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Everything posted by genie

  1. Click on User Control Panel (upper left corner of this screen) and if you have rep, the last five will show in a box. You can give rep any time you think a post deserves it. I don't think there is any "supposed to" about it. It's all up to you!
  2. Oh thanks. Do you know how long it took me to be able to NOT get that song stuck in my head every time I saw his name on a post? :lol:
  3. You're sounding much more positive today! That's good to hear. It will all be worth it... :)
  4. I would definitely let him decide, as long as it wouldn't become a huge issue for your dh. My dd's hair is curly so she is somewhat limited in how she can style it, but I let her have her say. She is toying with the idea of coloring it, but I would have no idea what product to use. (Mrs. Mungo? mo2?)
  5. Oh, now that's just not right! Not right at all! So you were simply being a good neighbor. Mr. Rogers would be proud. :D
  6. Yep, I had problems a couple of weeks ago, too. :sad:
  7. We like to have Ree's Salsa and Guacamole on hot days. We make a meal of it!
  8. Hee hee. Then you obviously didn't click and see the enlarged versions. :D
  9. Well, my husband would literally LOL if I showed him the fence installation thread and my participation in it. Likewise, I'm sure that he gets forwarded emails of all sorts by guys from work, and it doesn't bother me. But we're pretty open that way. For most of my life I worked in male-dominated fields, so it would take a lot to shock me, and I certainly wouldn't call for tar and feathers. Of course, I've worked several Hawaiian Tropic contests with groups of guys, so you can only imagine the things I've heard.
  10. Don't you hate it when people don't actually answer the question you ask? ;) I get my construction paper from Dick Blick and it is the most vibrant, non-fading paper ever! I've used several types while working at various preschools, and none compare to this, even the more expensive brands. :001_smile:
  11. :lol: Maybe "How To" Tuesday or "Manual Labor" Monday :D:D:D
  12. Now, see, I don't view him like that at all. Maybe because I have friends IRL with similar personalities, and I see the glimmer in their eyes when their words alone might not convey it.
  13. I agree with others who have said that a lot depends on both spouses attitudes about homeschooling. For us, the financial strain of having only one income has been hard, but since we both support homeschooling, it doesn't become a source of contention. Sounds like you guys are on a great path!
  14. I LOVE!!!!! our piano teacher. My daughter has only being going for a couple of months because I waited to start her until I found what I was looking for in a teacher. He teaches music holistically. That's the best way I can describe it. It's not just about learning the notes and playing what's on paper. He writes songs for her to play, and gives her three chords and tells her to work that week on figuring out which chord goes where. That really encourages her to hear what she's doing... not just play what's on the page. After only a few weeks of lessons, he has her transposing songs into different keys. (She is 11, and he admits he usually doesn't have new students do this level of work this early.) He's helping her to see and hear music as a whole. I just adore him. :001_wub: He also very much uses a Socratic methodology in teaching. He asks her questions to help her see answers. He also makes sure that if he asks her something she doesn't know, he lets her know that it's okay if she doesn't know it, and maybe he isn't asking it the way she is used to hearing it. He just "gets" kids. He's also a great inspiration. He's in his 70's yet he still regularly climbs fourteeners and is in general an active, healthy, positive role-model. He allows me to sit in on lessons, and I tell ya, I'm learning so much and I took band all through my school years.
  15. I'm not sure if you are referring to just the copays or what, but here is an example of what I mean. I once took my daughter to a new pediatrician for an initial consultation. When the doctor found out we were self-pay, he "coded" the visit as an exam because it would be cheaper. So instead of something like $120, it was only $85. Now, people with copays may have only paid $10 - $30 for that visit, but they are also paying hundreds more per month for their insurance. So when you add the two together I pay much less. Also, my daughter has had to go to some doctors visits that wouldn't be covered at all under most insurance plans. But even at $200 per visit, since she only goes at most once a month, that's still way less than what full insurance would have cost us for the month, and we still would have had to pay for the visit. I understand all situations are different. My only point in this post is to explain what I meant because I'm not sure if I was being very clear before.
  16. Ugh! I feel for you. I meant to qualify my post with what I said in the other one, which is that we are mostly healthy, and don't have specific medical issues. I really can't imagine being in your position. And I can certainly understand how such a large percentage of bankruptcies occur due to medical expenses. The system really is messed up, and I have a hard time believing the government is the entity to fix it. :confused1:
  17. When we moved, I used ehealthinsurance.com to find the lowest possible insurance program. Once you get your online quote (and you don't have to give any personal identifying info) you can sort it by price to find the lowest ones. Then I compared some of the cheapest and picked from there. Like I said in the other thread, even self-paying for doctor visits comes out cheaper than paying for insurance policies with "better" coverage.
  18. When I had BCBS, would you believe it? They actually LOWERED our bill one year by $12 per month!! I was so completely shocked! It was in FL, and it was a major medical coverage only. We started out at $82 per month for the three of us, and it actually went to $70 per month! I just wish they offered the same program here in CO!
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