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Everything posted by shawthorne44

  1. They think it follows the J curve. With health problems on the Y-axis, and quantity on the X-axis. So, any small amount will be better than none at all. But, if you start to drink several servings a day, then you'd be much worse off. Drink the one you prefer. Merlot became popular in the 80's when 60 Minutes did their story on the health effects of red wine, because Merlot is a red-wine that appeals to white-wine drinkers. A Zin. would be just fine too. Drink the one you like, or switch back and forth since I assume you'll be sharing with your husband. There are also some decent boxed wines out there. That way you could have a glass every now and then without worrying about the bottle.
  2. It seems to matter in high government appointments. I remember the snobbish sniffing from the press about one of Bush's appointments whose degree was merely from SMU. They've probably done the same for other people and I never noticed, but I did in this case because SMU is a school you attend for connections within Texas. For me, my university has never been discussed. I have a degree from a real university that is large and local, so I guess no questions are needed. For employment it is really just a checkmark. I've never gotten a job through someone from the university, nor have I helped someone else get a job.
  3. I'm 198. I've been eyeing and drooling over the Pre-K bundle. But, we haven't had the money to spare. Now we have a little bit, and 40% off. Yeah! eta: 205 now
  4. I just finished reading The Hobby Farm Guide on Chickens. I don't know how accurate it is since I am still in the thinking stage, but it seemed to be a good introductory guide.
  5. I think that means they are clean. When my husband was playing soccer a lot, I sometimes didn't know about even the stuff INSIDE the washer. They were about as wet going into the washer as coming out. Oh, well, extra washings of uniforms is a good thing.
  6. And, if you are also replacing carpet do that after painting. Just imagine, painting with a floor-to-floor preinstalled dropcloth. Before I moved into the current house (1700 sq. ft) Before painting day, I had filled the little holes in the walls, Painted a really good stain covering layer on, maybe called Zap? where needed Put newspaper over the windows. Covered all light fixtures. Rented a scaffolding thing for the vaulted living room Had 5 gallon buckets of white paint on hand, and paint for the three colored bedrooms. My parents came over with a paint sprayer and we painted everywhere including the ceilings except for the closets and the laundry room. We were done by 2pm, and ate lunch
  7. If you ask, maybe they would be OK with the 8-year-old too, since there are spots empty
  8. I showed this to my husband, and he had the opposite reaction. "Whiny" was the word he used. Neither of us pay attention to actors, and generally what they say isn't worth the time. I think it colored his perception.
  9. My best friend's brother and SIL were investigated by CPS for basically the same reason. I remember one of the injuries was that he was bouncing like Tigger near the Great Dane, who knocked him over with his butt. A bone was broken. There had been one or two active boy injuries before that. I remember a friend telling me about something she felt really guilty about. Her kids had had broken bones before. When one broke a bone jumping off his sister's high chest of drawers, and he was crying and carrying on. They laughed a bit about his carrying on as they took him to the hospital. Then when the doc looked at him, it was a spiral fracture which apparently hurts a lot more than a normal break. The kid had held onto something as he jumped/fell.
  10. At least in my state, certified in math means met the normal teacher certification and she passed the math test. Doesn't mean she can actually teach math. The fact that she put some much time/effort into vocab in a math class shows that she shouldn't have been teaching that class.
  11. Notice how blissful she looks? She hasn't even been operated on yet.
  12. I'd be riled that it took the thought of you guys not coming back next year for him to offer suggestions. I guess for most families his school is the end of the road, no other options. Were the person that talked about the their kid's math class being taught by an English teacher? Or maybe social studies? Somebody mentioned there being a lot of vocab in math class and I thought that was totally nuts.
  13. The one with the most highly segregated levels. In my area that means that the daily are better. Even though they offer one "preschool" class, there are several teachers and they subdivide on the first day by swimming level. Which we really like because DD matches the worst swimmer in the class, which annoys the heck out of us. One class she went from swimming across the pool on her own, to merely bobbing up and down during class.
  14. I've been happy with the Diva and have very heavy periods. I use the size for "Mothers or over 40" since I am both. I only use it for the heaviest 36 hours, though, because I have to dump it so often. Outside of that I use a cloth maxipad that I made. Although I think I will be soon sewing some with a different design, based on cloth diapers with a stuffed inside. My current ones are more like an All-in-one diaper. But, I would like the inside of the pad to be a folded microfiber towel that I can just pull out for easy soaking and cleaning.
  15. Ok, how does that work? As far as I can tell it is only 20% now, but it might be 40% in the future. I've only bought one thing through that co-op so I don't know what to expect.
  16. The microwave recipe looks pretty darn easy and neat.
  17. I too like Eccos. For a great deal of walking I switch out shoes. I also have Vibram 5-toed shoes that I wear for the middle time period. They are what they sound like. I will switch out to those to give my toes a chance to spread out.
  18. As a wife of a SAH-Homeschooling-Dad I can say definitively I am happy with the arrangement, and I wouldn't rather be home. I am the planner and researcher. I love love love to plan and research.
  19. Yes, it is one of the things I would only tell my best best friend about, and she didn't like the idea. Thank you internet. My husband is so wonderful he actually did the purchasing of it.
  20. I don't think they are important at all, and we use them. I like Reading Eggs and Starfall. But, it is mainly one more thing we can do together on weekends when my husband isn't home. She seems to learn some things, but that is a side benefit. She sits in my lap and we discuss what is going on. It has been very helpful when she was sick. She sits in my lap, and she tells me which books she wants to listen to. My voice could not last that long. I like the songs in Starfall too.
  21. I love mine. I take it out every time I am in the bathroom, but lose a lot of blood, so generally I need to take it out to empty it. But, with super-plus tampons and maxipads I often had to go to the bathroom extra times to change them. I don't usually wear a pad if I have the cup in. I trimmed my stem. I didn't like turning it inside out because I find the ridges on the sides helpful. I, too, wish I known about this earlier.
  22. I teach a preschool Sunday School class. Mostly older 3-year-olds and younger 4-year-olds. The class celebrates birthdays once a month, and every time half the class volunteers when their own birthday is. We have that info, and unless it is some kid saying "My birthday is tomorrow", they are always right.
  23. It sounds like this would be a good test to get the "Darn, I made careless errors" out of the way.
  24. I actually find it reassuring that they were floored. It means that this isn't usual now.
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