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Everything posted by genie

  1. The main thing I miss is being able to get a gist of what's being said in the threads I wasn't particularly interested in. Here, if you don't click on it, you have no clue what direction the thread may go in. The old board was easier and quicker to view, but it seems like there are a lot more threads now, and more replies within each thread, so I'm not sure that it is the format or just an increased number.
  2. The Internet giveth... and it taketh away. :D
  3. An enjoyable 73 right now. We will be heating back up to the 90's in a few days, though.
  4. You could have just waited until everyone else had several tokes and then tried it. By then they'd already be giggling at a bug on the wall or munching away on Cheetos, and no one would have noticed. :001_cool: :lol:
  5. Well, see for yourself. :D This was the last page of the old board before the change.
  6. People always told me beer was an acquired taste. My thought was, "Why bother???" :ack2:
  7. LOVE IT!!! One of these days... one of these days. Okay, so here is the question I really want to know about... can you blow your nose? Lately I've been having to blow my nose every time I eat. :confused: I just wonder what it's like to blow your nose with a ring in it?? Is yours the kind that curves around on the inside, or is it a post? That would probably make a difference too, eh?
  8. Aw, those horses ain't got nuttin' on you! (Hmm, I guess that could be taken a few different ways. :tongue_smilie:) You look mahvelous, dahling!
  9. I'm one of those people who knew in every fiber of my being that I was meant to be a mom. I was the youngest of my siblings, rarely ever got to be around babies, or children of any age for that matter. But mothering just came completely natural to me. I was one of the weirdos who loved every aspect of being pregnant, even the stretch marks. I loved getting up in the middle of the night for my baby. I never felt the need for alone-time. Even the scary times (she didn't nurse well and lost a lot of weight) I had a peace about me. Financially, well, I certainly didn't get the opportunity to buy all the cute baby things I would have loved to buy. But I was blessed by a few good friends who had babies just a little older than mine and pockets far deeper than mine, so the hand-me-downs were so much nicer than anything I could have bought. So as far as necessities, we didn't do without. Of course, if you consider college savings a necessity, then we aren't prepared at all for that. Being a single-income family is so hard in this day and age. So financially, homeschooling can be a huge burden. But you just can't put a price tag on the joy our lifestyle brings us, so for us, it's completely worth it.
  10. Um, hello? You know you can't just go making a statement like that without posting a picture!
  11. Boy do I know what you mean! When we moved two years ago, I was amazed at how many times I had to go back and get more and more and more boxes! I do not envy you one bit!
  12. I tried Mike's years ago, before I ever saw it mentioned on this board. I didn't think it was that great, but at that time they only had the Hard Lemonade, I think. If you want something sweet and not-too-alcohol-tasting, try a Strawberry Daiquiri flavored wine cooler. It's about as close to Kool-Aid as you can get and still have some alcohol content. :001_smile: As far as wine goes, I really can only enjoy White Zinfandel, Riesling, and Asti Spumanti. My mixed drink of choice is a Long Island Ice Tea. Yum!
  13. Jeepers! I guess if grey hairs are the worst that happened, you came out lucky! How scary!
  14. Yay! See, good things happen when you reach 1000 posts! :D
  15. Whew! Glad that was short-lived despair That would be so totally unlike SWB! :D :party: Congrats on achieving your aspirations. You do indeed serve as an inspiration to all us little people. Thank you for not forgetting us as you climb the hive-ladder of honey-filled success!
  16. Ooh! Watch out Mamagistra! You see what the post number was where she made that threat!! :ohmy: And Mindy, as you move beyond your apprenticeship, do you have a few words to share with us lowly foragers? Something to inspire us to achieve the SWB greatness that you are about to have bestowed upon you? :bigear:
  17. I've wondered about this, but if it's true, then would it not also make sense that when someone reaches 1000 posts or 100 rep points, then their previously given rep would reflect it, in the same way? (Does that make a bit of sense? Retroactive Rep) It seems like it would be a never-ending spiral of increasing value if it worked that way. Who knows. :confused: :)
  18. :party::party::party: Just this. :D Oh, and I think your rep is worth one more point. :party::party::party::party:
  19. First, you type the text that you want to actually show up when it posts. Then you highlight that text and click the earth with the chain icon (you might have to "Go Advanced" - I can't remember) and it will open a box where you put in the url of the website you want to link. Click ok and you should be good to go. :)
  20. :lol: Yeah, for as much as I hate heat and humidity, I sometimes wonder why I spent so much time outside when I was younger. But then I remember we didn't have air conditioning, and in Florida, that was unbearable! So I spent a lot more time outside then than I do now. But I'm not so sure I'm willing to give it up just to get out more. :)
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