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Everything posted by genie

  1. I'm not even sure what India ink is, but I'm certain it's NOT something you want in your dryer!! I like Mamagistra's outlook. Less to pack!
  2. I remember hearing a sermon years ago that had a huge effect on my spiritual walk at the time. I'm probably going to do a terrible job at paraphrasing, but hopefully you'll get the gist of it. It was about Christians who almost become paralyzed over praying for the next step. The preacher started quoting scripture about Paul, and how when he finished in one town, he got up and went to the next town. He didn't spend days or weeks praying about where he should go next. He got up and went, trusting that if the direction he was heading was not the "right" one, God would stop him and show him the right way. The basic idea is that we are given this life to live, and we are allowed to make choices and decisions. That is part of the freedom of free will. The fact that things are tough for you right now isn't an indication that you somehow made the wrong choice. It's just a set of obstacles that, once you've gotten past, will make you a stronger person. :grouphug:
  3. Isn't it crazy what a life-changing event the discovery of coffee ice cubes is? Unbelievable! And Pamela, congrats on your two green squares! I'm out of love to spread for this 24 hour period, or I'd help further your cause! :D
  4. I'm not convinced that a child like that is genetically possible coming from me. How'd you do it? Did you eat a lot of Wheaties while you were pregnant?
  5. I second this advice! When we moved to CO, we stayed in a rental so we could get to know the area. We knew we would only be in it for less than a year, so I left several boxes in the basement and never even unpacked them. And when it was time to move again, I went through those boxes and realized that I could get rid of much of it. It was very freeing! I'm so sorry you are going through all of this! I really can't imagine having to do it all myself. You're a strong, strong woman! You'll find your strength, even when you don't know where it is. It may come in spurts. Just do what you can, when you can, and eventually what needs to get done will get done. :grouphug:
  6. Here is the recipe I got from Barney's, way back when THEY were the coffee shop you would find in the malls. Coffee Cooler 14 oz concentrate (I really loved their raspberry coffee for this) Pour into 2 ½ qt pitcher Fill rest of way with milk. 7 sweet n low 1 tbs vanilla Mix it up and enjoy! I haven't made this in forever. Nowadays I would probably try sugar instead of sweet n low. Yum yum!
  7. Great minds think alike, because that's exactly what I pictured too! I know we have all kinds of homemade cleaners around these board, but using coffee?? That's just wrong! :D
  8. I know, right? And one additional benefit is your drink stays nice and colorful. Not all filled with clear swirly non-caffeinated useless stuff! And good to the last drop! In fact, that might be ice I would consider eating. :D
  9. Yep, I got mine years before the whole coffee trend exploded. I think it might have been $12. It paid for itself after about 4 drinks. :D
  10. Oh, Mama Lynx, I think I love you! I haven't used my toddy in many, many years, but I will be pulling it out again, thanks to you. It never occurred to me to freeze it into ice cubes! What a terrific idea!
  11. That's exactly why I choose No Email and just read online like I do this board. My inbox gets full enough as it is! :)
  12. Both? There have been some funny moments, some VERY funny moments. But they are surrounded with a lot of general conversation. It has morphed into more of a chat room with a conversational feel.
  13. Ecco sandals, while expensive, are THE BEST SHOES I have EVER worn. I have bad feet, most of the women in my family have foot problems, but my husband can't keep up with me when I wear my Ecco sandals. They rock my feet!
  14. :iagree: I would get NOTHING done all day if I had to wear shoes in the house. I think there is a small disconnect button in my foot, and when shoes are worn in the house, my mind becomes disconnected from the rest of my body, and therefore unable to function, certainly unable to fulfill the Flylady rigor!
  15. Gosh, that's a mighty tough question for so early in the morning! Ultimately, I have to go with the original four. The make-up madmen. But I did really rilly like some of their first albums sans make-up. The first time I saw them in concert was without make-up. But then they started suckin' like the late seventies. But I'll take either way over being KISS rolled ANY DAY! (And Mamagistra, that was just absolutely NAUGHTY of you! NAUGHTY!)
  16. Yeah, well... I prefer my KISS to be authentic! (That's the closest I could come to a Gene Simmons tongue smiley.) :D
  17. Oh, that is SO wrong!!! Just WRONG!!! W-R-O-N-G!!!!
  18. Well, my daughter and I found them to be rather repetitive. I know a lot of people obviously like them, but for us it became a drag. Have you seen on their website that you can view the whole book? When we did them, we completed a pocket in a week. Obviously it will vary depending on how much you do each day.
  19. :iagree: I keep forgetting about that one because I don't own it, but I have checked it out from the library many times, and each time I tell myself I need to buy it. It's very handy!
  20. I like to use xml because it makes it easier to see a change from one message to the next. Since it's sort of in outline format, with indentions. The excel one made my eyes cross, as did the text one. The xml isn't pretty, but it's manageable.
  21. I had a very peaceful, relaxing day. Best of all, dh got some extra work at time-and-a-half for about 10 hours! w00t!!
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