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Everything posted by genie

  1. Oh, sweet innocent Kelli. If only it were that easy to fix the injustices in this world. :o
  2. I just did it the same way you do in posts. Type the words that you want to show, highlight them, click the earth with the chain icon and enter the web address you want.
  3. Right you are, Ken! I apologize for unwittingly posting extraneous information. :blushing:
  4. Exactly! I cut mine off and eat it with a spoon. DH eats his in rows. But he always has to use a toothpick afterwards. That's why MY method is clearly superior. :D
  5. It's all about the gloves. If you don't have the gloves, you're just a stinkin' pet.
  6. Just don't invite Foxy Nasty. That's just askin' for trouble!
  7. Gah! Okay! I'm here already! Jeesh! Glad there's no silliness going on in this thread! So who the heck are Max and Ruby???
  8. Yeah, threads about the presidential candidates have a whole 'nother meaning over there! :D
  9. I do have a lot of experience with this, but only second-hand. My dad has increasing problems with this. For him, it's mostly when he thinks about someone from the past or tells an old story. I'm not sure if it's a symptom of his Parkinson's disease, or if it's from one of the many medications he has to take, or if it's just something that's happening for no known reason, like it sounds like you might be dealing with. I know he gets embarrassed by it. His doctor even tried putting him on an anti-depressant but he didn't take it for long. Not sure why. It's hard seeing my dad cry. He's one of those "tough as nails" kind of men. I remember having to help him patch up deep gashes he would get from working in his mechanic shop, and he wouldn't bat an eye. I think it hurt me more than it hurt him. So I don't have a clue what to tell you, I can only commiserate to some extent. But if in the future you do learn something about it that helps, I sure would appreciate it if you'd share it with me. :grouphug:
  10. Like I said in the other thread, I'm a complete lurker there. But apparently I can't stop my fingers from typing these days, so who knows what madness will ensue once DJ's back up and running!
  11. Uh oh... I can see all the DJ regulars shaking in their boots! :D But seriously, it would be nice (at least I think so) if it had a little more activity on it. Not as much as this place, though. I couldn't handle two boards this active.
  12. Me too! I've been lurking there for years, and have hardly posted at all. It's such a small community and it feels like you need a formal introduction before you really start posting. But I hate introductions. I would much rather just slip in the back door and start chatting than turn the spotlight on myself with an introduction. (And, uh, that was chatting with lower-case t's!) But since the beginning of summer, I have stepped out of mostly lurking mode here, so maybe once the DJ is back up and running I will get over my intro issues and post one so I can join in on all the fun conversations I've missed out on so far.
  13. Man, that would really upset me, too. The whole thing. We have very few strays running around where I live, but I think that's mostly because we have plenty of wild coyotes. So either people keep their pets fenced better, or the coyotes get the ones who do stray. Sorry about your chickens!
  14. This pretty much sums me up. It's very frustrating for me, because I really want to be "informed" but how do you find unbiased sources of information? And even if you did, and felt strongly about a candidate, that still doesn't mean they are going to be able to do the things they say they want to do. And really, I don't know if I could ever find myself trusting, truly trusting, anyone who has the personality required to make it into the presidential elections these days.
  15. Look to the right of your post, and it will tell you. Right now it says you have 13.
  16. Hmmm.... It's not letting me log in either. I can get the main pain, but then I just sit and spin when I try to log in.
  17. Levitating mojo karma coming your way!!!
  18. You know, I guess that was always a part of my problem, too! I always figure that just as soon as I tape up the packed box, I will desperately need the item at the very bottom of the box. Moving Murhpy's Law.
  19. I'm a terrible procrastinator. Actually, I guess I'm a darn good procrastinator. Therefore I wait until the last possible minute. I don't, however, recommend that course of action. I guess ideally I would pack up all but the essentials within a week of moving and just plan a lot of sandwiches and other finger foods during that time. I don't envy you!
  20. I have no idea, but hopefully someone can help you. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  21. Yes, as a matter of fact they do! I have a pair just like that but they're purple.... and edible. :w00t:
  22. Under Edit Options on the User CP go down to Default Thread Subscription Mode. I have mine set to No Email Notification. But any time I post to a thread, that thread will show up on my User CP page under the New Subscribed Threads box whenever there is a new reply.
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