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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. This is SUCH an argument at our house. Dh insists that the h isn't silent in whale, what, etc. I insists that it is! I keep telling him that it is just that weirdo school he went to (his mother says the same thing...she went to the same school :lol:) This actually is debated at least once a week here :glare: FWIW most of the kids side with me.
  2. Usually we wait until after Thanksgiving, but I may put them up this week. We are going out of town for a bit, and when we get back my dh is having surgery...so if I wait it may be the week OF Christmas before I get any out. If that happens they may not get put out at all :lol:
  3. I answered other, mostly because I think it depends heavily on the industry and the employee. My dh telecommutes. We are fairly confident in his job security because he is the go-to guy on their tech support problems. However, if he didn't have nearly 20 years of field experience with that company I doubt he would be that big of an asset. I think companies are beginning to realize the cost effectiveness of telecommuting as well. It works well in the right situations.
  4. I'm currently in TX, but am from TN and will be heading back there shortly. In TN, there are no tax breaks. Legislation passed just this year (it hadn't actually been on the books before that) allows you to register under an umbrella and be left completely alone. You can also register with the board of education and the requirements are pretty minimal.
  5. I eat nothing like I did as a kid. I'm not sure I had ever had anything mexican or asian until I was grown. Italian was pretty much limited to what you could get at Pizza Hut. We ate pretty much country style cooking or something out of a box. My parents both worked, so it was something Hamburger Helper-ish. But when mom did cook with was things like pinto beans and corn bread, or boiled veggies (cabbage and the like).
  6. That is a repeat of the Lecture given here 2 days ago. Our version included: Opening a cabinet and glancing in isn't enough, and Did you look in the couch cushions?
  7. Dont' beat yourself up over it. Some kids are just more prone to things like that. I have identical twins that have had the exact same dental care over the years. One has had hardly any cavities, and the other had a cavity every.single.time. we went to the dentist when she was little. Sometimes it is just "luck" of the draw.
  8. Thanks! I almost purchased this the other day. I'm glad I procrastinated :001_smile:
  9. Mine has hardly been off my finger in 19 years. There was a brief time when we were separated that I didn't wear it, but I had a ring "scar" that didn't go away. It's just a plain gold band, so it doesn't get in the way at all. My dh only started wearing his after our separation. His job for most of our marriage made it too dangerous to wear jewelry. (danger of getting it caught in machinery or arcing electrical equipment )
  10. I have a big basket in the corner for ours. Sometimes they actually end up there. :tongue_smilie:
  11. All THREE of my kids still do this, even the 14 year old..:D I think if it isn't shamed out of them, imaginative play can last throughout childhood...it just takes on different forms. My teen and her friends tend to act out stuff from their favorite Anime stories. (and call it Cos-play :lol:) My 11 year olds still pretend play all sorts of things.
  12. There are a lot of writing assignments, and questions are geared toward different levels. There are several assignments for each lesson to kind of pick from. You could potentially write a page nearly every day if you chose, or do mostly hands on type projects. There are some research project type assignments as well.
  13. Because my family room is full of rowdy teens and I'm hiding. :tongue_smilie:
  14. :iagree: I just tried this and like it. My hair is so thick that I have to use a ton of ANY product I use, and I don't want to spend a fortune.
  15. CBS Dallas just posted a blurb on FB about it. Otherwise we probably would have never noticed...Now if they took over the internet...then we might have panicked :lol:
  16. We are Baptist. I really dislike altar calls, as does my dh. #1. It isn't an altar. Our sacrifices ended with Christ. #2. Salvation isn't a show. It is based on acceptance of Christ, not acceptance of your pastor's prayer. #3. I really, really dislike the pressure. It is an emotional ploy. #4. It isn't biblical.
  17. is it diagramming or diagraming? Two english texts have it with one m, google and nearly everyone else has two!
  18. We are in S. Fort Worth, and my daughter felt it (she was the only one still awake) Several of my local friends posted on FB that they felt it, and one is even further south than us. :grouphug: to those in OK. You just don't think of that area as being prone to earthquakes!
  19. For us, we make sure our girls have a strong foundation of WHY we believe what we believe, and what is expected of them from God. It is one of the primary focuses in raising them. (like it says in Deuteronomy, we talk with them as they rise up, as they walk, etc. It is a constant in our daily lives) But we also take care not to shelter them so much that they have no clue what is out there. I purposely am involved in a secular homeschool group. We have a wide variety of friends with differing beliefs, and we encourage the kids to REALLY become friends with people not of our faith. Not as a mission, per say, but to learn that not everyone we love will follow Christ and how to deal with that. We do this while we still have a strong influence over our kids, and can control the environment in which these interactions happen. We also openly talk about the struggles WE have had, and how God has brought us through them. We point out things that are going wrong in the world and engage in conversations about why we think those things happen. All this is the best we can do. The rest I have to leave up to God. Lots of prayer for my kids that they stay on the right path, and even prayer that their future husbands (if they marry) are Godly men that will walk that path with them.
  20. We had neighbors like that at our previous house. I almost called the cops on them one night. Nothing like waking up to the sound of things being thrown and heavy cussing. And the poor little girl that was standing in their yard watching it all :glare: I don't know what some people think...oh wait...they don't.
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