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Everything posted by Callie

  1. I love 40's clothing. After my grandparents passed I cleaned out their home and she had saved all of her shoes/clothes from the 40's (when she was a young just married woman) and they were in pristine condition. I would have loved to wear them but she was 5'10 and wore a size 9 shoe and I am 5'4 and wear a size 7 shoe. She had handbags, jewelry everything. Plus all the letters she and my grandfather had exchanged while he was serving during ww2 and while they were dating in rural Appalachia and neither had a car. I'd love to dress in the clothes from the movies White Christmas or It's A Wonderful Life.
  2. We had hives for years near the house and no stings. The only annoying thing the bees ever did was hog the hummingbird feeders. Oh and I am allergic to bee stings and never worried because the bees just don't mess with humans. I hang laundry, work in the garden etc right next to the bees.
  3. Sometimes I hate living so far out and all the work 60 acres makes but then I read WTM and all is well. Closest neighbor over a mile away and a 1/4 mile driveway in the middle of nowhere is bliss.
  4. I lived in Florida for 5 years and Publix is the only thing I miss. Several weeks back I got a Publix commercial on HuluPlus & got a little giddy at the thought that they may be coming to Kentucky.
  5. I always greet the cashier and then thank them for checking me out. I also make small talk with them and almost 100% of the time they "unload" (not in a negative way) what has been happening that day (very busy/no break/worked 10 hours and ready to go home). I almost always come away with having had a nice conversation with cashiers. I started doing this mindfully several years ago because I realized how much I hated going to the store and dealing with other customers. People are sometimes (a lot of the time) down right mean and rude. It dawned on me how horrible it must be to be a cashier in Walmart so I began to be extra nice and friendly to even the grumpiest cashier. I almost always come away with a positive experience with the employee no matter how crappy everyone else in the aisles had been.
  6. Yes they are less friendly and some even seem surly when I begin to unload my buggy but I ALWAYS greet them with a "how are you doing today" and a little small talk (how crowded/busy the store is). After that they almost always soften up and act friendly.
  7. I suspect I had the exact suit except it was green & white. Reading some of these replies I am remembering the horrors of PE that started in the 7th grade.
  8. This for 7th grade only after that showers were required but no one checked so I never showered again. I really never showered in 7th grade either. I'd just wrap a towel around me with my underwear & bra still on (straps pulled down) and pretend. My mom was a teacher at the school and looking back now I realize the teacher just let me get away with it because there was no way she didn't know. PE teacher was crazy scary about making students shower and checking. This was in the mid 70's when teachers could be crazy bullies and get away with it.
  9. Wrangler @ Tractor Supply.
  10. This. My head is spinning reading some of this. Sometimes a muffin is just a muffin. not an act of aggression. Good grief.
  11. This. I never think about it.
  12. I had the same thought! I was born & raised in the crazy south it would just be part of polite society to buy a muffin for Katie if buying one for myself. Or I would have to gobble mine up in the car so Katie wouldn't see my muffin. We southerners have crazy rules on politeness.
  13. Overreacting is an understatement. Its a muffin. She was being nice. No one owes anyone another muffin. If buying someone a muffin to go with their coffee (that they can set aside or throw away) is now considered rude or presumptious I'm flabbergasted. Assume people have kind good intentions.
  14. This. I can imagine seeing the muffins as I was purchasing the coffee and wanting one. I'd buy one for my friend also if she didn't want it I would not care at all. She can throw it away, take it home to her child or give it back. I'd never think she was rude and I cannot imagine someone thinking I was rude for merely offering a muffin. It seems as though people look for stuff to be offended by. If someone offering you an unwanted muffin offends you you may need to rethink things.
  15. Callie


    My dad remarried when I was 14 yo and I never considered his wife or her child my family. They were nice enough and I got along fine with them but they were never family. Dh was raised by his step father (since he was 9 months old). He considered him his father and his family. His mother remarried again when he was about 16 and he never considered that man anything more than his mother's husband. Just because two people marry doesn't mean the children will ever call the unit a family.
  16. I was gonna suggest the fake email accounts before I even read you did that. I would be pissed off about the entire thing for all the reasons you listed especially the 5am punishment. I won't/don't beg others for money either.
  17. I also have 1/4 mile drive and have the mailbox you describe. It came from Lowes approx 10 years ago. Sorry I have no other info just wanted to let you know that they do exist & where I purchased it. It unlocks from both the front & back. The back has full access to the box & the front has a door 1/2 the size of the box and an opening. I
  18. Probably food cost tracking and unethical waitstaff giving friends, family & themselves free fries.
  19. I was just about to post this very thing.
  20. Most older cookbooks list egg recipes in the dairy section. And if you watch Survivor they almost always kill the hens and leave the rooster. Makes no sense. And they argue that you need the rooster in order for the hens to lay eggs.
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