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Everything posted by maize

  1. Look up the Simply Charlotte Mason Bookfinder and Organizer. s Sorry I don't know how to link from my phone, but it's a great way to create a plan that is flexible enough to allow for daily variations.
  2. My kids would love this.
  3. Wow, what a night. I don't wonder you're exhausted and feel awful. I hope you have a chance to rest up today. So sad about your neighbor.
  4. I've been following quietly, but want you to know I am thinking of and praying for you.
  5. I would share details at that age, ideally I would be sharing in an age appropriate way all along. Overall I believe a culture of openness is healthier than one of secrecy.
  6. You've got a lot on your plate. I can't speak to whether you should press forward with the homeschooling or choose to take advantage of public school; to a great extent that will depend on what your reasons are for homeschooling in the first place, and what your goals are for your children's education. If you are committed to homeschool, it might be time to reexamine your plans and priorities. Maybe there is something you can do differently that would make school run more smoothly in your home. I agree with those who caution against anticipating too much based on how the first day went, it always takes us a few days to get into a groove when there is any significant change in schedule. Partly because of this, and partly to limit the amount of work we need to fit into a day I prefer to school year round. I also aim to have my children working independently as much as possible. It is possible that a change in schedule or expectations or materials used could make your school's day flow more easily. regarding guilt, I think we can choose to make the best decisions we are able for our families while acknowledging that perfection is impossible. We might have regrets over roads not taken but I believe we can choose to move forward with confidence that we are doing our best under the circumstances.
  7. Looks interesting, but I'm not sure about using it for early elementary. The writing style is not particularly accessible.
  8. I was just going to mention the Apologia book. I hope it works out for you!
  9. I agree with those who say his answer was quite insightful for his age and I wouldn't expect him to grasp a more abstract conception of integrity at this point. You have obviously taught him well, just keep teaching and let him grow into a more mature way of thinking.
  10. I'm hoping this discussion can happen on the list so I can listen in and learn from it :)
  11. I agree with regentrude that difficulties occur when I am not in the habit of switching between languages. The other thing that really throws me is when I have been using one foreign language and I try to use another. My brain will freeze up completely and I will be unable to access a single word in the language I am trying to speak even though it is one I know well. I would love to learn more about how the brain stores, processes, and accesses multiple languages.
  12. Songs that I heard a lot during my first pregnancy tend to make me feel nauseous...
  13. With my August baby we worked through the summer then took two months off when the baby was born.
  14. BA almost 24. Would have been 22 but I took time off to serve an LDS mission. Working on a masters degree now.
  15. I have a lot of siblings. I would talk to one or two that I call on a regular basis anyway. I'm a talker but not all of my siblings are. My husband's family talk less in general, but if there were an illness or other matter where support seemed needed someone would step up to coordinate.
  16. It seems to be normal for kids to do this--they pick one language to speak, given a choice of languages around them. Most often that will be the language of the overall culture they are living in, even at the expense of the home language. One of my brothers would speak only Spanish when we lived in Latin America, though he understood perfectly well if someone spoke to him in English or French. He always answered in Spanish--until we moved to a non-Spanish speaking country, then he reverted to English (our family's home language).
  17. 4, I have lived in several different countries and needed to learn the native language. I have studied other languages but the only ones I feel comfortable with are the ones I learned through immersion.
  18. We were camping for a week in June at a site with no phone or internet access. It's entirely possible for people to be out of touch for that long.
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