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Everything posted by JWSJ

  1. I would not pay up. Collection agencies will say anything (and will flat lie). Track the claim with your insurance company. I previously worked for a major health insurance co. and this was routine business. You have a much better chance of working successfully with the insurance co. than with a collections agency.
  2. Our local Y is also very inconsistent on things. For example, I've heard many different interpretations of what sex and age can go into the men's, women's, boy's, girl's, and family changing rooms. Periodicly, a Y worker points out our family is incorrect in doing something. I point at the posted sign and the person goes, "Oh." Like they haven't read it before. I've seen many people do what you have done with your child concerning the walking track. I would escalate this. The Y worker underlings are merely worker bees.
  3. We've seen a huge improvement in focus from our ds. It is like night and day. The improvement started ~5yo and is still progressing. He started with just being able to do the simple Bob books. Now he reads chapters in Pippi Longstocking, etc.
  4. I've watched the first Star Wars movie 22 times. My son has watched the first two movies and loves them. He acts out scenes with his new and my old Lego sets. I hope it never ends...
  5. Our ds7 has enjoyed listening about politics. He is a sponge. He is a member of Cub Scouts and they tend to be very civics oriented. He has some speaking points but they tend to go into very imaginative situations very quickly.
  6. We went to Hoover Dam, Circus Circus, and the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay. They are all worth seeing. Five days is pushing it, IMO, for kid things to do. Vegas is not family oriented. We stayed at Circus Circus which appeared to be the most child freindly hotel. But it needed a remodeling. Beware of literature anyone hands you on the street. It's not something you want to show your children.
  7. If your husband said he wanted to be a SAHD and take over homeschooling, would you work outside the home (in a breadwinner role)?
  8. Would this medical condition show up with a routine medical exam and blood test? My previous primary care Drs. never mentioned this condition. However, it sounds very similar to what I've been experiencing for years.
  9. We range from 1 to 5 lessons each day. When he gets on a roll, I'll let him continue until it's finished.
  10. Our children would like to share a bedroom. They love the idea of bunkbeds. However, their ages have me concerned. Our dd is almost 3 and ds is 7.5. Please share any insight into this possible arrangemet you might have.
  11. Drama Queen, Our family has the schedule you proposed. I (the husband) work nights and do childcare for part of the day. My wife works part-time during the day. We share homeschooling duties. Our largest obsticule has been lack of sleep for me. After working all night long, sleep is needed in the morning. Due to scheduling or noise, sometimes it just doesn't happen. Then try doing childcare/homeschooling when you feel like a zombie. Then right back to work again. It can be very stressful. After 3 days of no sleep, I have said things that I couldn't believe I would ever say... Also, with working different schedules, we've found our lives come out of sync. On days off there is the expectation that I move to their schedule. It can be difficult to move from one schedule to another repeatedly. There is no alone time anymore - by yourself or with your spouse. Everything has to be scheduled on a group calendar - or it doesn't get complete. Maintenace around the house/cars has suffered. It's impossible to perform house/car repairs with children around. Although, we share equally in the house cleaning duties there is no sharing in regard to house/car maintenance. It's an expectation she has - she wants nothing to do with it. It's been challenging for us and we look forward to getting back to normal schedules. We did this for me to finally finish school. I would not do this with 6 children and/or such a heavy school load. IMO, it's asking too much.
  12. Reagan was up against Mondale. Mondale only won his home state. There was no contest.
  13. UPS uses diesel trucks. Their sound is easy to identify.
  14. So, you may be getting some extra sales catalogs in the mail... At least you'll know where they got your name. :tongue_smilie:
  15. I've had lower back pain for 20 years. Stress makes the pain so much more. Leg stretching has been the only thing to help. And I have to keep doing the stretches at least twice a day or the pain returns.
  16. No, but it sounds amusing to think that. I doubt most rioters vote. (But I could be wrong.)
  17. I also have a family member that is in the modern day Amway (Quixtar). I went to few meetings and met a few of their "up-lines", etc. It's comes off like a cult and the people involved can be very scary. I distanced myself from the group and my family member became upset. They did not see why I wouldn't want to join, etc. He couldn't stop talking about now great it was. Luckily, they stopped being upset but are still with Amway. We don't talk about it anymore. I nor any other family member want to hear how "great" it is...
  18. Don't mind them. Busy bodies... if all they can worry about is his hair. Just imagine what they say to ugly people... And they are thinking it.
  19. Straight-up atheist - was raised as a Catholic but it never had any hold on me. I don't advertise being atheist. It's been my experience that once found out relationships tend to whither with the religious. But, if asked directly, I will be honest. I avoid the subject.
  20. That's what I hear the most too. The second numerous one is that they can't stand to be around their own children for how long it takes to homeschool. Such love.
  21. My spouce and I both work outside the home. Due to working different shifts, we are able to homeschool, but it's a daily challenge. Are there any other families where both parents work outside the home and are able to homeschool? How do you handle everything?
  22. My dd2 screams, "I am mad! I am mad!" while red in the face. This is when she doesn't get her way. She reminds me of the Queen in Alice in Wonderland. Everyone in the family agrees she is mad. My ds7 is more like the Hatter. My wife is the white rabbit.
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