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Everything posted by genie

  1. Don't you HATE those things?!?! I don't know if I ever feel more unintelligent than when I am trying to figure out those darn squiggly numbers and letters! :glare: Thanks for setting this up, Heather. Hopefully lots of knowledgeable TOGers will join!
  2. I thought the new thing was popcorn with gravy... maybe not. :D I'm not a huge taffy fan, but I think your plan sounds mahvelous, dahling! (And I'm not talking 'bout the sit-ups and diet book one, got that?!)
  3. Envy is acceptable. Maybe even admirable. But you know, this was the original endless thread. So buck up little campers! Stand proud.
  4. "that other thread" Was that disgust I heard in your voice there? Distaste? Dismembering?
  5. My mom had to go through this recently. It's so tough. :grouphug:
  6. Me? Vegan? Nope, I like meat way too much! :tongue_smilie:
  7. What timing! I just joined that yahoo group yesterday because I'm wanting to learn more about TOG. I thought that for as busy as the group was, it was going to be full of great information. I went back several pages and still couldn't find much. Oh well. I'll be going through the files section to see what's there, and maybe do a few searches. Hopefully I will learn something. I would really like to find people who are using TOG secularly, but I don't think that yahoo group is the place to look. :)
  8. Wow! That's faster than fast! Very cool! I don't mind high S&H as much when it's super duper quick. By the way, love your avatar, nutmeg!
  9. Never. For me, they never kick in. Regardless of how often, how heavy, how light, how long I exercise, I NEVER get that great feeling so many people talk about having after exercising. I don't know why.
  10. I noticed you're new to posting here, and wasn't sure how long you've been lurking, but I thought I'd link a past thread that you might be interested in reading if you haven't already. (If you've already seen it, just ignore me. )
  11. Well, I had chocolate-covered strawberries for breakfast, so I'm probably not a good judge. And yeah, they were Soooooooooooooooo good!
  12. Yeah, I don't think it's what you want to hear, but I wouldn't trade my D80 for a D60. I could never be happy with the limited features after using mine for a few months now. I think the D60 is perfect for someone who is moving up from a point and shoot and getting into dSLR's for the first time. But moving down, that's a much harder process. :o
  13. Well, you're more than twelve days ahead of where we were when we moved to CO. We just packed up the truck, drove cross-country, stayed at a hotel with the U-Haul in the parking lot for a week until we found a rental. It was a little stressful! But we also knew there was a plethora of rental options, so that helped ease our minds. I'll be thinking about you over the next couple of weeks!!
  14. First you offer to lick me, now you want to fight me??? Whassup with that! :glare:
  15. Those bathrooms obviously need a woman's touch! :D
  16. My number one reason for wishing for unisex bathrooms? So women could finally get over our issues with doing certain natural things in the place that was built for them to occur. It never ceases to amaze me that men can just so easily go in and let what needs to happen happen without any embarrassment. How many times have we held what we needed to do, because right or wrong, women just don’t like doing that in public? How many times have we waited on someone else to flush so we could let a little (or a lot of) gas escape? How worried are we that someone might walk in and smell something? Heaven forbid! Do men worry about those things? Heck no! So if there were men in our bathrooms, they would already stink, there would already be plenty of sounds filling the air, and we could do what we needed to do when we needed to do it! (I can’t believe I’m really posting this…:blushing:)
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