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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. I have loved this one, you can set up a classroom and everything. http://sense-lang.org/
  2. Here is our Lily (a Jack Russell) when she was a puppy, and her now
  3. I taught them all how to cook. (although my 14 year old has managed to swindle the other two into cooking for her most times). But, they have to stick to things I'm ok with them using up.
  4. This. My kids knew exactly what they were getting this year. They each wanted a fairly big ticket item, and they knew that would be it. But, yes, they had to stare at those wrapped boxes for a month...:tongue_smilie:
  5. Sounds like your temp is too low. It would melt the fats in the cookies before they set up, causing them to spread. I would up your temp, make sure your stone is hot, chill the dough and see if that helps. I love my stone, but I've had it so long and it is so well seasoned that it is black!
  6. My oldest knows the Jabberwocky poem by heart. And everything about every Pokemon there is :glare: To offset that, she also knows amazing amounts about most biblical people and their stories.
  7. I think it depends. For my oldest dd Latin is much more important. She has plans to be a writer (and has the talent for it as well) and learning Latin is important to her because of the extensive vocabulary she is picking up through it. It is like learning a base language for her. For my other two...I'm not sure. One wants to work with orphaned children in other countries. What language should she focus on? No clue. Right now it is French. The other wants to be a baker. She's working on Spanish, as it may prove to be the most useful for her.
  8. Tell her they will go away eventually. When I was 19, my face was a horrible mass of red scars. By the time I was 21 or so (after pregnancy) the red was completely gone. I still have some pitting, but the redness is no longer there at all.
  9. :001_smile: I love trees like that! Ours is a twenty year collection of ornaments, picked out to reflect the current interest of the recipient. It's pretty full right now, but each time I look at it I get a little sad...it won't be long before each girl will take her ornaments with her to start her own tree.
  10. Well, two of mine are identical twins...but my oldest looks so much like them that I've been asked several times if they were triplets. It is getting worse now that the twins are almost as tall as their sister. My half-brother and I look a LOT alike. It can be weird sometimes seeing my face on a man...:lol: My dh and his brother didn't even look related when they were younger. My dh was blond, had a dark complection, and a stockier build while his brother was a tall twig, pale, covered with freckles, and had flaming red hair. Now that they are getting older, his brother's hair has faded to clear, and they are both um...husky. They look related now :lol:
  11. It sounds a little like me. I am much more likely to cry out of frustration than I am out of sadness. I don't know why...it just is! Not being able to decide what is for dinner (with a dab of PMS thrown in) is more likely to bring tears than thinking about my mother who has passed away. She'll be able to function just fine as an adult (although she might get a few :glare: from a future spouse when crying over oddball stuff)
  12. Ugh...I hate updates. My AMD Display Driver crashed big time after either the iTunes update or the latest Windows update (I did them too close together to know which it was) I had to go back to a restore point AND reinstall the driver...everything is working fine so far :glare:
  13. Ours is having a candlelight service Christmas Eve, and a Christmas Day service. We are looking forward to it.
  14. In my dreams everyone was going to LOVE learning, and they would each find a passion that they worked hard for. Instead, it's a little more like dragging them along behind me as we tread through middle and high school, and every interest involves more money than I can come up with, or more time than I have to shuttle people around :glare: But I still wouldn't trade it all for public school. BTDT.
  15. When we moved to TX 2 years ago, we rented the biggest Uhaul they had...and a trailer to pull behind our truck. We managed to squeeze everything in. We had all our furniture, many bookcases, and a wood shop to move. So a smaller truck would probably work for you. It is MUCH cheaper than a moving company (which we have to use for our upcoming move due to dh's health) We had a pretty good experience renting the truck.
  16. I had considered that already. It is in very good shape, with no signs of degeneration. We have also dealt with asbestos in the past..so we are familiar with it. It wouldn't be something that would deter us from purchasing the property. Even if we had to bull doze the house...the property is what we are after ;)
  17. It isn't...we know the guy and have walked through the house. He spent a lot of time in the middle east, and has a big rug collection from there...they are all over the place :lol: It is old lino....I kind of like it, and it kind of goes with my kitchen decor...but it isn't in there! (boring plain tile in there) I WISH I could keep my office out of there, but space is severely limited. We are going from 2400SQ ft to about 1400. (the plus is that we are going from NO yard, to acreage and a farm :D )
  18. Great ideas! That is a rug....it won't be there. I'm hoping that my desk will fit there where I have the 5ft wall section marked. (don't have a pic). I have to wait until I get there (I'm 15 hours away!) before I'll know for sure if it will fit.
  19. We are moving into an old farmhouse in a month or so, and I need some decorating help with a room. I usually have no trouble coming up with stuff, but this one is stumping me. We will be leasing this house with hopes to buy in a year. So, no renovations...but paint may be ok. (not sure yet) Anyway, my trouble room is the laundry room. Due to the location of the front door and the driveway, the back door will be the main entry. Which also happens to be the laundry room. Which will also probably have to house my office. Top it off, it is a small room :tongue_smilie:Have any ideas for decor/ storage that would go with that lovely floor...and make the entry a little less laundry? (and none of that stuff is ours...and is no longer there)
  20. :grouphug: My oldest was like that. I cried. A. Lot. She's my most easy going child now though. (Although she STILL doesn't sleep well, and she's 15!) I don't have any advice, just hope. Once she could walk, the constant fussiness stopped. We also know now that she's allergic to practically everything that grows, so that may have been part of the problem. :grouphug:
  21. http://www.vermontcountrystore.com/store/ http://www.johnsonsmith.com/ http://www.mcphee.com/shop/ :D
  22. Other than blackberry jelly (yum!) I don't have any new suggestions, but what a lovely problem to have!
  23. The shaking, I wouldn't be as concerned about. Chi's shake for all sorts of reasons, and my JRT shakes a lot too when she's excited.
  24. When my dd had speech, they did an IEP much like they would for a preschooler that wasn't enrolled. I can't remember what they called it though. Let me see if I can dig up her IEP and see what they listed her as. ETA: They had her listed as a private school student seeking PS services. The rest of the paperwork seems the same as when she was a PS student. This was in TN.
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