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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Scramble over low heat in butter. Right before they are done stir in some cubed cream cheese (Kraft is lower in carbs than some store brands). Finish cooking until cc is melted. Serve with half an avocado and bacon or sausage. I like to have a bite of avocado and egg at the same time. Callie
  2. The Adkins book on Kindle is not easy to read as the charts do not line up and are on different pages. I got a refund on it as it was really unusable.
  3. If it were one of mine I'd let them know the above. I'm 45 and wore Sperrys as a teen. I also lived in Islamarada, Fl and everyone wore them. Especially old men who were going deep sea fishing.
  4. It has just been in the past 2 years or so that people don't smoke in the grocery store here (very rural Kentucky).
  5. My dh has a Straight Talk phone from Walmart. It is $45 per month and no contract. He has unlimited text, talk and internet. We went with this phone because we are very rural and have no cell service at our home and we wanted something inexpensive. Strangely enough it is an excellent phone service and he can get one or two bars here. AT&T and other name brand companies have no bars in our home. We actually pay slightly less than $45 per month because after having the phone for 6 months or so and liking the service we started purchasing the phone cards at Walmart.com in 6 month or 1 year increments for less $$. Callie
  6. This. My parents used the term (with a tone) to get me to rethink my behavior.
  7. I have inserted a clove of garlic (don't nick to the garlic) tied with a piece of unwaxed dental floss so it can be easily pulled out. I have also dunked an unscented tampon in plain yogart and inserted. With both of the above methods I have put a drop or two of tea tree oil.
  8. I do something sorta like this. I grow several hundred heads of garlic every year and have found the best long term storage is to freeze it pureed in a little olive oil & salt (kosher, sea or pink). I store mine in Ball jelly jars (8 oz.). When I need garlic just set the jar out for a few minutes. You are then able to 'dig' as many spoonfuls out as needed and then return to the freezer. It has the consistency of hard ice cream. I use a Vita Mix to puree. No exact measurements. And my freezer doesn't smell garlicy except maybe at the beginning. Wear gloves while working with the garlic it will burn and sting a lot if you don't.
  9. Do your own research and don't rely on others keeping the 'line' straight. I have seen many mistakes because once the wrong "John Smith" is linked to your family everything else is wrong. Dh's aunt relied on someone else tree and it was wrong. Glaringly wrong. When doing dh's tree I used the correct info. His aunt and mom are put out with me. They wanted to claim a family crest that wasn't theirs to claim.
  10. My family owns a small hote (a nice quaint place)l and there is no way I'd give birth there. Yes housekeeping cleans and changes sheets etc., but there is no way in he!! I'd give birth in a hotel room. What people do in hotels room is unimaginable to normals folks who would never consider such stuff. People with a valid credit card, well dressed and a nice vehicle leave little rooms of horror behind that the next customer never sees. I won't/don't stay in hotels. Callie
  11. Callie


    I bet the crust was Pillsbury Crescent Rolls in the refrig. can. Look for the recipe on the Pillsbury site. Callie
  12. He went back to bed and he is mad at you? He should have made sure HIS children's bikes were in working order before napping. Callie
  13. Burn barrel. My brother is a sheriff deputy and he says burn it. Also the county jail inmates run the recycling center in my county and I don't want them seeing my address and name with our recycling (and knowing what we purchase). Maybe I'm weird.
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