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Jen in PA

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Everything posted by Jen in PA

  1. I am accustomed to seeing other mamas knitting/crocheting/sewing at any group activity.
  2. I have to agree that those are great prices! We had a lot of luck finding shoes at consignment shops, especially with tap shoes.
  3. When my stepson was in preschool, his classmates' birthdays ranged from July to November. Only two students from that class waited to start K -- one was the son of a teacher (August birthday, she recognized that her son was not as mature as his older sibling had been when entering K) and my stepson, whose birthday is mid-September, but his mom's district allowed no exceptions to a Sept. 1st cut-off. His classmates who turned 5 in October and November of that year all thrived in kindergarten and many are now in magnet high schools, the local youth symphony (highly competitive), and fared very well in writing, math, and chess championships with kids a full year older. My own kids, who both have summer birthdays, started kindergarten at age 4 and have done really well -- although previous posters have made good points about issues such as handwriting that tend to plague students who are young for their grade. They have had no issues with academics, academic competitions, standardized testing, or fitting in with outside classes with kids who may be a full year older than they are. I have no issue with choosing to retain a child who is not ready, but I did want you to know that choosing to move forward can be successful.
  4. :iagree: Pie crust usually freezes quite well, and it only takes a couple of minutes to make.
  5. I usually just heat up milk and add chocolate milk powder and a drop of extract -- vanilla, mint, and almond extracts are all nice.
  6. I got one of those bathroom organizers meant to go above the toilet, but I tucked the hamper where the toilet would have gone. All that space above the hamper was just going to waste, and now I have 3 shelves holding towels.
  7. I almost forgot I also plan to do this. Because I am always looking for a good excuse to buy more books. :D
  8. We trick or treat during daylight hours (4 - 6 pm) here, so DH gets home after everything has finished. I'll take the kids around the neighborhood the first hour, then pass out candy the second hour. My great-nephew, who is almost 4, usually comes with us.
  9. My kids both claim that Carnegie Mellon is their first choice..... but that is probably only because they like the campus and are used to it because they take workshops there (they were there just this afternoon).
  10. Agreeing with the warm compresses. Years ago I was told to make them as hot as I could tolerate it, but DD gets better pretty quickly using ones that are just warm.
  11. :iagree: My kids love choosing things to read to me.
  12. :lurk5: I would love to hear some ideas for things my kids could make each other, too.
  13. Are you sure you are taking in enough calories? It is possible to have your body kick into a survival mode if your caloric intake is too far below what you are expending. Someone else may be able to explain better, but it can have an impact on your metabolism and even leave you burning muscle instead of fat.
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