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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Wow, you opened a can of writhing angry snakes with that post! LOL, hey, but there is the tiniest bit of pride in having a post that has pages upon pages upon pages of responses :)

  2. That is something I want/need/will remember and I'll share it with dh once him and the boys are done playing video games :tongue_smilie: One thing, though. She can't change her husband. She can lead by example, she can talk and everything else, but if there's one thing I've learned, it's easier to work on yourself first, if only because you are the only person you can expect to control.
  3. Ok, what is Farmtown (looking at my daily schedule and thinking, I don't have to eat, heck I'm overweight and adding more games to my day could be a healthy alternative to food).
  4. Why was this tagged stereotypes? I'm still waffling, but if I decide to commit to yet another online game that will rob my home of untold hours of cleaning I'll let you guys know ;) I didn't know you could join as many mafias as you want. What happens if two of the ones you're in decide to battle, or whatever it is they do?
  5. It sounded to me more like this was something that meant a great deal to him, less because he wants her to make his food, more like, he wants her to WANT to make his food, iykwIm. I understand that completely, I want my dh to WANT to help me. Him helping makes me feel loved, I get the warm fuzzies whenever he picks up and puts things away. Often, the things we point to as the root of the problem are really just a symptom. It sounds like he feels as though their living in separate spheres and the lunches are just one thing that he's lost. He wants her involved in his life, he wants her invested in his life. Of course, I could be completely wrong :)
  6. Check with the ASPCA, they will usually put out traps, fix the cats and then rerelease them, if they are feral. The smallest litter of cats I've ever seen was 3...
  7. I've been having family members duke it out over who's team or mob or whatever I'll be on... little do they know I don't really want to play. So, how does it work, what do you do, and do I really want to try this?
  8. We went through an incredibly bad period about four years ago. I've found that on Fridays, before dh gets home from work, I need to shake out all the negative, angry, bitter things I've been feeling and turn the page, so to speak. Friday night, we start fresh. I "forget" that he was late on Wednesday or forgot to pick up my smokes on Tuesday or left without a kiss goodbye on Monday. I move on, if I can... if I can't, then I sit down and try to rationally put together whatever issues are lingering. I still have a hard time discussing these things, but his responses (normally, wow, that really bothered you :confused:) are actually very comforting. The most important part is to remember to move forward. Keeping score is bad for everyone, even you :). :grouphug:
  9. So, does the pool actually have a policy on this? Or was the guy who kicked them out having a bad word putting together day? Read lots of the posts....... Peek, I totally agree with you.
  10. :grouphug::grouphug: Is today the day? Or are my days off???? :grouphug::grouphug: So EXCITED for you! Sickness, bah! You are embarking on a grand adventure and I expect lots of updates on here so we can all live vicariously through you! :grouphug::grouphug: and a little girl squeel EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for good measure :)
  11. Okay, so you did try to move ahead... maybe your chili analogy is exactly what's going on. The facts just need to marinate. Side note, I did not understand less than or greater than using the signs until I was in Algebra I. I just never understood what the teacher was saying, it was like they would magically transform into a Charlie Brown teacher whenever that came up (Wawa wawawawa wa). I finally had a teacher that explained the Pac Man system... I was his star pupil, lol, and I missed that basic fact. I guess just let him run while it's running and let him soak when he needs it... What a fun situation to be in :grouphug:
  12. OMG, that was so funny, I have tears running down my face. Thanks!:lol:
  13. I had a squirrel fall on my car. In my driveway. Just as we were leaving for swimming. Oh, the kids LOVED that.:glare: Thanks for getting my revenge.
  14. Adventures with Atoms and Molecules Robert C. Mebane and Thomas R. Rybolt It's all experiments, all done with stuff found around the house (or easily purchased at the grocery store).
  15. This is probably a stupid question, but I'm going to ask anyway... At any point in all these years of second grade math, did you use third grade books? Is it possible that they just got so used to doing second grade math that once something new popped up they were stumped? I, sort of, did this in school. I accellerated so fast they removed me from half of my classes and let me sit in the fire escape... when I hit high school and there was new material, it took me a year to get used to having to learn again. Maybe that's all it is?
  16. I remember one sermon I heard as a teen. The preacher shut off the lights and then turned them back on again. She asked, is there any darkness hiding from the light? Any darkness that has managed to finagle a spot of safety? Did the darkness battle the light, once it was switched on? No. This is not translating very well into typing, you had to be there, I guess. Her point was, God is light and light does not struggle with darkness, once you've turned it on, it's on, the dark is banished. What you'd said reminded me of that... and now, I'm wondering why I felt like adding to this, but at the beginning, it all made since. Eventually, I'll probably ETA whatever my original point (which I've now forgotten) was... oops :)
  17. Holy cow! Er, not to offend, how about, by crickie! I understand your irritation with people being less than sensitive to someone's death, but that was maybe, perhaps, mildly over the line... :grouphug: Some people just aren't fans (me) and for some, they find it ironic that so many people would mourn and things for someone who's dead while neglecting their own souls. :grouphug: It's alllll gooooood.
  18. Ds is doing Hey Andrew! Greek and finishing up Prima Latina. He got through the first book (the alphabet) in about three months... so far, so good. He loved Latin, at first, but learning Greek is (in HIS opinion), "way cooler, because I get to learn secret letters too!" The first book for Hey Andrew! is easy enough to finish in less than a complete school year, so, I would recommend you start Latin and then add in Greek halfway through the year. That way you'll know if your dc is going to be okay with two languages. ETA I missed that you already had a different Greek program lined up... I can't speak for that program, sorry :(
  19. Peek, is that why you were banned? ;) The cops grounded you, didn't they.
  20. :lol: You and the OP are so FUNNY! Yeah, ask me whether or not my chores are done (nope!). I call it procrastinating until a really savory deadline appears. I work better under pressure, extreme pressure, like there's someone at the door and I need to hurry up and clean NOW pressure ;)
  21. The story of Abraham and Moses are found in more than just Christian writings. Of course, if you wanted to discount historical writings, then half of history goes down the tubes. I found this on the BBC web site: The tale of the basket The story of the infant Moses being set adrift in a basket bears remarkable similarities to an old Babylonian myth about a great King called Sargon who was discovered as a baby in a basket in a river. Between 600 and 300 BCE, Jewish scribes in Jerusalem set out to record all the old tales of their people, handed down from generation to generation. What if the scribes had wanted to add a bit of spice to their tales to make them more interesting? Could they have used the myth of Sargon and made up the tale of Moses? It's certainly possible as we know the Jews were captured by the Babylonians in 587 BCE and held in exile in Babylon (modern Iraq) for some time. They could have picked up the Sargon legend there. Egyptologist Jim Hoffmeier studied the original Hebrew text. He found that key words in the story - bulrushes, papyrus, Nile, riverbank - were all ancient Egyptian words, and not Babylonian. But what about the name 'Moses'? It is an Egyptian name meaning 'One who is born'. It uses the same root as 'Ramses'. It's hard to believe that a Hebrew scribe, one thousand years later, could have come up with a story using authentic Egyptian words. Well actually there are many stories of babies being put in baskets and exposed or put in water. This was an ancient way of putting a child out to the fate of the gods. Today people put babies in baskets and put them on church doorsteps.Jim Hoffmeier, Egyptologist Sorry about the various fonts, but my computer does not want me to type in normal font........ arg! Anyway, there's more, here's a link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/judaism/history/moses_3.shtml There are arguments over whether or not any of the historical references in the Bible, Koran and Tora are correct, but with my puter being so cooperative :glare: this is the best I can get to refute that.
  22. Jesus was covered the same way Buddah was, imo. If you don't want your dc to know anything about Christianity, then you could very easily skip those stories. The stories that are taught as truth are based in fact, not so much in faith, iykwIm.
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