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Everything posted by Callie

  1. I've been thinking about the natural immunity angle for days and wondering why no one "in charge" had considered that was why his family had not become ill.
  2. I should add I eat NO dried beans, grains, flours. I rarely will eat a small portion of baked sweet potato w/ butter or white potato cut in wedges tossed in olive oil and baked (very rare). No sugar, honey, agave etc. No alcohol. I eat LOTS of green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, radishes, cucumbers, mushrooms. A little onion. I eat cottage cheese, cream cheese, homemade Greek yogurt (yo cheese), heavy cream, feta, cheddar etc. Yes to cocoa powder (unsweetened) & unsw Bakers Chocolate.
  3. I agree. I was diagnosed w/ diabetes (type 2) approx 3 years ago. I could never eat any of the items you mention as healthy. I am a normal healthy weight and take no medication. My diabetes is controlled w/ diet and exercise. On a typical day I eat (I weigh & measure everything to keep my carb level strict) the following: B - 1 egg cooked in butter & 1 sausage patty or 3 slices bacon. Black coffee or rarely w/ 1 T heavy cream. L - 3 oz shredded cabbage, 1 oz cheese (feta or sharp cheddar), 1 or 2oz meat (chicken, ham, salami,turkey etc.) oil & vinegar or ranch (both from scratch to control ingredients). 1/2 oz Wallaces flavored pork rinds for something crunchy. S - 1/4 c macadamia nuts or almonds & iced coffee or hot tea w/ 1T heavy cream D - this week I've had roast chicken w/ cauliflower (google mock a foni & cheese) casserole hamburger patty w/colby jack & bacon , sauteed onion & aparagus Cinc Chili (no beans) topped w/ cheddar & sour cream, broccoli Turkey meatballs w/ mushroom sauce, green beans I eat lchf and get many of my recipes from Linda's Low Carb Recipe site & Low Carb Friends.
  4. Two Lemon Zinger Tea Bags steeped Two scoops of stevia (the little scoop that comes w/ the stevia) Two tablespoons Braggs Mix in a quart jar top with ice and add enough water to fill. Drink w/ a straw. I drink one every afternoon in summer it is very refreshing. Sometimes I use Raspberry Zinger or Hibiscus Tea, but LZ is my favorite.
  5. Strict low carb eating w/ no sugar Natural Calm Exercise - I strength train w/ a combo of free weights & machines 3 days per week I force myself to just get up and go outside & walk in the sunshine & normally feel better immediately
  6. I don't have a dishwasher so it takes me longer than 30 minutes it is the worst time of the day for me. I just want to be done. It is even worse in the summer because it is still daylight at 10 p.m. and dh is tackling farm chores so we may eat very late.
  7. How does the family eat or prepare the midday meal if children are in school and one or more adults are working?
  8. I cook breakfast every morning for myself and dh. I would also cook for my kids but they'd rather sleep a little later so they do their own breakfast. NOW given a choice I WOULD NOT cook first thing in the morning. But I am diabetic and control my diabetes with diet and exercise so I must eat within about one hour of waking. I cook eggs and either sausage or bacon every morning of the week. I eat a salad most every day for lunch. If dh is home I cook our main meal for the day at noon and the family eats together. If he is working off the farm the kids are on their own, I eat my salad and I pack dh a lunch. If we ate our biggest meal at noon we have leftovers or salad in the evening. Otherwise I cook. I have no choice in the matter due to the diabetes. We rarely eat out. Maybe 4 times a year. I live in an extremely rural location and there are no places where I can eat out unless we drive an hour or more. Salads always contain hard boiled eggs, cooked meat (chicken, pork roast, hamburger) that I cooked. Always homemade oil & vinegar or homemade ranch. I would not choose to have to make every bite we eat and sometimes I am very bitter about it but I have no choice if I want to stay healthy.
  9. This is also my experience with the Amish and Mennonite community. Not all of the older people are reserved but my dh does a lot of business with them so they know us and are very friendly. They drive into our county seat (probably 15 miles from their rural community) mostly in horse & buggies to donate blood several times a year. The local paper has printed many articles in the past about how their community hands down donates the majority of blood to the blood banks. They also are very open to local officials visiting, touring and promoting their businesses. Now I live in a county with less than 15,000 people (and over 500 square miles). It is extremely rural and people tend to be friendly and helpful so that may make a difference.
  10. Amish and Mennonite families moved to my area in the early 70's so I have live near them since I was a young child. Our groceries, banks, the library etc all have horse & buggy parking. I live among many different sects or branches of both. There are Old Order Mennonites who drive horse & buggies, have no electricity etc, Mennonites who own cars that must be painted entirely black down to the rims on the tires. Some of the latter allow electric in their business but not their homes. There are too many to list and they all live in one large community intermingled. They wear different style clothing, different bonnets, beards or no beards, zippers or no zippers ect. At one time we had Beachy, Swartzenburger and Old Order. But there have been many splits so I am not sure who is still living here and who has moved in. In that community are many one room school houses. Here their children are back in school as I was up that way last week and saw kids in the school houses with lots of bicycles and ponies parked outside. There are also many Mennonite families who home school. The women tend to wear caps and typical Menn style dresses but in more colorful fabric and the boys wear jeans and collared shirts. They drive regular vehicles. What I want to point out is that people seem to romanticize them. They are just like us with many different opinions and values. I know many Old Order Mennonites (horse & buggy) who drink plenty of wine and lots of the women smoke. They eat as much junkie processed food as your typical American. People seem to think they cook everything from scratch but they don't. What they sell in their bulk stores are not the same thing I see them buying at the local Save A Lot. They are extremely hard workers and many of the women work in their businesses so I guess they like to make a quick meal at the end of the day like other working mothers. They have serious falling outs between the members every so many years and then the church splits some move away and others move in. They do not or will not tolerate non conformity in their communities. My dh works with a lot of Amish construction workers (he is a contractor) and produce/cattle auctions (we also own a farm). He has seen some terrible situations where men and their families didn't follow the rules and were shunned, excommunicated and had to leave the community. Some of the stories are heartbreaking. Anyways I always get a chuckled when I read about Amish and Mennonites because the reality that I have witnessed is not what people tend to believe. I
  11. Dropping it, but just to be clear I like the poster and was NOT calling her out.
  12. This is what I was getting at, but didn't do a very good job of it. I was just making the point that I do believe some posters are reported more and it begins to look like there is a bias with moderators. Especially if you are the one being reported. I also think that in some cases there is a history and that makes some trigger happy with the report button.
  13. Not stalkerish at all. I have been on boards w/ her for many many years. She has used the same name. And to be honest she has been argued with here with some of the same posters who argue with her else where.
  14. Oops bias against Atheist. I'll go correct.
  15. Wasn't trying to point fingers. Just saying I bet this person is reported all the time and that makes people see a bias against Atheist. BTW I am not a Christian just to be clear. I also wonder if those who have had negative interactions w/ her at other places make a special point to report her posts here.
  16. If people would simply self moderate and move along there would be no need for moderators. I'd prefer no moderation myself.
  17. Yes and that poster has had trouble in the past at at least two other boards (SL & FCT). She is never rude, but persistent and it seems to enrage others.
  18. Not an accident. Big to-do over it some time ago.
  19. I have never searched for a SG to join so I can't answer that question. SG posts show up when I click the New Content option. I just clicked NC minutes ago to see what SG would show and none did. In the past some have. I can't say how many or how often because I was never looking for them. I would only notice because I would not be able read the thread (I could hover and see 1st, middle & last post) or I wanted to reply and would not be allowed to.
  20. How does one ban themselves? I have read a few times that Wendy banned herself but I see that she changed her username to a bunch of numbers. When I view a post from her it doesn't show she is banned.
  21. This has been my experience also.
  22. I don't have a clue what SG this is about but I agree w/ Kathryn that SGs have been public since the last forum update in November 2012 or was it 2013. When I have clicked on New Posts I have been able to view SGs I am not a member of. As to the poster (I think Sadie) who said it is easy to know you are reading a SG post it wasn't for me. The SG post was in New Content and clickable I never checked which forum it was from and a few times I realized it was a private SG.
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