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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. That's the same problem I had, just waiting while the kids had gym class. I couldn't imagine trying to co-op with so many people that think I'm making too much work for him already!
  2. We're not in one. I tried group gym, but they had the kids in groups from K-2, 3-6, etc and ds was stuck as the only 2nd grader in a class with wee littles, so we quit. I don't feel the need to outsource and there's no one around here that shares my curriculum choices, so it would be difficult at best to join a co-op. You are not alone :)
  3. Congrats! Side note, your thread title made me wonder if a. you were pregnant (babies in the oven) or b. you left them in the car
  4. Imo, once you've gotten to this point (let's see if baby is healthy), there are no ignorance excuses. I understand, some people do not believe they're carrying a life, but once you've reached the point of tests, how can you possibly go on believing that?!? That's why it bothers me even more. The death of a baby, that's always horrible, the death of a baby by someone that knows.......... I can't even finish the thought.
  5. :grouphug: That news should also help him relax :)
  6. LOL, hide the books, not you! :lol: I have found that a rigid systematic approach works best for me. Out of sight, out of mind and that way I can focus :)
  7. I spend too much time with my two-year-old :tongue_smilie:
  8. The abortions that happen, because a child is not healthy (or is healthy, but has "issues") bother me so much more. It's admitting, this is a life and then saying, but it's not one I feel like dealing with. I do think that a lot of women that feel no guilt/regret base it all in denial or a stubborn need to say, it was the only thing I could do, my hands were tied, there were no other options opened to me. In those cases, I would not be surprised if there is guilt, but it is ignored and, imo, that's even unhealthier than just admitting, I did something and now I wish I had not. I also think that a person's spirit can grieve with or without them, but that's a whole nother ball of wax.
  9. If you have Sotw 2 and need to offload it, I could definitely help you with that! Are you starting school soon? Maybe you could wade through and work, one subject or dc at a time to figure out how you want this to work :) IOW, calmly step away from the mountain of choices and address it one issue at a time. If you can, hide the stuff that you are not working on, I always get overwhelmed and then find myself frozen by too many choices.
  10. Call whomever you bought the test from. Did you have a separate answer sheet with warnings NOT to write in the book, even though the instructions say to write in the book? We used the same test, but a different grade. Call them, call them, call them!
  11. Everything we've gotten from them would be considered CC. I've never used their Famous Men books, though and they probably are straight forward history. The Latin lessons in Prima Latina all include prayers and from what I've seen of Latina Christiana that does too. The copywork we bought was all scripture. They are great, but if you're not looking for Christian content, I would say it's a no-go.
  12. Call and check on whether or not it has to be timed at all. We ran into that problem and I called and asked them what they meant by the times are supposed to be guides. Turned out, because we had to use a separate answer sheet, instead of answering in the book, they'd tossed out the time limits. Talk about relief!
  13. How do you get IQ testing done? Dd had her's done at ps, but I'm interested in getting older ds tested.
  14. The best advice I can offer is, before you say no, ask yourself WHY you're saying no. If it's just because you don't want to, then try to reconsider. I just research when the kids aren't looking and find places that are cheap to free, close to home and have something interesting or neat to offer. Otherwise, I recommend this forum and doing what the Hive tells you to do.:lol:
  15. I think that's some of my fear - I have these ideas of the kind of parent I want to be - and I'm afraid one day I'll realise I'm not being that parent! I think all parents worry about that. What if I wake up one day and discover I'm my mother?!? I want to be fun, loving, and understanding. But I do want my kids to respect me, it is not ok to walk all over Mom or Dad! That goes under, things that are important. My kids respect other people, their space and their beliefs. They do think dh and I are psychic, :lol: because we know eachother and kids in general well enough to KNOW things that the kids think we shouldn't know. (I know the sound of skin hitting skin, I KNOW if they're fighting, no matter how quiet they are about it, and I KNOW the look they have if they're hiding something). I agree with the idea that you don't want your kids to feel you are super human! That's a good thing to keep in mind! I also agree it's ok to say you're sorry if you feel you've done something wrong! I don't have a 'Plan' per se... but we do have things that we have talked about... the way we want to discipline, the way to handle fits, etc... I am a very laid back person - and in life I tend to roll with the punches and go with the flow, but there are certain things I don't want to lose sight of... KWIM? I was a pretty laid back kid. My brother had a terrible temper and so did dh. Because he's strong, we decided in the beginning that I would handle any physical discipline (spanking or restraining, yeah tantrums) until the kids out grew me, then they'd have to face Dad. We do have morals and religious considerations (we want the kids to be Christians), but... I never really thought of needing to keep that in mind, since it's just how we live.
  16. I hope this works for you, and if it doesn't... eh, at least you learned something :) Here's where I would normally wish you luck or something...... insert appropriate, hoping it all goes well, here ;)
  17. I found out that I am not spontaneous and coming up with "fun" things to say or do is really hard for me. For instance, I realized poor Luke did not know many nursery songs beyond the ABC's, so I bought a book and went through it, one song every three days, lol! For some crazy reason, my kids think I'm the 'funnest' most creative person on Earth :lol: I know better ;)
  18. Well, we discussed homeschooling, lol. I guess we face things as they come up. If we'd have had a plan, I would have felt tied to it (see Peela's story of the crying baby), and I would not have wanted to stray from The Plan. Both of us are relatively laid back. We talk to our kids, one thing that is very important to us both, and we answer their questions (or look up the answers if we don't know). Neither of us want to seem super-human to our kids, so we both apologize if we were wrong and we try to hold everyone in the family to the same standards. We never came up with anything definite, just vague impressions of how we wanted it to go, what was important and what wasn't.
  19. What a sad difficult spot for you to be in... I agree, find out what her reasons are and then... well, do the best you can to address them. The pregnancy crisis centers are good too. For someone to know that someone else is considering an abortion, I would guess some sort of conversation must have gone on.
  20. :blink: No life jackets? Okay, I'm in an area where we're surrounded by water. We live on the water, the kids swim as toddlers, but we never, never, never, go out on the water without life vests. Never. Did I tell you that we NEVER go out without life vests. Why? Well, because even a GREAT swimmer can get tired, or knocked out, or winded. Because you HAVE to be prepared for an emergency. With adults, they may or may not wear their vests, but they have them and kids ALWAYS wear them. I think they were grossly irresponsible. I would call and speak to whomever I had to and express a great displeasure that my child's life was risked, proper safety equipment was not readily available and that this was not mentioned before they left. There's not much else, I wouldn't have the leaders fired, unless it turns out they have a knack for forgetting basic safety rules. I would make sure that the understood how deeply upset I was, though.
  21. My dd is 12, she's my height, when we're in public, people assume we're sisters :glare: I think that age and the fact that she LOOKS older has made me question every. single. thing. I've done so far in raising her. It's money where your mouth is time, it's you-better-have-done-a-good-job-because-if-you-haven't-you'll-know-NOW time. I try very hard to remember that all regret does is hurt me. I do have to say, her reaching the age where so many things can go horribly, horribly wrong has made me looks at my sons and consider moving to a deserted island.
  22. All three of my dcs are so different that I've had to change how I deal with things for each one. I chose roll with the punches, go with the flow, because of that. I've learned that it's really hard to remember that my dcs are not going to be with me forever. My mom was really attached to my older two sibs and it really hurt her when they moved out. I decided, then and there, that I would remember that dh is the only person I can depend on 'till death do us part... now, I know, that's easier said than done.
  23. It could also be blood pressure, believe it or not. For the longer ones, try asking her if she was digging, she could've given herself a nice wide shallow cut. I knew a family with HORRIBLE nosebleeds. They would, literally, fill up SHEETS with the blood from their nose. It wasn't that it gushed, it just would not stop. It turned out that the father and sons (mom did not have this problem) all had REALLY high blood pressure and they were bursting vessels in their noses to let off pressure. That is not what it sounds like with your dd, though. If you apply pressure under her upper lip (roll some gauze and put it above her front teeth under her lip, she'll look like she's snarling) that can help stop the bleeding :)
  24. Are they easy to stop? IOW, she wakes up, her nose bleeds, you apply whatever techniques you use and it stops quickly, or does it keep going and going and going? If it stops quickly, then I'd go with the dry air/humidifier. Also, during the day, check to see if she's picking her nose. My nephew gets random nosebleeds from gold digging. If it keeps going (I've heard of kids filling up towels), then call your doctor.
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