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Everything posted by JWSJ

  1. We used to believe boys were harder to raise. Until our daughter arrived. Now, we definitely agree girls are more difficult. It's mostly due to her range of emotions. But, we only have three years data to compare from one child to another. What has been your experience?
  2. I've lived in both Philadelphia and NC for years. Philadelphia is far less nice than The South... People can be xenophobic anywhere. I worry about the places that can kill you for being different. The present day South is not that place.
  3. I've kicked my soda and sweet tea habit before. It takes a week before my body stops it's annoying whining for caffeine or sugar. Doing it gradually is much easier than cold turkey. Sweet tea is harder to kick than soda.
  4. We've had similar discussions of the word alien meaning other or outside. He has yet to appreciate word meanings.
  5. My spouse is a former full-time PS teacher. We chose to HS because what we saw in public education was unacceptable both socially and academicly. During our schooling discussions, it frequently comes up that she needs to adjust her ideas since she isn't teaching a class of >20 kids. She also frequently compares to what other children the same age are learning. When speaking to fellow PS teachers concerning HSing, my wife has met a range of reactions from open hostility to congratulations. We know many former teachers that are now homeschooling.
  6. Peter was rejected because he was too violent. Valentine was rejected because she wasn't violent enough. Ender wasn't aware what he was doing was real. That gave him a lot of flexibility to do anything to win. Yes, this book illustrates personality has a lot to do with how you turn out.
  7. Our CC system does not require anything but their own placement test for entry. I would recommend the CC transfer route to my children, especially if they didn't want the stress that goes with the first two years of Uni. I've been unimpressed with the general ed. courses at our local universities. And the first two years of Uni reminded me of a lot of high school socially.
  8. But, is he smarter than Ender of Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card?...
  9. Our family doesn't care what educational method others use. Our children understand every family is unique. However, I have had to "dance around" when talking to other HSing parents. For example, I once innocently said, "Unschooling doesn't work for OUR family." I meant it - my family needs more structure. Someone was insulted by this and became verbally defensive when no insult was intended. Anything but unschooling was unacceptable to them. Since then I don't talk with other HSers about methods unless I know what they already do or they approach me.
  10. Prednisone works wonders for poison ivy. If it's on his face get him to the doctor. It's not worth weeks of pain.
  11. But just think of the uniqueness of cage fighting for your high school... No other college applicant is going to have that on their application...
  12. Why did he want to go to school? Does he actually still like school? Does he think it is having a negative effect on himself?
  13. Our ped recommended a luggage strap for that. Right accross the chest. And he wasn't joking. (Our son moved around A LOT...)
  14. My 8yo son loves all the SOTW CDs. He will replay them over and over. When he gets a new audio book and recognizes Jim Weiss' voice he shouts with joy. It's amazing how much he can absorb and retain.
  15. Can't you just spot them? They all wear those denium jumper outfits.
  16. I understand what you're saying, but it's been my experience that in many cases - these immature relationships are the equivalent of adult relationships. I cite the divorce rate as evidence.
  17. Except for #6, I've actually had people give these as legit reasons to me. Scary.
  18. Not surprisingly, I'm INTJ. I homeschool because I can do it better than any other resource. My wife (a teacher by trade and co-homeschool parent) agrees with me. :tongue_smilie:
  19. Recently, we've met a few parents that said they're discouraging their children from military service. They are not pacificists, but did not have a favorable opinion of service in general. If your child showed an interest in military service, would you encourage or discourage it? If you'd discourage it, why?
  20. Both our children are very art oriented. My wife is a 2D artist (mostly painting and photography) with a background in studio and teaching. There is nothing like an in-house expert...
  21. Our son completed Children's House (for 3-5yo) at a private Montessori. The education was great. We would consider continuing with that path if it was affordable. Locally there are two public Montessori schools (one is charter), but they are public schools and are restricted due to state requirements. When we attended the open houses for these, the schools were so significantly different from our Montessori experience they weren't seriously considered. The state requirements make a Montessori environment impossible IMO. So, now we homeschool - classical with Montessori - the best of both. And we love it.
  22. We'd need to do some more planning and prep work but that's all. There is A LOT of elementary resources on the Internet and our local library is great. We've also seen lots of free books available. Yes, we could homeschool with no money. The only reason we don't is convenience.
  23. A degree in Information Systems/Management is very different than a degree in Comp. Sci. I have met many that enjoyed one but not the other.
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