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Everything posted by genie

  1. When you ignore someone, their posts show, but you can't see the content of it. That's what I've heard anyhow. This cat has far too much curiosity to ever use the ignore feature.
  2. Not sure if this counts for you, but I'm sending positive thoughts their way. :o
  3. Okay, this post is just wrong on so many levels! Killing a roach with his hand? And you let him touch you with that hand??? Eeeewwwww! And the microwave... it went to the garbage pile after that, right? Please tell me I'm right. Please convince me that no one ever ate anything that was pelted by the radiation of that microwave that inevitably had roach nastiness all over it. I don't care if the roach lived to crawl another day, that microwave needed to die.
  4. SuperNanny had an episode recently where a mom was carrying the backpack(s) each day. It amazes me how some parents let their kids run over them like that. Now, I'll bend over backwards for my daughter if she needs me, but she is perfectly capable of carrying her own things, thankyouverymuch! :001_huh:
  5. Well, obviously I'm not the only one who disagrees with your assessment of the worthiness of your posts, seeing as how you have two green boxes now. :D:D (These are my two green smileys in honor of y'alls two green boxes :))
  6. Here is their website. See the column along the left for links to samples. :) ETA: Oops, that was a link to their younger student program. Here is the one for the level we've discussed here.
  7. She's kinda on a board break, I guess you would say. She's still blogging occasionally.
  8. Have you tried clicking the paper clip to upload it from your computer or a url? There are size restrictions on those, but it may be another option for you. Clicking the mountain icon worked for me other times, so I don't know why it's not for you. (Are those mountains? I guess maybe it is supposed to be a graph of some sort. Who knows.)
  9. I had to step away from my computer for a few minutes. Between the rush of memories, sights, smells, and sounds and then the new images from other people, I was seriously getting weak. I had to turn on the air and lie on the couch for a respite. But here I am again. Glutton for punishment I am.
  10. Ack. The memories are all flooding back. I just. could. not. wash my hands enough after I awoke one night realizing I was rubbing something in my sleep. It was a roach that was stuck between my fitted sheet and the mattress pad. I somehow squished it in my sleep. Probably the only roach I ever killed myself without the use of Aqua Net. I am more-than-slightly nauseated now. And yes, no amount of shampooing will erase the smell of burnt cockroach in your hair. Once you have smelled that, you can never un-smell it.
  11. Okay, that just made me throw up a little in my mouth. Oh yeah. I can still recall like it was just yesterday the horrible smell of baking cockroach when I discovered (a little too late) that one had crawled inside the diffuser on my hair dryer.
  12. I totally shivered up and down and back again when I read the word "crunch". Ugh! Yes. I just can't do it. And the sight of their white guts squished out on wood paneling is a memory I just can't seem to shake, especially when eating cereal... as I was that fateful morning. And for me, forever, the smell of Aqua Net will be equated with the sight of dying roaches, and the slight elation of victory.
  13. Oh, yeah. One other cockroach memory. You would think that shaking hands with the presidential candidate (at the time) Jimmy Carter would have a strong impact on a girl. So why is that only a faint memory, but I vividly remember the roaches crawling up my pantyhose while standing in the mulch along the edge of the sidewalk he would be walking down?!?! There was nowhere I could go. No chance for escape. I don't think the secret service men would have been very sympathetic had I freaked out and crawled under the rope holding us back. I HATE ROACHES!
  14. Oh, the childhood memories of watching late-night television with all the lights off in the living room but the tv, and then hearing that sound. That horrible sound of nasty brown fluttering wings. And knowing that if I moved, I would be even more likely to be attacked. Ugh! Or the memories of lying in bed and hearing the tickety tickety of tiny little feet across my posters on my wall. Then turning on the light and realizing just how many there were. Then facing the wrath of my dad for waking him in the middle of the night to kill them, because I just can't do that, and because I couldn't sleep knowing they were crawling around. Then the shock in the morning with the realization that flushing them down the toilet is NOT a final solution. It only tires them out, leaving them to take refuge in the little area underneath the toilet seat. ::screams:: So yeah, I'm right there with you. And I'm really really really glad I don't live in Florida any more!
  15. We really enjoy the DK Children's Encyclopedia of American History.
  16. We started using this last year, but didn't continue with it. I'm not sure that it was the curriculum's fault, or ours, or if it just wasn't the right time for that language. But since you haven't gotten any other responses yet, I thought I would share our experience with it. There are a total of 24 lessons, and you could easily complete one lesson per week. It's been a while, but from what I remember I felt like there wasn't "enough" to each lesson to really reinforce what you're learning. It seemed like the lesson was short, and then it moved on to another lesson, and I wanted more activities to really pound in the info before moving on. But I tend to be big on mastery, and I like more repetition than most foreign language programs seem to offer. So I can't really say that the curriculum was lacking, maybe just that I expected too much. I still have the books, so let me know if I can answer any other questions for you.
  17. I may be well out of line, but I think you are bordering on breaking a board rule here. You have mentioned a tasty meal, and have NOT posted the recipe! :lol::lol::lol:
  18. I can't help you with #1 or 2 because I'm brand new to this also, but I will share what we are planning for #3. Due to a variety of situations we aren't on schedule with the four-year cycle of WTM. DD will be in 6th this year, and we have made it to about 1800. So we are pretty close to the time frame that LCC has scheduled. But my plans for this fall are to continue reading SOTW, a couple of chapters a week, and not really supplementing with much else, maybe Famous Men of Modern Times. That's one of the things about LCC that attracts me. I love the classical approach, but for my family the WTM sequence is just too history heavy. The LCC approach is just right. And I think as long as you can tell your children are comprehending the content, narrations and other activities aren't absolutely necessary. I may have her write a few essays here and there, but history just won't be the focus of our studies. So I think we will be slowly meandering our way from 1800 to present day over the next couple of years, with a little government thrown in, and plan to switch to the Great Books plan in 9th.
  19. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! Sounds like "the one"!
  20. I love the symmetry in it. Just enough, not too much. I would be so thrilled if my daughter had a coach like your husband and then a wonderful keepsake like this. You have done a tremendous job!
  21. Well, we didn't exactly get nothing, but we got very little. And every last thing we got just thrilled me because it was needed. Nothing exciting, nothing terrible, just useful, practical things. We too had a small inexpensive wedding and I don't regret it in the least.
  22. Congrats to oldest son! (Cue George Michael music for dancing celebration)
  23. Well, I've read your posts about your financial situation, and I've heard the pain in your words. I think that trying a cyber charter out could be a good thing for you and for your son, especially since the curriculum is one that you feel meshes with your philosophy. I'm not sure about PA, I know it has strict homeschooling laws, and if what Sue G said is true, you may not want to have to have him in the "system" any earlier than needed, so I guess that would be a consideration if I were you. But otherwise, you can always try it out and pull him out if it doesn't work. I wish you luck with whatever path you choose!
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