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Everything posted by genie

  1. Oh yeah, baby! We don't have cable either, and the first time I realized that the Daily Show was online, I spent hours watching clips. I loves me some Jon Stewart!!
  2. My young cat only had two for her first and only litter. I was expecting a lot more, having grown up in a rural area where strays always seemed to adopt us when they were just about to give birth. We once had four strays living in our barn, each with a litter of 7 or 8 kittens! Congrats on the baby! Is your dd thrilled??
  3. Okay, finally got mine up! An Unexpected Use for Our Birdbath.
  4. It was Jenny in Atl. Here's her blog. (And I don't have mine up yet, but hopefully I will in the morning.)
  5. I'm so right there with ya! I think I have Chronic Temporal Displacement Disorder.
  6. "Would you give me a hand with the bags?" "Certainly. You take the blond, I'll take the one in the turban."
  7. Luckily them momma cats have instincts! Can you post some pictures once they're out? :) Well, maybe once the momma has cleaned them and they start resembling kittens more than drowned rats.
  8. Oh yeah. I remember my cat would not stay anywhere I wanted her to. I eventually just went in the bathroom with her and closed the door. Now that I think about it, she didn't take nearly as long as my dog did. But at least my dog was happy to sit on the floor by me and pant away.
  9. That usually started about 10 hours before my dog gave birth. After those types of behaviors would come the panting. She would sometimes pant for hours! I used to have a cat that had kittens, but I don't remember exactly her behavior, but I'm guessing you're probably close!! How exciting! Hopefully Soph the Vet will respond soon! Good luck!
  10. It's an interesting psychological phenomenon. It seems the key lies in just making the statement that you are almost there. Then there are plenty of kind people willing to boost you over the edge. But if you actually ask for it, it seems like some take it as cheating or something. Or maybe people are just in a cranky mood today. (Did you notice Jessica's thread now has a 1-star rating?) So maybe I should ctrl-A and delete this post, but hey, I'm living on the wild side today!!
  11. I saw that book in the library a couple of years ago but my daughter was early elementary at that point so I didn't check it out. I should probably do that now. :)
  12. Hear hear! Our life is what we make of it, and there is no reason not to exercise an option if it is there to be had.
  13. Thanks. :o Her tennis teacher has gotten a little better about pairing the students up instead of leaving them to pair themselves. And once she gets paired with them, they are very nice and not at all rude or exclusive. It's just hard to break down that initial wall. And of course, the program only runs for two weeks, so by the time she may start to get "in" with any of the girls, class will be over, but they won't be "close" enough to exchange numbers or anything. That's the other problem I'm finding with our local sports programs. They usually only run about 6 weeks, meeting once, maybe twice a week, and the time is fully structured, so they don't really have the opportunity to get to know each other. That's just not long enough to break the barrier and get friendly enough to meet outside the sport. Plus, I'm quite the introvert and tend to read books or otherwise keep to myself instead of doing the chatty mom thing, so I'm really no help at all. We need to find something that last longer and is more consistent, but I just haven't found anything around here like that yet.
  14. I've been frustrated over the last few weeks about a similar double standard. I've been trying to enroll my daughter in some summer sports and other activities to try to get out of the house more (we're naturally big old homebodies) and meet more friends (we live in a rural area with few kids). Well, I need a definition of "socialized" because what I seem to be finding is that the ps kids have their little cliques, and it doesn't matter if a nice girl is standing all by herself or swimming alone or doesn't have a partner for tennis, none of them either notice her, or make any attempts to invite her to join them. Don't get me wrong, I don't actually expect that to happen, but I find it highly ironic that it's my homeschooled daughter who would be willing to hang with just about anyone and would make it a point to include a loner, but the socialized public school kids are so not open to meeting new people or being friendly to someone who is clearly off on her own. And I hesitate to advise my daughter to go up to a clique and ask to join in, because I have very little faith that they would receive that well. Very frustrating!
  15. Wow, I must have spread quite a bit of love recently, because I was able to rep people that I haven't been able to in quite a while! Doin' the happy dance!
  16. Hey, that's a good idea! My daughter also hated the coldness of it, which I of course couldn't understand because I love the feel of its icy freshness flowing down inside my ear and bubbling. I tried microwaving it for her for a few seconds, but it got too hot very quickly!
  17. Yep, this is what I was going to suggest. Works great! My daughter hates the smell, but I love it. It's one of those scents that instantly transports me back to summers from my childhood spent in the pool.
  18. Well, I'm not sure about what to use for displays, but I have had these on my wish list for a while for storing in an easy-to-view way. If you scroll down, you can see all the size options. I have a seen a small selection of these available at Hobby Lobby. I would think most craft-type stores would carry at least a few of the sizes also.
  19. Well, I hope Jackie in AR doesn't mind, but here's a link to her blog where she has a fantastic recipe for pinto beans. I had only (unsuccessfully) tried cooking dry beans one or two times, but this recipe worked perfectly, and it was oh so yummy! I also mashed some of the pintos to make refried beans for nachos and it was muy delicioso!
  20. Great Books Academy is the secular "sister" school to Angelicum. I'm not sure if their Great Books guides are the exact same, or if they are secularized versions.
  21. 1. Princess Bride 2. Men in Tights 3. I didn't see Saw. Get it? See Saw. Guffaw! :lol: ETA: Next time I will wait for the poll to come up before replying. :blush:
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