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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. FWIW...I had a mediocre education at mediocre schools. My family growing up sounded like a bunch of uneducated hillbillies (in fact, many were). But I read like mad. I educated myself beyond the levels of my family. I still, however, write much better than I speak. My undereducated hillbilly comes out in force sometimes, especially if I am nervous or fighting a migraine. My mind sits back and gasps in horror while my mouth butchers the english language.
  2. My dh had to wear one for about 3 months after his spinal fusion. I have no clue as to whether it made a difference as we had nothing to compare it to. He did heal up nicely.
  3. I don't think I would take it personaly, I just hope that they won't. :D I will understand if they do. Dh have had to make the same choices in our lives, and thankfully have had understanding family.
  4. Over 20. I'm not wandering through the house to count right now. About 15 of them are from Big Lots...cheap but they work. I have 4 BILLYs, the wide ones. I also have a 5x5 EXPEDIT, one 2X2, and 2 5x2s. Kind of insane when you move as much as we have the past few years. :lol:
  5. Thanks. We figure it is God's way of telling us that we don't need that much work taking up our time. ;)
  6. Well, we didn't get it. The other offer was "substantially more than the asking price", so we didn't have a chance unless the financing of the other offer fell through. Now to decide what our next step is. :glare:
  7. You could also get glass cut to fit. Then you can put your maps under the glass, and even use dry erase markers on it :)
  8. I'm trying to help out a friend. Her 17 year old son is extremely behind, and she is trying to find a way to get him graduated within 2 years. He does have a disability with his writing, although I'm not sure what the exact diagnosis is. I've seen his handwriting, and it is about on a 7 year old level. It is something we are going to have to work around. What we need to do is get his spelling and grammar up to par. He can do his work on the computer. He is not, however, very motivated. Is there a program that is inexpensive (they do not have extra $$ at all) and can be implemented on the computer?
  9. Sorry to bust up your theory. I got married while still IN high school, and do not have a college degree. I handle all of our finances. My dh wouldn't have a clue how much our utilities are, what our cell phone plan is, or how much we actually have in the bank. He doesn't like keeping up with it, so he leaves it to me. I like it that way. ETA: He DOES know where I keep all that information, should something happen to me. He just enjoys not having to worry with it.
  10. :iagree: Have his parents at least try it. Nutramigen is milk based. My dds couldn't tolerate ANY milk derivitives as infants. We were amazed at the difference.
  11. lol. My girls would LOVE that. My dh...not so much. We've actually been talking about goats and chickens for show. (fairs, 4H) And goats for clean up around the property. Maybe a few cows. I'm trying HARD to talk him into a Great Pyrenees.
  12. Oh we are. We've alloted roughly 20 years to get it cleaned up. :lol: Thankfully, all but the trailer that is in GOOD shape is out of view from the house. So it won't be an eyesore, even if it takes us a long time to dispose of them.
  13. Yeah :glare: Like I said, there is a LOT of cleaning up to do. A lot of what you see in the google shots is now gone, but there are still about 4 trailers that are in various states of destroyed that need to be moved. So much work :001_huh: At least the house is completely empty.
  14. Actually there are about 7 ponds on the property. There are several small ponds that come down the ridge. At one time they raised minnows in them to stock the lake. You can see them in this shot... And here is a shot of the whole property. The back goes up a pretty steep ridge.
  15. We've countered their counter :D We will be ok with whatever they counter back, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's a go!
  16. Shred the chicken and add salsa. Layer it with beans, rice and cheese and bake until bubbly :)
  17. 1. It's not just for old, fat people. My 38 year old dh almost died from it. 2. Get a follow up. I recommend getting a scan/scope done. 3. Don't blow off symptoms. My dh had attacks off and on for a couple of years, each time it seemed to get better on its own. Until the last one, which ruptured his colon, infected his abdomen, and put him into emergency surgery. He ended up with a colostomy. Not fun. 4. Watch what you eat. Corn and anything with seeds are trouble for my dh. Please, please don't blow it off. I'm serious when I say that my young, healthy husband almost died from it.
  18. It's not that they aren't ALLOWED in my room, they were just discouraged from being dependent on us for sleeping. If they came to our room in the night, we dealt with the issue (whatever it was) and tucked them back into their own beds. Now that they are older, it has been a couple of years since we've had a late night visit. For us, our bedroom was the only place dh and I could have private conversations and other "things". :lol: So yeah, I didn't want it to become the kid hangout too.
  19. For some reason, my children are mortified when I start singing "Sexyback" by Justin Timberlake. And apparently my dancing along with the song only heightens the humility. I do it often when they have friends in the car :D ETA: That isn't from my teenage years though....I think "Ice Ice Baby" would rank up there though...lol.
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