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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. I have no idea what other people think, but I suspect that he draws fire because while he speaks out on topics of concern for our culture at large, he doesn't necessarily speak for the majority of grassroots Christians. He has a HUGE church, and I think many pastors have become enamored with Warren and want to follow his model and build megachurches so they can feel successful in ministry. But (speaking ONLY for myself here) megachurches are not necessarily a good thing. Too often, hurting seekers feel lost in the crowd in those huge churches, and they continue to bear their pain alone. Many people, myself included, prefer a more "personalized" atmosphere at church. I want to know everyone in my church by name, and I want them to know me. When I attend services, I want to feel that I am among dear friends--family, even.
  2. Yes, me too. And then I feel guilty for ever thinking such a thing. :001_huh: I beat myself up because I know it's my fault that it got that way; sometimes I'm such a hoarder!
  3. I bought a designer purse at the thrift store today for less than $3, and when I got home, I realized that it smells like cigarette smoke. :( It's not an overpowering smell, or I would have noticed it in the store, but it's definitely there, and I don't want to put my stuff into it and have everything wind up smelling like smoke. Is there anything I can do to get the smell out? It's made of faux leather lined with synthetic fabric. It has several compartments that close with zippers. Help!
  4. He's about the same size as ER, and the only jeans that fit him were at JCPenney. Right now they probably have their boys' jeans on sale for back-to-school. They're usually around half price when they're on sale, so $12-$15 per pair.
  5. Not to hijack the thread, but I just wanted to mention this: I love to watch House Hunters International on HGTV, and I am always intrigued by the homes in other parts of the world. It's often amusing when an American moves to a European or Asian country and expects to find spacious homes like those in the US.
  6. :iagree: But I definitely agree with the people who've commented that the bread machine is great for making dough. I use mine all the time for pizza/calzone/stromboli dough, and occasionally I make regular bread dough and then bake a loaf in the oven.
  7. I have a Swingline Precision Pro, and it works GREAT! It's much better than my old Punchodex P-29.
  8. When I've known people who acted this way, it is because they enjoy being what my dh calls "information brokers". Some people feel better about themselves if they think they are the first to know something and/or they are able to share information others don't know. It sounds like your friend might fall into this category.
  9. I think it sounds like just the thing for them. Do you also like Robin Finley's essay writing mateirals? I just realized I forgot to mention that the class is also supposed to cover the basics of essay writing also.
  10. I'm bumping this in hopes of getting more responses. Dh has already looked at R&S and would prefer to use something that is actually directed toward adults, and the McGraw-Hill book that teachaheart mentioned is just going to be too expensive for them.
  11. I like cake better than frosting. I prefer to eat cake with no frosting at all, unless it's red velvet cake or key lime cake with cream cheese & pecan frosting, and then I like both together. I can.not.stand that greasy buttercream frosting the bakeries put on their cakes. Blechhh!
  12. I do this too, not just for internet use, but for doing whatever it is I'd rather do than housework--read, watch television, art/craft stuff. ;) I'm always amazed at how much housework I'm able to get done when I know I get a reward after 30 minutes. :tongue_smilie:
  13. 20+ for us. Most of these are LARGE bookcases--very wide and/or floor to ceiling. We love our books!
  14. :iagree: Also, someone will have to be given the authority to make decisions for your mom if she is approaching the point that she cannot make her own decisions any more. Those decisions might include moving her to an assisted living facility or nursing home.
  15. :iagree: Maybe even try some of the "women's" deodorants? EK uses Secret Clinical Strength. She had terrible odor problems until we tried this. The pediatrician suggested using a SPRAY antiperspirant/deodorant, and she did that for awhile. It seemed to help a lot, but didn't eliminate the problem completely. The Secret Clinical Strength did. he tried the Dove Clinical Strength, but the Secret worked better.
  16. I was the sex educator in our home too, but dh was available when ER had questions he didn't want to discuss with me. Still, we had a similar incident to the one you describe when ER was about the same age as your ds. He didn't see any hardcore stuff, but he did see nudity. Dh took the lead and talked frankly with ER; we monitored his computer usage more carefully after that, but there was no punishement involved. Curiosity is normal, and boys need to be able to talk to their dads about sexual matters. Your dh needs to put aside his inhibitions and talk to his son. I think you are right in placing blocks on his laptop, and I definitely think that tweens and teens should be permitted to use a computer only in a public area of the home.
  17. This is the way it is in our household as well. We are perpetually poor--not because of mismanagement but because of low income. Dh is a minister and we own a small business that only last year finally showed a tiny profit. I used to handle all the finances here at home (dh has an assistant at work and an accountant to do all of the business finances), but it was just too stressful on me to have to decide who to pay and who to put off until more funds were available, all the while knowing that I, as a SAHM, was not contributing financially and there was nothing I could do to improve the situation. So dh took it over some years ago, and it has been that way ever since, even though a couple of years ago, I began earning some money through tutoring.
  18. Here's some info about the Trolley Tour. And if you're a Flannery O'Connor fan, Milledgeville was her home, and her farm, Andalusia (where she did much of her writing and cared for her flock of peafowl), is located outside of town on US 441N. It's open for tours also.
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