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Everything posted by genie

  1. For those of you who are ready to move on to the next level, here is a site that requires a little more effort... The Smilies The code that this one gives you will include some extraneous information. The secret is to delete everything to the left and right of the brackets [] and img codes. What you want is for your code to start with brackets with "img" inside, and end with brackets and "/img" inside. Clear as mud? Thus endeth the lesson for now.
  2. You know, I think that is the only place to buy it, unless you find it used. You're right, though. I haven't seen it at any of the usual places. Hmmmm.....
  3. But now you know! And knowing is half the battle... GI Joe!
  4. You're welcome! I'm just trying to pass along the fun.
  5. Yeah, in Preview mode they won't be animated, but they're fine once you submit the post. Good job!
  6. If you are going to insert an actual web address of your smiley (starts with http without the brackets and img) you will need to use the mountain icon with the yellow background. When you click on it, it will open a box and you insert the url. It already gives you the http:// so make sure you don't enter it twice. Just that easy!
  7. Well, let me know when you're ready to try and I'll talk you through it one step at a time. K? And uh, could you do a few sit-up for me while you're at it? :tongue_smilie:
  8. Yep, soon enough you'll be in complete lock-step with the rest of the hive.
  9. Not clear enough? What part(s) are you having troubles with?
  10. Okay, lots of people have been asking about how to put the smileys in their posts, so I thought I'd make a little tutorial. I'll try to be as explicit as possible for those who are more computer-challenged. First, you open a few of the smiley sites in another window or tab. Here are some popular ones: Smiley Repository Free Smileys Best Smileys Okay, when you go to these pages, you will see an index of categories, like "Laughing" or "Dancing" etc. Find a smiley you like. Now, the different sites handle the next step a little differently. But usually you will see a string of information that will start with brackets [] and "img" inside and end with brackets and "/img" inside. So now what you want to do is make sure that the string of info is highlighted. Sometimes this happens when you click the desired smiley. Sometimes it will be in a box below the smiley and you have to click on the info, or right-click and drag over it to highlight it. Anyway, once it's highlighted, you can either type ctrl-c (that's the control button and c at the same time) or you can right click the highlighted part and select Copy. Now, come back to the WTM page and open a reply box and click inside it to make sure you cursor is ready. Now type ctrl-v (control button and v at the same time) or right click within the text area and select Paste. When you do this, the string of information will appear in the text box. If you click Preview Post (I think you have to be in Advanced mode for that) you will see your jolly little smiley, although it won't be animated in preview mode. Now, all you have to do is type any text you want to include, click Submit, and presto-chango you have a nifty smiley in your post! Now, let's see some smileys!!!!
  11. Some of my favorite quotes of his: "Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday." "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things." "When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat." "Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time." Farewell, dude. You rocked.
  12. I have to agree with this. That was always my favorite time to go to any of the FL theme parks because the weather is so nice, and the crowds are so small. Absolutely fantastic. But if that's not possible, I also would suggest November over August simply because of the weather. August is really hot. And humid. Yucky!
  13. Okay. I really mean it this time. I'm going to bed.
  14. Oh great. Now the whole world knows what I look like! :D If only I could combine the lamp with I would have the perfect I Dream of Jeannie smiley!
  15. Well, I can't do that. :glare: But it can be done. I've seen it with my own two eyes.
  16. Yeah, but then the bottles would sweat. And our gloves would get wet. And wet gloves breed discontent.
  17. My pleasure! :D Maybe I ought to post my question here about getting smileys in the rep comments, huh?
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