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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. I voted no, but I'm anti-flu vax anyway. The vax isn't for all the strains that float around out there, and there has been some speculation that the vax itself can worsen symptoms if you DO get the flu. I know from personal experience that the only time I have EVER had it, was the year I got talked into a vax. :glare:
  2. I slice them in half, sprinkle a little salt, and eat them :) Or make egg salad. Yum. Now I want to go boil eggs.
  3. I would (and have). It was in a public area of the house, and they know that mom is likely to pop in her head and say hi, or something equally mortifying. My kids have friends all over the country, and this is just how they keep in touch. Not all internet communication has to be creepy.
  4. Unfortunately ERs don't really lean towards diagnosis, just treatment of the immediate problem. I would contact your Doctor and request (demand if needed) a Holter Monitor. They can't really tell what type of palpitations you are having otherwise. There ARE treatments for it. If you cannot function normally, then something needs to be done.
  5. To me, it is more than 4. Four kids can still fit in a regular mini-van, etc. Once you hit 5, you have to start looking at other options :lol: Although we've been "done" for 12 years, I still have dreams of having a big family!:D
  6. Termites shouldn't really be a problem for you as a renter. They do more long term damage to a home, and is really a concern for the owner of the home. Soft wood, spongy places in the walls, etc. can be an indicator. The last house we rented showed zero signs of them until they poured out of our bathroom ceiling/wall. I called the management company and they sent a guy out...took two visits and it was cleared up. I have to say though, this house wasn't properly maintained in many ways... The thing I would worry about MORE is a roach or mouse problem. If pest control is included that is a good thing :)
  7. Our counters right now are tile and I hate them. They are awful to clean. We are putting higher end laminate in the house we are building.
  8. We all love it here...but aren't likely to eat it out somewhere. We are kind of picky about it.
  9. Same here, but 20 years. I've won once, and I kept the score sheet :lol: (sadly, he was on painkillers, so alas my win is also tainted)
  10. Sometimes. More so when they were younger. Now they are vicious and like to stomp the parents at any game, so we have to play hard just to keep up ;)
  11. There are several things it could be, ranging from a pulled muscle to kidney infection to intestinal problem. I would go to the ER.
  12. When mine were little, this is what I did: I had a little tykes plastic table that they did most of their messy stuff on. It sat in the kitchen. (You could also just keep a vinyl table cloth on hand for your kitchen table) I removed clothing down to undies when using messy craft items. They were allowed to get it all over them. (That's part of the fun, IMHO) I only allowed scissors when supervised. (because, yes they WILL cut hair) A clean, but messy activity is to tint shaving cream with food coloring and let them "paint" in the tub. It all rinses right down the drain.
  13. Definitely check zoning laws. Our county doesn't allow ANY single wides now, other than ones grandfathered in. We are doing the opposite right now. Our property has a single wide on it (dh's aunt lives there) and we are building a house on the same property. Some things we are having to do that would have been the same if we were doing it like you are planning: 1. Obtain a new 911 address for the house. The house and mobile home have to have separate addresses. 2. Have the property perked for additional septic (or obtain a permit for additional sewer hook up if you are in the city) If you are on septic tank, you have to have a new, separate tank installed for the mobile home. 3. Have a separate electrical pole and line ran. Same for water and/or gas lines. 4. If you are not sharing a driveway connection to the road, obtain permit to add a connection. 5. Don't forget to factor in the costs for site work and pad/or block for the home to sit on.
  14. 9/4 $9 for an unplanned purchase of underwear 9/5 $0 so far, with $0 planned 9/6 $8.95 for coconut oil and a chocolate bar (since my coconut oil was cheaper than I had planned I got the girls and I a bar to split :) ) 9/7 $99.68 for groceries and $50.32 for gas. Then $7 for milkshakes for dh and I after we went to a funeral last night. (It was SO hot and crowded...the urge hit us) 9/8 hopefully nothing today. 9/9 $0 (other than our tithe which I take out of our bills budget) 9/10 $0 9/11 $19.75 on groceries. (I knew I wouldn't make it until Friday!) -$84.75 until 9/14 9/12 $0 9/13 $438: $345 on groceries (Sam's run for the rest of the month or longer) $57 on school materials, $36 on fall clothing for dd, the rest on my lunch and coffee while out yesterday) This (after bills and payday today) leaves me with $850 in the budget for groceries and misc until the 28th. I'm hoping to put a bit of that into savings next payday. I have $30 budgeted towards fall clothes this payday. I'm trying to get as much at thrift stores as possible, and spread it out a bit over the next month or so. We are also hoping to take a small trip for our anniversary the 2nd week of October so I want to put some aside for that.
  15. How do you feel about your choice to homeschool? Very good. Are you happy you started homeschooling? Yes Are your children happy to be homeschooled? Yes What do you feel is your favorite part of the school day? Around 10AM when everyone is busy working :) least favorite? Whenever math hits. :lol: What is your favorite part of the school year? The beginning. I'm all gung ho. least favorite? The end, when I'm just ready to be done. What is your favorite subject to teach? History Your children's favorites? DD15 - Latin Twins - refuse to answer. How do you feel inside when you tell people you homeschool? Proud This exact moment in time....what are you feeling when you look back on your day (or yesterday if your day hasn't started yet)? Tired.
  16. My dh gets pouty every time I cut my hair...but he gets over it. The first time I cut it short was the worst. I had hair I could sit on when we got married. When I was pregnant with dd15 I chopped it off. And I mean SHORT. He walked in from work and kind of wilted when he saw it. He just said "What did you do?!!" But, like I said, he got over it. (And looking back...that was the WORST haircut I've ever had. I can see why he was shocked.)
  17. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/spaghetti-carbonara-ii/ http://allrecipes.com/recipe/brown-sugar-bacon-waffles/detail.aspx?event8=1&prop24=SR_Title&e11=brown%20sugar%20bacon&e8=Quick%20Search&event10=1&e7=Recipe
  18. One of mine did that. Only my older dd had JUST peed in the toilet. And, shamefully, I was standing right there!! I just wasn't paying close enough attention. :tongue_smilie:
  19. 9/4 $9 for an unplanned purchase of underwear 9/5 $0 so far, with $0 planned 9/6 $8.95 for coconut oil and a chocolate bar (since my coconut oil was cheaper than I had planned I got the girls and I a bar to split :) ) 9/7 $99.68 for groceries and $50.32 for gas. Then $7 for milkshakes for dh and I after we went to a funeral last night. (It was SO hot and crowded...the urge hit us) 9/8 hopefully nothing today. 9/9 $0 (other than our tithe which I take out of our bills budget) 9/10 $0 9/11 $19.75 on groceries. (I knew I wouldn't make it until Friday!) -$84.75 until 9/14
  20. I have a dd that needs a lot of reminders not to act that way. I think part of it is her personality, but a trait that needs to be reigned in for the sake of her future relationships. She too claims that she doesn't know she's doing it. What usually works for us, is my matter of factly saying "I know you may not realize it, but your are coming across as ________ right now. Your (tone of voice, death glare, heavy sighs, etc) tell me that you are (angry, ungrateful, in a mood, whatever). You need to remedy that." I have also found that keeping MY emotions out of it helps a lot. (this is hard!)
  21. Here it is : http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?p=4298901#post4298901
  22. Ok, I'll admit, I'm a very crafty, artsy, creative person. HOWEVER, that isn't a huge part of our school. For the most part we are just like you. We do the school stuff, get it out of the way, and then do the things we really want to do. My kids craft, sew, cook, etc. But when I try to incorporate that in a "fun" way into our school work, it just becomes work. It doesn't make school fun for us. So it remains what we do for fun. I think you are doing just fine. And I don't think you are awful for not wanting to do it.
  23. Oh no!!!! :grouphug::grouphug: I'm praying for you guys. I'm so sorry!
  24. 9/4 $9 for an unplanned purchase of underwear :lol: 9/5 $0 so far, with $0 planned 9/6 $8.95 for coconut oil and a chocolate bar (since my coconut oil was cheaper than I had planned I got the girls and I a bar to split :) ) 9/7 $99.68 for groceries and $50.32 for gas. Then $7 for milkshakes for dh and I after we went to a funeral last night. (It was SO hot and crowded...the urge hit us) 9/8 hopefully nothing today. 9/9 $0 (other than our tithe which I take out of our bills budget) 9/10 $0 -$65.00 until 9/14
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