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Everything posted by Cafdog

  1. When my daughter was small, I had some trouble understanding her one day. She was getting pretty frustrated by the time I finally figured out what she was asking for. I said "Sorry, mommy's pretty slow on the uptake today." She said "Yeah, mommy, you're pretty slow on the CUPCAKE." We say this all the time now in our house. I figured the pro-cupcakers here would understand.
  2. ...and you forgot that you have a DD in an uncommon sport which is mostly filled with boys! LOL (Says a fellow fencing mama. ) :lol:
  3. I'm an atheist, and I'm totally stealing this for my Halloween Party this year. Awesome. :lol:
  4. Pugwarts Classical Academy - Home of the Fighting Pug Dogs! It combines our family's love of Harry Potter and well, you know.....
  5. I kicked a nasty Diet Coke habit last year. (10 cans a day. Yes, I'm awful.) The headaches went away pretty quick, but the sleepiness and spaciness lasted a full month. The cravings went away after a few months. Now, one caffeine-free year later, I don't even miss it. Hang in there! :001_smile:
  6. Long time lurker and newbie here. I couldn't resist replying to this thread, so I actually got off my lazy behind and registered, just so I could respond! :) I have just started using Rod & Staff after long and deliberate consideration - and love it. The grammar lessons are very rigorous, there is plenty of review in each lesson, and I found the teacher's manual to be very helpful. And FWIW? I'm an atheist and a secular homeschooler. I think the examples in the books are absolutely hilarious. They certainly lead to some interesting discussions with my equally skeptical kid.
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