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Everything posted by shawthorne44

  1. That is how we started on lasagna. I am an only child and my mother and I don't really like turkey. I was in college before I knew by own eyes that a turkey has a spine. One person (Dad) can only eat so mcuh turkey before it goes bad.
  2. Lasagna is the perfect holiday food. You make it a couple of days before hand. Clean the kitchen, and then just prepare some easy side stuff, like salad, bread and dessert the morning of.
  3. One thing that just hit me. The office that can cancelled the Yoga class had received NO complaints. It wasn't that no one taking the class complained, but that no one even outside the class complained. There is something insultingly paternalistic about the office deciding for someone else that they are or should be offended. i get this cartoon image of someone in the office patting someone from India on the head saying, "Don't worry your little head about it. You aren't aware enough to be offended, so I'll be offended on your behalf" I really can't see how saying "The XYZ in your culture is so cool, I think I will do/wear XYZ" can be a bad thing.
  4. I still have vivid memories of my mother complaining endlessly about the Blue Laws as they were called. Stores couldn't open on Sundays, except for grocery stores. Even then grocery stores couldn't sell everything. Like you could buy a hammer but not nails. (my memory is fuzzy) This was in the 70's and both my parents worked. Mom had to get all shopping done on Saturdays and it was very stressful for her. Even after the law was repealed we always did MOST of the shopping on Saturdays, but knowing that something could be picked up on a Sunday lowered the stress level.
  5. What are the curtains like in her room? Completely room darkening I hope. I have a strong internal clock. Just yesterday was the first day I didn't wake up an hour early, it was lovely. Maybe hold out a little longer.
  6. Can't you chop it up into smaller pieces. Will also defrost faster.
  7. I remember one year going through the drive-thru pre-Thanksgiving at Jack-in-the-Box and seeing the Open Thanksgiving sign. I felt sorry for the employees. Then Thanksgiving late afternoon, I was once again in the drive-thru. I do love those Breakfast Jacks. I was a little ashamed when I realized I was part of the problem. So, I can understand people boycotting shopping on Thanksgiving. I am old enough to remember before Walmart and Target had groceries. I remember one year when I forgot something essential for Thanksgiving, so I found myself driving around looking for a grocery store that morning. I eventually found one and it was PACKED. It was one grocery store serving an area of about 100K people. At least on that day. The next year I noticed that a great many grocery stores were open, and they were all empty. I've watched it pendulum back and forth. I think general retail is the same way. If only a few stores are open, they do lots of business and it is very worth it for them. If no one shopped on Thanksgiving, then the stores wouldn't be open. It is silly to have a general boycott of anyplace that is open on Thanksgiving.
  8. On the spectrum? I had no idea. Fictional? Both DH and I have Physics degrees. I swear I went to school with three of them. DH is certain he went to school with all four guys. I even dated Leonard after he broke up with the cute blonde. Although I am nothing like the women he briefly dated after her. Back to the general topic. It seems that cancelling the class is being disrespectful to India. The class is saying, "Hey, I really like this part of your culture." I guess 'They' will want me to change my dog's name from Yogi.
  9. Totally makes sense to me. The meatballs will help stretch the bird and almost everyone likes them. Veggies stretch the bird too, but it is a lot easy to get agreement to "Here son, have some more meatballs." Then, "Here son, have some more green veggies".
  10. You don't have to buy the cards. We buy the cards because we save a little bit of money. $100 gives 1000 minutes which last a year.
  11. I know what you mean. DH's soccer clothes sometimes get washed twice. They are so gross I refuse to touch them, and instead make sure the washer is empty when he comes home, and it is his job to put them in the washer. Then I wash them. Then I reach in to get them out and with the front-loader I'm not 100% I did wash since they are as wet after a wash as before. Baking soda is supposed to help with the hard water too.
  12. I had one as a kid, and I LOVED it. It was maybe two feet tall. Often I turned it into a cone of tinsel with lights peeking out from the inside. Then our cat started eating the tinsel, so I had to give that up. I was very proud of it.
  13. When we first moved 1000 miles away from extended family, a group of similar families gathered for Thanksgiving. Every family brought the one side dish that MADE Thanksgiving for them. We were all shocked at what everyone brought. One family brought noodles in a cheesy white sauce. It was very pleasant. Eventually we stopped having Thanksgiving as a group, but each family ended up adding a side to their tradition.
  14. My husband actually had what is probably the ideal reading instruction. Play and school simultaneously. His much older sister wanted to play school. Even as a baby he made a better student than a doll. So, she'd prop him up so that he could sit without falling over, and give him a toy to keep his hands busy. There was zero pressure because his sister could not care less whether he learned anything. He was motivated because it was play and his older sister was paying positive attention to him. He was reading on his own at 3. They did math and writing too. He did lots of playing in the dirt too.
  15. In the example posted, I don't see what how more oversight would help. CPS had already placed the kids with meth heads. I am very naive, but I even I can spot meth heads. It would seem that parents, even adoptive parents, should be able to turn over their kids to the foster system if they are over their heads. Or being able to put the child in residential pysch. treatment. There are some things I'm not capable of handling. Someone attempting to kill anyone, including a pet, isn't one of them. We'd like another child, and I thought about adopting an older child. I looked at the profiles of many kids. Most of them mentioned abuse in their past, and problem behavior. But, none of them said, "This child will molest your other children and try to kill people".
  16. I classify clearing the dirt basket from the Roomba as an educational chore. :lol:
  17. My child LOVEs our Roomba so much it lives in her room. When she picks up all her toys, she is allowed to start it, and watch it.
  18. My go-to Potluck veggie is Mashed Cauliflower. There is always enough people feeling guilty about the calories they are otherwise getting to make it disappear, and even be eagerly looked forward to on repeats. Recipe: Microwave frozen cauliflower until it just starts to wilt. Don't worry about brown spots. Put in food processor and blend for a long time. Add cream cheese and a little Parmesan. About 4 bags of cauliflower makes a reasonable pot-luck contribution.
  19. Both DD and the little boy across the street LOVE the Lone Ranger train set we have. It is also has horses! Being Lego you build the trains. They ride really well on the tracks. We'd also bought a set of extra tracks. I think the idea is that bad guys try to rob the train and the good guys stop them. But, it boils down to Horses! and Trains! In fact, we've had to hide the set a few times because the boy across the street would rather play with it than DD sometimes.
  20. If I were feeling pissy, I could see myself saying, "I can tell that school socialization worked out for you"
  21. CodeAcademy.com. Totally free and online. It talks you through assignments and then use see the results instantly. I wouldn't use it as a credit for a required course. But, it would make an excellent prep for another Java course because you would have the basics and the framework covered, or for when you just need to get something done. At work we recommend it to customers who want to do some scripting.
  22. And they knew that was going to happen. When it was asked who is going to pay for the ACA coverage for all these people that can't afford it now the answer was "Young people that don't have full coverage now".
  23. Have you already looked at the HUD houses in your area? I've bought two houses that way, and I prefer it over buying from a owner. WIth a HUD, once yoiur offer is accepted, that is it. There isn't an owner to have second thoughts, to delay the closing, to not move out when they agreed. I notice you don't like the idea of a fixer-upper. Some of them can be money pits, Some of them can be incredible bargains. My first house was a fixer-upper and I don't regret it one second. Structurally it was fine. As well as the heat and A/C. Electrical and plumbing within the walls was fine. It needed a new roof, new paint, new windows, new flooring, new breaker box. The fireplace needed work, There was a giant hole in the backyard, and all landscaping except for two trees was dead. Then I painted the walls the colors I liked. I bought flooring I liked. I am still in love with the Karastan I put in the bedrooms. I picked out a lovely roof with a little bit of red. Oh, and I replaced the kitchen cabinets and appliances. I'm still in love with the cabinets too. The house's purchase price in '97 was its new price in '76. I love the windows too, and they are way nicer than someone else would have bought. corrected: the house had been built in '76 not '66.
  24. I think there is a subscription site for e-books. Like Audible. Unfortunately I don't remember the name because I use my local libraries Overdrive.
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