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Everything posted by TeacherZee

  1. I agree with Fraidycat that it is the preaching that is the problem for me. My grandmother was a devoutly Christian woman. She never once preached at me our anyone else in the family. The closest she came to preaching was requiring Grace to be said at meals. Yet we all knew she was devout. She LIVED her faith. She is the ONE and ONLY reason I keep wishing I could believe. She is the reason I keep reading the Bible. She is the reason I keep wanting. Now I am sure some will say that I keep failing because I am focusing on her and not God, but my point is that I wouldn't even be trying if it wasn't for her. She never once preached at me. Maybe spreading the word through preaching isn't what God meant when he asked you to spread the word?
  2. Here is the thing though, I can't think of anyone who HATES the Christian message. I know people who don't believe it to be true, and who find it very problematic when the messages is used to influence things that affect them, but hate it? No.
  3. Shot down? I've heard crashed but as for it being shot down, that is speculation at this point. Maybe we shouldn't add fuel to the fire yet.
  4. People who put up wallpaper (and paper in the ceiling) with nails. (Although my brother did the brunt of THAT renovation) My parents house is 100 years old. My parents were the first owners who did not simply put more wallpaper over the old wallpaper. My childhood bedroom had 10 layers of wallpaper before it was renovated.
  5. Liver (I threw my plate at the last person who tried to serve me liver, I was 4 and they tried to trick me by saying it was pork chop, AS IF, I can smell liver a mile away ;)) Mayo Pickles Raw carrots Salt liquorish
  6. Me and my fat fingers :). It is always an accident and I always feel bad. I also (more often) visit people's profile pages :)
  7. Horseback riding and yoga. And don't nag :). Seriously my mom nagged for years, made me slouch more, horseback riding and yoga are the only two things that got me moving in the right direction because they REQUIRE good posture.
  8. We played Dominion with an 8 year old and three adults so big span there :) Depending on which expansion packs you have you can ruin things for others or you can just play for yourself
  9. Naproxen is what I take as well. Only medication that has managed to keep me functional through a migraine
  10. I've stared taking magnesium as well but it was for my fibro, maybe it will help with the migraines too. See this is why I read these threads. :)
  11. I was driving from PA to NC recently (and then back up the same way) and once I hit VA 99% of the stations I went through when searching played Christian music. I think it very much depends on where you are :)
  12. Yes definitely look for triggers. For me one of the triggers is my period, which I can't do anything about :) but I do make sure I always carry my meds when I have my period and that I don't try and "tough it out" when I start feeling a headache coming on. Meds straight away.
  13. http://youtu.be/49lLqFsO4Dc And you (and others) beat me to it, I was going to say Booth :)
  14. Another vote for Dominion (lots of expansion packs as well :) )
  15. Tepid showers, cold water on my wrists, lots of water and a nap. Cold compress on my forehead is also good.
  16. I just watched The Butler and Calendar Girls is always good when you are in the mood for that sort of movie
  17. I'm very happy with the results :)
  18. I've had a student named Irina and I have one friend named Irene and another friend whose daughter is Irene :) (both Irene's are in English speaking countries)
  19. Ida is still very popular in Sweden Alva is also making a comeback here I had three students named Fanny this year but I don't see it making a comeback in the English speaking world :) The youngest Swedish princess is named Leonore I've seen others have pointed this out but I too can see Percy making a comeback due to Percy Jackson. I also think Edith might come back due to Dowton Abbey Beatrice is pretty popular amongst teen girls here. We have one every year right now I've one niece named Alma and one named Wilma. But yeah I can't see Dorcas Sigrid is also gaining Clara is another one that is still popular here I wonder if some of these "never coming back" names are from "the old country" and they are still popular there but they have lost their "prettiness" in another language
  20. This is the point I was trying to make several pages a ago :)
  21. I can only speak for me but as far as I know it has never come up in discussion. But then again SAHDs are more prevalent here so many dads have male "support" when they are home with kids. The only time I have heard discussions about men and women being alone in rooms it has been in the education context. My male colleague is very careful to not be alone with female students, making sure the door is always open etc if he does have to be alone with someone, whereas I as a female teacher has more leeway in being alone with students, although I try to limit that (one reason I'm glad that our break out rooms have glass doors)
  22. Now this is a perspective I CAN buy. The spouse away for a long time scenario is also a stereotype because there is truth behind it.
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