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Everything posted by genie

  1. I wish you both could hop on a plane and come hang out with me for a weekend! Oh, the fun we could have... I mean, the educational philosophy we could discuss...
  2. I was wondering the same thing myself. Fess up! Someone here had to have done it. And whoever did should get an honorary full set of rep squares for doing it!
  3. I LOVE B&J Strawberry Daiquiri! No shame in that!
  4. That's hilarious!!! I just posted a link to this wiki article the other day on another thread, but I didn't bother to scroll to the bottom! How funny. I wonder if it was there before? Cracks. Me. Up!
  5. Although my dh might disagree with you on that one!
  6. Would you say that one is more "concept" oriented than the other? By that I mean, is one more geared towards the ideas, whereas the other may be more geared towards vocabulary and factual content? Or would you consider them about the same?
  7. Can you believe I've never eaten a brisket? And before I saw it on Ree's blog, I'd never even heard of it.
  8. Me too! :confused: Of course, I didn't realize until I was in my mid twenties that people actually pronounced Don and Dawn differently. It was a true shock to my senses!
  9. And this, my dear Doran, is why I'm not ashamed to publicly profess my deep love and admiration for you!
  10. Well I can say with confidence that most of you ladies are far more proper than I or my family. Now I fully recognize there's a time and place for everything, and I strive to make sure my daughter knows what words and actions are only for when family is around. That being said, we giggle like school girls about potty humor. My daughter and I regular challenge each other with certain "contests" that I'm sure would make most of you cringe. (My dh doesn't participate, not because he thinks it's improper, but because he's a lightweight. He simply can't compete.) I love fun little catch phrases like "My bad" and "I know, right?" And I love a good play on words. For me, the key is to not overuse them. It's all about proper time, proper place. So what words do I despise? As I said in the other thread, irregardless makes me shudder. Preventive bothers me. I always thought it was preventative. When did it become preventive? Curricula when used as a singular noun. And march. There's something about the "r" sound merged with "ch" that bothers me. Or when merged with a "j" sound, like large. My mouth doesn't like making those combinations.
  11. Well, Music Ace has something kind of like that. I'm not sure how serious of music you mean. Music Ace's still sounds like a cheap keyboard. But you can create compositions with multiple instruments by placing the notes on the staff. My daughter enjoys playing around with it, but I'm not sure it's exactly what you're looking for.
  12. Vixen. I really like the word vixen. Especially when you pair it with Saucy, as my dh often does.
  13. I guess I've missed most of the threads about your daughter's condition, but I know exactly how you feel about finally getting a diagnosis and feeling like you are moving in the right direction. It was several posts from this and the old board that pushed me to seek out the help that my daughter has SO benefited from. Isn't it great.
  14. You're welcome! I know many people on these boards have bought from him, so that's always comforting.
  15. Oh my mouth is SO watering! It even has cilantro! Thank you so much!
  16. Ray at Horrible Books sells them at a discount and offers a flat shipping rate. Quite a deal!
  17. Uh, recipe please! :) I've never had anything like that and it sounds yummerific!!
  18. Me too! I usually have to delete at least 2 justs out of every post I write! What is up with that?!?! I wonder if I say it that much in my speaking??? Otherwise, I guess my favorite word would be juxtapose in all its forms. It's nifty! My favorite non-word is irregardless. My dh's former boss would say it all the time. No one ever corrected him. I once saw an ad for a band named The Irregardless. Made me chuckle.
  19. We had a set of glasses with those on them, like the ones Burger King used to give away or something. I always thought they were strange.
  20. There are a few people here who have used it. Jenny in Atl will probably chime in soon. I'm considering it for this fall, so I will be :lurk5: watching this thread with interest. I'm curious about how long it takes to complete it in one year. Can it be done twice a week?
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