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Everything posted by TeacherZee

  1. I teach 10-12th grade English in a non-English speaking country. Talk to your students. Explain to them WHY you are doing something. Remember that they have hormones going nutso. You will have to repeat things. Often. Very often. Talk to them (yes it is so important I will mention it twice :)). Feel free to PM me if you have more questions.
  2. Skippedy hopped all over with my reading last week reading a few chapters here and a few there. Rilla of Ingleside L.M. Montgomery Re-read. I love that you get to see the home front somewhere other than the US or the UK. I also love Montgomery's descriptive language. Common Threads Sally Dwyer-McNulty Okay but I think I would get more out of it if I was Catholic and didn't have to look up a lot of the religion specific words. Real Talk for Real Teachers Rafe Esquith I had a bad year teaching last year. I felt like an ineffective teacher. This book has helped me look at my teaching in a different way and also set some good goals for the year to come. I finished my David Eddings binge and think I will join Robin for some J.D. Robb. My audio books will be re-listens since I fall asleep listening to them :)
  3. It will be metric so you need to do your own conversion ;) 10grams fresh yeast 1dl rye flour Approx 6dl regular flour (I keep adding until it doesn't stick to my hands) 3dl water room temperature 1tbsp oil 1tbsp honey 1tsp salt 1tsp bread spices Dissolve the yeast in some of the water then add the rest of the ingredients flour last (I always start with the rye flour and then add the wheat until the consistency is good) Line a bread pan with a sheet of baking paper. But dough in pan. Let it rise under a kitchen towel in room temperature for half an hour then put in the fridge. In the morning turn oven on to 250C and take the pan out of the fridge. When oven is warm put the pan in and set the timer for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes turn temp down to 200C and let it bake for another 20 minutes. Hope that makes sense :)
  4. No idea. But as I sit here eating a slice of fresh out of the oven bread with real butter I know nothing beats the taste :). And I've finally found a recipe that makes a loaf at a time without me having to do maths ad that rises in the fridge over night so that I can bake when I get up and actually have fresh bread for breakfast.
  5. I've been listening to the Elenium and the Tamuli. The reader of the Elenium is okay the one of the Tamuli is moderately horrible. He makes Aphrael sound smug and annoying. Drives me pretty batty but...:)
  6. I just vacuumed, where did the crumbs come from?
  7. I think cashew butter would work. I like adding lentils to chili and having it on baked potatoes
  8. I drink coffee in the form of latte. :) at work I drink tea by the gallon much to my principals discuss (she is horrified by the thought that I drink it during class but I need it due to a dry throat and if she makes a stink I'll get a doctors note so there)
  9. I am forever grateful that my parents and some friends* allowed me to live at home/ at their house for free when I was in grad school. I came home in the midst of a severe depression and it was all I could do to keep up with school and work on getting better. I did my own laundry most of the time and if I was out and about I would do the grocery shopping. I would fill the car if it needed it when I had it, although often my dad would give me money for that. Again I am so grateful. *I lived with friends in the summer while working. "Payment" was helping out around the house and babysitting their daughter a couple of times. Oh and I live by myself now and even counting walking to the grocery store and back I don't work at home for 20 hours a week.
  10. 10-15 probably Two different ones for iced tea and the rest for hot :)
  11. For those of you with sensory issues around getting chicken off the bone, may I suggest surgical gloves :). I got a 100 pack when I got a bad infection in my finger after an accident and now I always have them in the pantry to use for things like getting chicken off the bone and cleaning shrimp.
  12. That is an outrage!! I was so happy to find Gaudy Night on my parents shelves* as my copy had a very unfortunate run in with a water bottle. *My parents are downsizing and we are allowed to use their extensive library as a bookstore where all the books are free :D
  13. I'm in a re-reading rut. I've mostly been reading (and even more listening) to David Eddings and J.D. Robb this year. Need to break out of it.
  14. Oh a friend of mine makes a yummy chocolate cake with them but I don't have the recipe ;)
  15. I boil them for 5 minutes in water with a little salt. Then roast them in the oven with sea salt and olive oil.
  16. I'd use about half to make a payment on my student loan. The other half would go into my savings. I'm boring. :)
  17. I agree. My brother never finished his degree. He was lucky that through his university he got industry standard certifications. Once he had them he could get a job at a GOOD salary without the degree. It made no sense for him to be taking loans and not earning when he could be earning.
  18. I have a different brand but I LOVE it. Like Pinky says it takes longer but I'm not doing the job. I also think it does a better job then me :)
  19. I don't keep track and I buy throughout the year when I see something I think the other person would like. I tend to go over board with my gifts to my nieces. Which is ridiculous because they just rip through them, but what can I say, I'm an indulgent aunt :p I also buy them stuff throughout the year :D
  20. Throw it out!!!!!! Says the girl who just chucked a load of HER old school work as her parents are moving and they are making us make decisions on our stuff!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :D
  21. My name has one common short form in English. It has another in another language. I don't mind the English shortening but I really dislike the other one. My grandfather always uses the one I don't like. I've never said anything. No point in starting an argument. I will tell my students I don't like it but I won't throw a hissy fit if they use it. Again what is the point. Aaaaand the short version of that is :D mom majorly overreacted.
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