anyone out there that intellectually understands why men view porn but still have emotional issues with it? Visual stimulation. It's not as though they're there for the plot or the story line or that artistry. I was gone Wed. - Sat., he watched his little video, to help him sleep :glare:, because he missed me sooooo much. I'm irritated and hurt, but .... well, I'll choose my battles and if keeping that one video keeps him happy enough to NOT buy new porn (or search it out), then that's good enough for me. The internet porn ended, the day I found out about it. I hit the roof. I asked how HE would feel about me doing some searches, how he would feel about me mentally cheating on him every.single.time. he left the house. The war raged for about a week. Then, I did some searches (gross), then he decided he didn't like internet porn after all.
  12. Am I the only one that catches themselves using dc, ds, dd, dh in real life? I didn't realize how often it slips out until today. My friend called and asked if DH thought it would be alright for us to go camping. We talked for a few minutes and then she asked, where did the nickname DH come from... :001_huh: I said it wasn't his nickname, it's an acronym for 'dear husband' from a forum I use, how in the world had she heard of it??? I have, apparently, been calling my dh 'DH' often enough that she thought it was his new nickname... :lol: I think I'm on here too often.
  13. VA Beach is really nice. It depends on what you're going for; a historical vacation, a vacation vacation, iykwIm.
  14. September should be okayish for heat and humidity. Some Septembers are cool, others are in the dog days... wish I could be more help on that front. I would DEFINITELY do a stop in DC. You could spend your entire vacation there and still not see everything. The Air and Space Museum is really cool, my dcs LOVE it, there's tons of museums. How much history were you going for? George Washington's house (Mount Vernon) is really nice, you get to see the bed he died in and his tomb, both of which are more moving than one might expect. Further south, Fredericksburg, you can visit his (GW's) boyhood home (Ferry Farm). Then, out here (Westmoreland) you can see his birth place, and the tombs of some of his family, but we're pretty out of the way.
  15. Imo, it would just add more numbers into the mix. I LIKE the ppd listed stuff, :) less to consider. I can see, though, where listing the shipping separate could help, at least then you know how much you're paying for handling. I haven't noticed anyone on here that gouges you with shipping costs, but on Ebay and Amazon it can get rediculous.
  16. Wow, I had no idea. The news here is all Metro, since five yesterday. Poor Ed :( Poor Ed's wife :(
  17. I was sort of surprised by the cost of SOME used curriculum. The stuff I've bought from the Hive has been, imo, well priced, if not down right cheap, but the stuff I'm looking for, Sotw Vol. 2 for example, costs nearly as much used as it did new... Well, if the difference is a few dollars I'll buy new, because I appreciate all the work that went into it and would rather pay the people that made it. P.S. - the Sotw 2 that I've been bidding on, on Ebay, is now past 60 (when you add in shipping). That is something I've never understood about Ebay, the people that are willing to pay MORE for something used, when they could go to the site and end up with BRAND NEW stuff. Augh, I dislike Ebay strongly :(
  18. :iagree: (now that I know what my opinion should be)
  19. I don't believe that is a federal issue at all. I do not believe the Federal Government should be adding things to the Constitution in regard to this at all. As far as states go, since marraige IS something under state control, I'd say it's up to the states. I do not believe states should have laws AGAINST homosexuals living together or having consentual s*x. Personally, I think coming up with some state sanctioned unions, and removing marraige from the terms, for all people, would be the best way to go. But then, I also think that these unions should have very few requirements, except they should be entered into voluntarily and the people should be in agreement that the union will last for X number of years. Let churches handle "marraige."
  20. You might want to try experimenting with seat cushions. I found that by surrounding myself with pillows in specific areas, I was able to do longer stretches of sitting. Try to fit in a chiropractor visit, they know exercises and what to stretch/what not to stretch. Do NOT go to a massage therapist. If his tense muscles are holding things in place, getting a massage means that support will not be there. In my case, it meant a week of being completely unable to move without excruciating pain. :grouphug:
  21. I wonder if it occurred to the people in this competition that 50 grand, while it sounds lovely, is not making you comfy for life... I mean, they had to put life on hold for HOW LONG? And for what? 25 grand in taxes :lol: Woohoo!
  22. We stopped traveling for visits. Every once in a blue moon I drive out to see my gramma, but for the rest of the extended family... unless I have some other reason for being in your state, no visits. We're always happy to find people places to stay here (outside of our house), but we've just stopped going. Incredibly, my brother and sister discovered the road runs both ways and have managed to come see us here a few times. We don't live too far apart, but the visits have become much more balanced (whose house are we meeting at this month?).
  23. Wicked is pretty good :) Love love love Tale of Two Cities I just finished all of the books I was reading. Farenheit 451 - :D great book. Catcher in the Rye - :glare: Okay, I don't get all the fuss. Did.not.like.it. The Broken Window - :001_huh: POSSIBLE SPOILER Lincoln Ryme story, not one of my favs. I don't like who dunnits where the culprit is someone no one really discussed. IOW, you CAN'T figure out who dunnit, because it's from so far out in left field. Moving on to: The Grapes of Wrath To Kill a Mockingbird (with dd) Holes (with ds) Crime and Punishment (with the book club on here :tongue_smilie:) Another TBA, by my red hat book club
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