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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I have them lined up on ds's desk and we use them often. World History is a new subject for me and I find, being able to just grab the right book and look up things while we're working on it, helps me a lot.
  2. Sure, that too. I would not take someone else's kids to my parents' house and just let them go wandering! Then, my parents would not have put up with that either, and their room is off limits for everyone, but them. I've had them send MY kids home for breaking that rule.
  3. Kalah, I get jokes :lol: Tattling is one of those things I'm unsure about. I would wonder at the NEED to tattle so MUCH (what could my ds be DOING????). If the child is running to his mom, then let his mom handle it. I wouldn't butt in or anything, besides making you look defensive (and arguing with a child), it would also be stomping on your sister's toes. If it's a really huge problem, then don't let them play together alone.
  4. I was wondering more, why the parents of someone killed by a gun would have so many????? I still have to say, the kids should have never gone into their bedroom. I'm trying to see this from their point of view and I wonder if they really believed the kids would respect their personal space.
  5. I would not be happy that my dcs went into someone's bedroom. They would have gotten, at the very least a stern lecture. See, I want them to remember NEXT time they start following some adorable little kitties that they need to stop, before they go into someone's room and if I did not react to it happening the first time, why would they remember the next time? Also, had they followed that rule to begin with, the guns would not have become an issue. If they knew enough about guns they could turn the safety off, and I guess messing around with it enough they might be able to, but I don't see it happening purely by accident. That is a lot of guns, imo, but, it's their house. I'm going to guess, they don't normally have the kids in their bedroom. She must've felt well prepared. I don't think you're overreacting. You feel strongly about this. Your friend ADMITTED she should have been watching them closer. If it was me, I would probably do the same thing. I'm not going to lambast them for having guns, or the friend for letting her kids visit, but I would not be comfortable sending MY kids over there. I do not ask about safety issues... I go to the house and hang out with the parents before I leave my kids places. I get to know the adults and decide if I trust them or not.
  6. My point was, if the parents HAD woken up and taken the phone, they would have understood. I've called back hang-ups and reached sleepy parents before. They were not angry with me after I explained WHY I was calling, they were angry with their little prank callers.
  7. It's good to know that the worry will stop! I'm still in phase one, getting ready to send in my letter of intent (to renew) and stuff (eeeeeeeeee).
  8. will I be a good enough teacher for him, A more dedicated and personally invested teacher would be hard to find ;) will he have enough social avenues, That will be up to you. is this the best decision for him? Only you can answer that I was just wondering if anyone would share their biggest joys that they have experienced while homeschooling Seeing him learn and grow... remember when your little guy went potty on the potty for the first time? Now you'll get to see him read his first book (if he hasn't already), write his name, finally 'get' a concept and ALL of those firsts will be just as personal and joyful (rather than getting them second hand from papers brought home from school). AND some of the biggest challenges they have come across while homeschooling. Well, it is all on you and there are days...
  9. I think I would need time and space. I would see an extended trip to her aunt's house. I wish I could say, my arms would be open and I would commiserate etc, but I couldn't. Then, I was 15 when preg with dd (16 when she was born).
  10. Do you teach dd that it's okay to put up with abuse, as long as other people are relying on the abuser?
  11. You're mom would've been okay with you ignoring the other parent and then calling back repeatedly and hanging up?
  12. Note to self, take care not to use empty threats. The day may come when I regret having uttered those words. Now, I'm convinced that Impish was right.
  13. I wonder, though, was this an empty threat to prevent pregnancy? If so, then, it's very possible their reaction to the actual situation could be very different.
  14. Would you be a tattle tail, or would it be "the right thing to do." It's hard to say. As a mother, I would want to know and I would be thankful to you and shocked, saddened and hurt that my dd did not tell me herself. What is the worst that could happen? She gets kicked out. Dad turns out to be an abusive monster and she gets beaten to death. Dad turns out to be a beastie and her boyfriend ends up dead. Mom goes insane and buys a shotgun and everybody ends up dead. What are the odds? Slim? But, if the slim odds pull through, could you live with that, knowing you tried to do "the right thing." I sort of agree with you Impish, no I wholeheartedly agree with you Impish, but part of me would want to hide the girl first... just in case.
  15. I agree with you. If Mom or Dad would've answered the phone, explaining that this number has called your house and hung up MULTIPLE times that night, would've put them right onto your side. I knew two girls who used to do prank calls. Their parents found out once the recipients filed a harrassment suit. His parents would, more than likely, have been DELIGHTED to answer your midnight call, rather than a subpeona.
  16. I know, believe me I know. I chose one path and someone very very dear to me chose the other. I was informed (beyond informed), the other person had one talk (with PP). I hate that the other side was not presented. I hate that she made a decision without knowing or being informed. It hurts that she has to live with this decision, while looking at my dd (we were in the same situation at the same time). It hurts to think that my dd could have a very close friend, born to my dear friend. That's why I think it is important that she know everything. That's why I think that normal ettiquette does not apply here. The ramifications are TOO life changing to simply let her stew. If she's only marinading in some of the 'facts,' then how could she be expected to make a choice she could live with?
  17. I think she was just pointing out that opinions are going to be offered, most likely, contrary to the OP's opinion on the matter. IOW, if the OP were to keep mum, then the only pov the girl would be offered would be the other one... IykwIm :)
  18. If it keeps up, if talking to his mom does not work and he calls again, I think it would be worth it to get his number blocked. Note, I would not make a big deal about this, just next time it happened, I would call the phone company and ask to have his number blocked. Let them figure it out, when he just can't call.
  19. I would call his mom. I'm going to guess that most moms would be mortified to find out their child is placing calls a. after 9:001_huh: b. after 10:glare: c. after 11:angry: d. after midnight!:cursing:!! My mom would tell people that if they could not use proper phone etiquette, they could not call the house... then, she also kept a whistle beside the phone and if there were repeated calls, like what you got, she'd have blown the whistle. We had these problems with a friend of ds. The kid was rude and obnoxious, he refused to state who was calling and he called at bizarre hours. I couldn't call his mother, because he seemed to own the phone :confused: I had to track her down at her work and ask her to call me (I was nice and nonchalant ;) ). After I talked to her it did not happen again.
  20. I understand. I was a teen mom, I did not want a shower, no party, no presents, please. My best friend and her mother conspired to throw me a party. At best, it was akward. I was embarrassed and KNEW I did NOT deserve to have a celebration, I loved my daughter and felt a definite responsibility to do all I could to help her out, but having this outpouring of gifts and happiness... it was very difficult for me to deal with. I would not throw a shower. Help would be welcome, gifts, etc, for the new baby, sure, but I could not stand to have a 'celebration' for something that is imo, a very humbling and embarrassing period in one's young life. I would sit, for free even, if it meant that the parents could continue their education. I would buy things for the baby (I doubt I could help it) and I probably would enable to some extent. It would hurt me so badly to see my kids going through what I went through, I again, doubt I could help it. I'm not even sure I could celebrate if they decided to marry, if only because I would be too busy grieving the might have beens.
  21. :iagree: Note, that I would never in a million years tell someone in this situation it was murder, if only because I could not bear to be the reason they had guilt for the rest of their life. :iagree: as well.
  22. :iagree: Except that I would not try deperately, I would offer, once, but let them know the offer stands. The only reason I say that is (btdt) it can sometimes come as a threat (just let me adopt the baby, I WANT to adopt the baby, becomes, I want your baby). I would try very hard to be a matter-of-fact as possible too. They are going to be emotional enough, without me blubbering and wailing. It's so hard, and I hope this is never an issue for us.
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