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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. and met with our contractor. We should break ground on a new house in a few weeks. :D This is what we are building: http://www.coolhouseplans.com/details.html?pid=114... After all our indecision about which route to go (buying vs building) this is a relief! But now all this picking out of EVERYTHING is going to give me an ulcer!
  2. This lady just isn't going to get it. Some people have warped opinions of their kids..lol. I had a potential playdate/get together fall completely flat because the mom wanted my 12 year old girls to play with her two little boys (10 and 7) instead of hanging out with her 13 year old dd and my 15 year old. My girls ARE mature, physically and mentally they are more like 14 year olds. 5'6" and wearing bras for 2 years....yeah they aren't into playing on the swings with little boys..lol. I think you are handling it the best way you can. People who invite themselves to parties have a whole filter missing, IMO.
  3. It is possible. I can't put God into that small of a box to insist we are the only ones. If He so desired, the universe could be full of life elsewhere. But, since the Bible really doesn't say, then I'm not going to insist that there IS life elsewhere..lol.
  4. Yeah, we were BABIES! And as my dd is now the age that I was when dh and I began dating I think "NO WAY".
  5. For us, we try not to spend more than we make. I don't consider us as high income, but we are comfortable. We have spent any unexpected money wisely. (Like using an inheritance to pay off our mortgage, tax returns for doctor bills, etc). *We don't go on lavish vacations (only dh has EVER been to Disney :lol:) * I try to adjust our lifestyle weekly to the money available. If we are going to be tight that week..then no eating out, etc. *The kids aren't in a ton of sports. That seems to eat a LOT of money in many families *We have ONE credit card and pay it off monthly whenever possible. The longest I've had a balance on it is about 3 months. *I rarely buy clothes at full price. We use thrift stores and clearance racks. *Our tithe comes out of our check first. That said, we DO probably spend more money than we should. I don't skimp on groceries. We have a family book fetish. We love techie gadgets. I like to eat out..lol.
  6. Ahh...those were the words I was looking for! :lol:
  7. He provides the income so I can homeschool :D He does read the Bible with us all every night. He is also the "principal". (In other words, he helps with discipline when needed...) He will also cook and help out around the house *when I ask* Asking is the important part. He is happy to help, but can't read my mind ;) (despite my wish for him to do so)
  8. This is me at 13...I'm on the right. TALL hair. This one is at 12 with my brother..:lol: And this is at 16 (at my wedding :tongue_smilie:) 1992
  9. We actually use two nice file cabinets. They are chocolate brown and match our dressers. Best nightstands we've ever had. They hold a ton of "junk" and still hold our lamps and clocks.
  10. It is around 1.5 cup per gallon pitcher. That is to appease my dh who grew up drinking syrup tea. His mother makes it with over 2 c per gallon :eek: I usually drink it unsweetened or half unsweetened/half syrup tea..lol.
  11. I think you may live on our road :lol: Oh, and we ARE all related to one another...we call this Herrell Valley :tongue_smilie: My friend thought I was joking when I said we were moving here. My dh is related to about 70% of the people within a 2 mile radius of us. The other 30% are outsiders :001_huh:
  12. We have a "club house" right down the road for bikers. They often have target practice. Since we live in a valley, it sounds like it is in our back yard. Also down the road is a house with a sign at the end of the drive way: "Drop off junk here" From the looks of the place, many people take them up on it. Mater is parked down the road as well. (One day we drove by and someone had drawn the Mater smile on poster board and put it in the grill :D)
  13. I feel your sadness. It has been hard for me this year too, and I can't imagine how hard the years to come will be. I only have two years left of schooling my oldest, if that. My younger two only have 6, possibly 5 years if they stay on the track they are on. I no longer have little girls. They are all as tall as I am, and all.....teenagery. :lol: I just took photos for my little niece...who is a senior this year. Time is running away. So what do I do? I say, heck ya, I'll homeschool dh's cousin who is starting preschool this year :tongue_smilie:
  14. Out of the people I live around, and know on a regular basis, only 3 have gotten divorced over the past 20 years. 2 of those are from the same family. We live in the Bible belt... Now, if you consider MY family, the ones I choose not to be around much, the divorce rate is around 95%, if they get married at all after kids. I cannot think of a single family member on my mother's side that has stayed married, other than my grandmother (who is a widow). I have an uncle that got married 7 or 8 times before he died. On my dad's side it isn't quite as bad...around 50%. Those that have stayed married waited until their 40s to marry. All of them live in the Bible belt as well.
  15. We have 1300sqft right now. It is snug, but I don't consider it tiny. We lived in 600sq ft when we first got married (no kids) It would have still been ok with one kid. With our lifestyle (homeschooling, a dh that works from home and needs a quiet office) we are more comfortable in 2000+.
  16. No....our family of 5 has lived with 2. In fact, we've lived with essentially one for a while. I grew up with one bathroom. You'll be fine.
  17. Just realized this was an old thread that I had already posted on :)
  18. Generally, they don't bite and let go...they let go when they are full. You would know. Also, I think they have to be attached for a period of time (like 24 hours) before they transmit disease. I definitely wouldn't spend a huge amount of time worrying about it. We live in TN, and it is infested with ticks around here. You just check yourself, and go on. :) (In fact I had to pull one off of myself this morning. :glare:)
  19. What I find amusing is how I suddenly become an expert in the event I'm currently watching. Things I heard come out of my mouth while watching the swimming: "She could have gotten another full stroke in that lap" "That was a poor start" :tongue_smilie:Amusing when I look like a drowning puppy when I swim.
  20. Yes :) It isn't uncommon for extra kids to be here, especially since it is summer. I love being that house :D Some days it is Grand Central Station.
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