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Everything posted by Callie

  1. But people who maintain a healthy weight do have to plan their exercise, count calories or carbs and have self control. It doesn't just happen. Trust me I want homemade bread & cookies & ice cream. I'd love a big bowl of mashed potatoes smoothered in cheese. I just can't eat them and stay at a healthy weight and keep my diabetes under control. Eating food portioned & weighed DOES take self control.
  2. Callie


    I agree not lc flu. I do Atkins + exercise for diabetes control. I use the plan in his Atkins 1972 book. My bg readings are perfect. Always under 100 when I awake and anywhere from 82 - 94 1 hour after a meal. I feel great at 47 years I am 5'4" and weigh about 133 lb. lowcarbfriends.com has a lot of good info they even have an A'72 forum with the exact diet from the book in a sticky. Be careful of the crazies who try to convince that A'72 is only meat, eggs, cheese & fat. It is not. I eat a lot of veggies I weigh, measure & track everything to not allow "carb creep".
  3. www.lowcarbfriends.com has an Atkins '72 forum that someone years ago copied the eating guidelines word for word from the book. It is a great source of info IF you ignore the extremist that post there. You will recognize them because they insist that A '72 only allows one to eat meat, eggs, cheese and fat. They are wrong but will bully, shame and otherwise ruin any good info there if you don't ignore. I had to learn to like eggs, fat and meat. I was the person who went to a steakhouse and ordered a baked potato and salad. I never ate butter on anything. I can now occasionally have a sweet potato or even a white potato, winter squash or other carby vegetables. I don't have these every week or even every month but every now and then. I can eat 100% sourdough rye bread that I make myself. It is very dense, but I have learned to like it o.k. I limit my fruit to what we grow here and have a small portion when it is in season. We have 6 apple trees but I only eat about 4 apples a year. Same with berries and cherries we grow here. I don't eat the peaches, plums or pears. I never have oranges, tangerines etc. I can eat canned pumpkin and have learned to like it a lot. I eat full fat, no low fat anything. I do eat yogurt that I make myself with heavy whipping cream & milk but cannot drink a glass of milk. Basically I started the A'72 way of eating by the book and gradually added food back in the way Atkins said to and was able to determine what I can and cannot eat. The book can be found online and I have seen it in used bookstores almost every time we go. I think I paid .25 cents for a hardback in excellent condition.
  4. I use Atkins 1972 as my way of eating it was the only way to get my blood sugar under control. No fake Atkins products just real food. Your person will not be able to eat the way they are eating if diabetic they are going to need to change now. No juice or white foods (flour rice potatoes etc). Imo it is best to go cold turkey no gradual changing because once you eliminate the sugar/carbs you stop craving them. It was very hard/emotional for me to change my eating habits quite frankly I was pissed. I had spent a lifetime (up until 43) being very thin, active & healthy. I didn't drink, smoke or use drugs so I was pissed when I suddenly begin to gain weight/became pre-diabetic eating a healthy whole grain veggie heavy diet. Here I was living on a farm growing my own fruits and vegetables and now I couldn't eat a lot of them and those I could still eat I had to weigh and measure out. I'll continue in another post.
  5. Way back (lol) in the early 90's my sil & I wondered the same thing. If we didn't eat we were fine, but if we ate breakfast we were starving all day. It was those high carb foods doing it.
  6. This. I was thin until age 43 went from a size 2/4 to a 12/14 in 3 years. I have to eat like described above to maintain my weight at approx 133 lbs. This past week I ate ice cream twice and french fries once when I weighed on Sunday my weight had jumped to 140 lb. I know that is not 7 lbs of fat but my stomach is distended and I'm back to approx 30ish carbs per. Up until age 43 I ate what, when & however much I wanted with no problems whatsoever.
  7. I was born in 67 and went to school with a Kori & my neighbors gma was Kori. This was in Kentucky.
  8. And the fact that he always liked the meatballs before.
  9. And the fact that he always liked the meatballs before.
  10. This & pretty much everything Sparkly Unicorn said.
  11. Yes. I want a cup of coffee when I see people on any t.v. show with a cup in their hand. Kenny Chesney songs have me wanting to drink a beer and I am a person who may drink 3/4's of a beer every couple of years.
  12. So I found the subreddit and if I wasn't already convinced (by the podcast and the fact I spent 4 months on jury duty last year) that a jury trial was scary I am now. I find it hard to believe that some of those commenting have listened to the same podcast as I have. I'm not sure who murdered Hae at this point. I'm not even sure if it was Jay, Adnan or Mr. S. I lost all faith in juries after sitting on one for months. It was scary and surprising how many did not listen (or maybe they did listen but jurors certainly heard different things), some dozed off, some had to be reminded what was actually said etc.
  13. I've listening since the beginning and really enjoy the podcast. I was so happy to hear that she would be doing another Serial in the future. SeaC can you link me or let me know what subreddit is?
  14. People find receipts (in parking lot,digging thru others trash etc) then steal an item on the receipt and then return the stolen item and receive cash back. Others make the purchase then steal an identical item and return the stolen item with receipt for cash back. There are LOTS of scammers and thieves around.
  15. The situation you describe would not only bother me it would down right piss me off. Of course a 10 yo might not get that, but surely his parents should know better.
  16. Yep. Rude & annoying. I'd never allow my kids to annoy others and have a hard time understanding others who would. I would not be mean/rude to the child but would it clear to him/his parents he should move along.
  17. Thanks. I'll check out Knitpics & Youtube videos. I've already been looking at free patterns on Ravelry.
  18. No advice but I completely understand. I am always amazed when other families seem to eat so little. I have a family of very thin big eaters.
  19. Anyone have experience with Knit Crate products? I am sure it is probably less expensive to buy the yarn and pattern somewhere else but I have no knowledge or experience outside cheap yarn from Walmart and would love to learn. I am looking for something to occupy my time this winter as I can no longer cross-stitch due to my eyesight (even w/ readers or magnifying devices). I want quality usable items for my effort and knitting seems to fit that bill. I live in a rural location so if I could even find a yarn store I'd probably have to travel 1 or more hours each way so Knit Crate would be a great option. So in a nutshell I want 1. quality yarn 2. hand holding videos to learn the stitches/techniques 3. to learn about yarn and how to read patterns. I'd like to eventually seek out B&M stores but online ordering seems simpler to begin. I joined Ravelry some time back any places there I should look? I especially like the Tiny Owl Knits site. I am open to any and all suggestions as I really need something to do in the winter once the snow and ice begin.
  20. My dh does routine maint/upkeep for some S8 apartments his experience has been all this and much much more. Some he refused to even enter or repair because of the level of filth.
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