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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. Re: the large, bolded, purple part: I wish I could convince everyone of this. :tongue_smilie: Even in PS, the kids who work above grade level are rarely bumped up. Instead, they're just classified as "gifted" and their curricula is enhanced in the areas of their giftedness, usually with an enrichment program of some kind. I know so many people who get hung up on, "s/he's doing 5th grade math, so even if he's 7, he needs to be classified as a 5th grader." Sheesh! At times there's been confusion in the homeschool circle around here because the planners of an activity would advertise it as "for high schoolers", and invariably this one 10 year old would show up. The mom would say, "Well, he's doing 9th grade work, so I thought it would be okay." And the teenagers would wind up "babysitting" her kid, or, at the very least, being annoyed by him. His mom was one of those who would go ballistic if someone questioned her on something, so in order to keep the peace, everybody pretty much just let it ride.
  2. I cook breakfast, fix lunch, and cook supper. We don't eat dinner except on special occasions, and we cook that or go out to eat.
  3. :iagree: This is what we did with ER's many, many LEGO sets when we were trying to simplify. I assigned him the task of putting each set together, and he enjoyed it immensely. FWIW, he is 22 yo and still has every LEGO set he ever got. He graduated from college in May and moved back home. He had a lot of dorm room stuff he wanted to move into his room, which meant getting rid of a LOT of childhood stuff. His girlfriend came over to help him sort through it all. ER was horrified when she suggested that he pare down his LEGO collection. She helped him organize all.those.bins. of LEGO sets in his closet. ;)
  4. Annabelle is most standard of the choices listed. I like Annabel though.
  5. Yes, IME it is quite advanced. I would suggest using at least one level below your child's grade level.
  6. But do SOS Spanish 1 and LifePac Spanish 1 cover the same content? ETA: Here and here are threads that discuss the fact that on a transcript SOS Secondary Spanish = Spanish 1, SOS Spanish I = Spanish 2, and SOS Spanish II = Spanish 3. What I need to know is if the Spanish 1 LifePacs have the same content as SOS Spanish I. Thanks!
  7. I thought I read somewhere on this board that the LifePac Spanish 1 is sort of a conglomeration of SOS Secondary Spanish & SOS Spanish 1, since there is no LifePac for Secondary Spanish. True or false?
  8. I am looking for a one-year or one-semester workbook & CD program (or just a workbook) but NOT a computer program such as SOS.
  9. We used it for a semester when EK was in 10th grade. I bought the Bible version Level IV (grades 7 & 8); EK had been through R&S as far as English 7 and used Easy Grammar after that, and she still found DGP to be challenging. She is no slouch at grammar, either: her score on the English portion of the ACT was 35 (the only time she took the ACT).
  10. Thank you! I'll have grandchildren in a few years, and I'm betting I'll need to know about many of these.
  11. Here are some links you might find useful: http://www.kjvonly.org/doug/kutilek_erasmus.htm http://www.bibletexts.com/kjv-tr.htm http://www.truthmagazine.com/archives/volume15/TM015277.html http://www.tentmaker.org/Biblematters/adding.htm http://virtualreligion.net/primer/textus.html http://www.onenesspentecostal.com/textusreceptus.htm
  12. I bought dh a juicer from Christmas a few years ago. he LOVES it, but doesn't do it often. Right now, dear friends are using our juicer to supplement the diet of their 16yo son who has leukemia.
  13. I keep seeing sets for sale on various boards, here and on other used curriculum sites, and sometimes there are 5 CDs, sometimes 7. Why do some sets have 5 CDs and some have 7? Is it because they were published in different years? What's the difference?
  14. Just wanted to point out that TT doesn't use DVDs, but uses CDs instead. Just thought that point of clarification was necessary.
  15. ER used Format Writing independently. It's been about 5 years since he used it, so I can't remember exactly what we did, but I think I just assigned him a different type of essay every few days. He would read the information in the book and then work on the essay for a couple of days or so.
  16. Same here. EK did TT Geometry in 10th grade; she did not use the CDs because she & I both preferred that I teach her. We did one lesson or test per day, although occasionally, if the lesson was a light or easy one, we doubled up and did two per day.
  17. It depends on whether "empty nest" means that your youngest child turns 18, or graduates from high school, or goes off to college, or graduates from college, or gets married... EK will turn 18 this year, and I will turn 52 a few days later. She will graduate from high school in 2013 and, a few months later, while I am still 52, she will go off to college. She is expected to graduate from college in 2017 when I am 56. I expect that she will move back home (as ER has done since he graduated from college) and live here until she marries.
  18. Thank you so much! Anybody here have a set of the essentials Rhonda listed plus the DVDs (and maybe the flashcards) for sale cheap??? :D
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