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Everything posted by Cafdog

  1. My sister bought a Toyota Sienna van because she needed AWD - and she loves it!
  2. This is amazing. Thank you for sharing this. Needed a laugh, and got one!
  3. I just sent my DD back to PS last week after a 3-year homeschooling hiatus. It was a good call, agreed upon by everyone, but it still feels weird. I'm trying really, really hard not be snotty about the Common Core and other pesky things that I no longer can control. My kidlet is happy, enrolled in some great tech classes that she loves (one with a 3-D printer!), and getting what she needs. But I'm still finding my way as a non-homeschooling mom. So, I hear you, OP. :lol:
  4. The Lord Peter book was my first thought when I saw this thread, too! :laugh:
  5. Sadly, this is my college nickname.
  6. Even though I'm more of a lurker, this board has been my lifeline to other grown-ups on many a day. Thanks to all who make it possible!
  7. Nordstrom. I always buy my pants there - 'cause I"m short.
  8. I kicked a 10 can a day/20 year Diet Coke habit cold turkey nearly 3 years ago. The first two weeks were awful with the headaches, but honestly, it was the fuzzy-headed-ness that really got to me for a good month. Once those symptoms cleared, I found fighting the cravings were not that bad. I missed drinking DC with pizza most of all. I found that substituting a mineral water (Pelligrino with lime) really helped when I was craving carbonation. Hang in there - you can do this! The worst is over. Promise! :hurray:
  9. No suggestions, but just envy. What a cool project!
  10. As I believe someone mentioned above - it is much easier to do Disneyland than the 'World, if you dislike planning. It is compact enough to show up and be all right. The on-property and many of the Good Neighbor hotels are walking distance from the park entrances, so you don't have to worry about buses/boats/other transportation issues. Going early is ideal, especially if you can do one of the Early Entry/Magic Mornings. We are rope drop people, and get most of our big E-ticket rides done before 11 am, leaving the rest of the day to re-ride favorite rides, catch a show, swim, or just hang out. Admittedly, I'm a planner by nature - but I have done trips to both WDW and DL, and many WDW people comment how much "easier" it is to visit Disneyland. Just a thought for y'all, if it's not too late to change venues - that is! :laugh:
  11. I had my first (and only) birth about 3 years after a LEEP. No C-section. No problems.
  12. For years my MIL would bring me jars and jars of Nalley's garlicky baby pickles from the NW. Couldn't get them in CA. But I recently found them in in Winco Foods! Whoo hoo!
  13. I agree completely! My sister sold them for about a year, and after just a few weeks' of use - my nails were soft and peeling. It's taken me months and months to get them back into decent shape. Too bad. :glare:
  14. Got to put a vote in for "Cranford". Sweet and fun series. "The Pallisers" is a wonderful series, albeit in old-school, poor-sound BBC stage sets. It dramatizes several Victorian-era Anthony Trollope books. I also enjoyed the Mrs. Bradley mystery series with Diana Rigg. Lively and witty.
  15. DD just had the same experience trying to test into Algebra for her B&M school next fall. Bombed the test badly. She's quite good at Math, so I was shocked she did as badly as she did. But her district wanted the kids to pass with a 93% or better. She wasn't even close. I just shrugged it off. But...when I spoke to my friends whose kids (in the public schools, all "A" students in pre-algebra) took a similar test in a different district - they told me that not one of of their kids passed it either. Hmm. Came to find out that all of the schools are really pushing kids into the 8th grade "core curriculum math" class for next year, and are now trying to introduce Algebra later in the middle school years. The problem is that for the past few years, the same schools have been pushing the kids to take Algebra early, if possible - in the 7th grade. Now, they have a bunch of kids who will basically have to repeat Algebra for at least a year to work with the new Core Curriculum system. :huh: Not trying to sound tin-hat conspiracy theorist about this, but IMHO schools definitely wanted most of the kids to fit into the new math track, and offered a nearly-impossible-to-pass test to placate the parents. Why do I think this? 1. These were all kids who were top in their pre-Algebra classes, and just one year ago were tracking nicely into Algebra 1. Now suddenly not ONE of them is qualified? Hmmmmm... 2. A friend's son (who was in advanced math - and had just completed Algebra 1 in 7th grade with a high grade) misunderstood the teacher and took the test by mistake. He didn't pass it either. Just sayin'. :lol:
  16. Luckily there is a new student orientation, which we have signed her up for in August. I know she is nervous about the finding her locker, changing for PE, class change thing. I like the idea of the planner over the summer, Anne!
  17. Thank you, Tap! That was very helpful. I'm sure the scheduling and organizational skills are going to be the hardest. After all, they are tricky now for her...in homeschool!
  18. So, my DD and I are wrapping up our last year of homeschooling. For various reasons, we have decided to enroll her in public school for 8th grade next fall. It will be a new school (we just moved to a new town), and an adjustment from homeschooling. (She went to public school K-4). Any advice from parents whose children went back to PS? She's looking forward to the change, but is nervous (as am I). I figure we have the summer to get her prepared for this transition.
  19. My ridiculously small laundry room. Ugh! Not fond of the carpet, but we just moved in, and it's brand new. I'll have to live with it for awhile.
  20. I have just moved, so perhaps I'm still in a honeymoon phase, but... I downsized (2600+sqft to 1700 sqft), so I'm loving having less house to clean. Ditto smaller yard. Milder weather - it's not as hot and dusty here in the East Bay as out in CA's Central Valley, where we previously lived. Location, location, location! My husband used to have a 80 mile round trip commute to work. Now, he can walk to the office. Yay!
  21. I got a sorority-themed tattoo when I was 19 (many, many years ago). It's small enough to not be a problem, but I wish I hadn't got the stupid thing in the first place.
  22. Every time I have regretted a paint color, I have chosen said color from paint chips. It is so much better to invest the few $$$ and get the small pot of tester paint. Colors will often look much different in your house, in different lights (day/night/artificial), and can vary if put on drywall or plaster. I highly suggest painting test sections of your wall, and living with them for a few days - and be sure and paint test patches on all the walls. Light can hit different walls in ways you don't expect. Trust me on this one. :)
  23. Love my fit flops! I've worn them all around Disneyworld, and my infamously-terrible feet felt great! There is a terrific FB page/website that has all kinds of recommendations for cute shoes for all types of problem feet - http://www.barkingdogshoes.com/
  24. My kidlet and her friends still love Twister! An oldie, but a goodie. Also, they like Tsuro - it's a path-building game. Easy to learn, and fun to play.
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