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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. ER was also in 8th grade when he discovered that he could concentrate better if he had coffee in the mornings while he did his schoolwork. He had a couple of cups of half-caff coffee with creamer & sugar. He is convinced that he has ADD (but not ADHD) because he has a hard time concentrating when he's studying.
  2. I'm bumping this in hopes of getting more responses because razorbackmama's ds sounds very much like one of my students (whom I suspect has a processing disorder also).
  3. I'm thinking along the lines of a workbook-based program with words that a child should know by the time he finishes 8th grade. Got anything for me? Thanks!
  4. I am trying to figure out how to do this with my rising 8th, 10th, and 12th graders.
  5. I am trying to figure out how to do this with my rising 8th, 10th, and 12th graders.
  6. We do not buy the CDs with TT math courses through Math 7. I did buy them for the high school courses, but we have seldom used them. The few times we used them were when we couldn't figure out how to set up a word problem or a proof, and we needed to see the complete solution instead of the answer only (which is all the answer key has). I think we might have used the CDs two or three times each for Algebra 1 and Algebra 2, and a few times more than that for Geometry. I should've saved my money and bought the text & answer key only. I could've just asked for the solution here on the boards those few times.
  7. :iagree: God will prompt you if there's something He wants you to do. When He does, act on those convictions, but don't feel that your convictions should be everyone else's convictions too. That's a lesson I'm still trying to learn myself. :) I tend to get indignant when I see people who have money (which I don't ;)) spending it on things like boats, fancy cars, showcase homes, designer clothes, and extravagant vacations when there are people even in our own country who are living under bridges. I have to remind myself that God may not be leading them in the same direction He's leading me.
  8. I have one hole in each ear. I got my ears pierced when I was 17, after I BEGGED my parents to allow it. My dad was totally opposed to ANY and ALL piercings. Several years later, I considered a second hole in each ear, but decided against it. I would NEVER, EVER have my tongue or nose pierced. I am 51 years old, and I think wearing a single pair of simple earrings looks elegant. Two earrings per ear might be okay with the right earrings, but more than that looks cheap and tacky to me. (I'm not trying to be critical of those who have them, but you must understand that I was raised in an era when body piercings and tattoos were worn only by tramps and thugs.)
  9. It was the father, and he woke up lying on top of the baby.
  10. :iagree: I also was a PS teacher, and we were NOT allowed to coach the students during testing.
  11. No cosleeping here, with the exception of the times when a toddler climbed into bed with us for a little while during the night. Cosleeping with a toddler is downright uncomfortable! :tongue_smilie: And cosleeping with an infant much too dangerous. We have friends whose baby died as a result of being smothered when one of the parents rolled over on her in their sleep. It was such a terrble, sad situation, one that you never think will happen to you.
  12. Thank you for this! I'll pass it along to dh. It does sound like just the thing for his class.
  13. Dh has been asked to teach a remedial English grammar (and composition??) class at a small private college that is just getting started in our area. He is supposed to select a textbook for the class, but he doesn't know where to look. Any suggestions?
  14. I have this one, and it's okay, but I don't like it as much as I liked my old HP OfficeJet 7310. I wish I had bought the HP OfficeJet 8500 when the 7310 died.
  15. :grouphug: I can relate because we are in a financial situation similar to yours, with siblings who are in the same financial situation as your sister.
  16. We iron sporadically--when I'm sewing (too rare these days) or when dh needs a dress shirt (he's a minister, but doesn't dress up except for funerals & weddings), or for some other special occasion. I think the last thing I ironed was ER's graduation gown earlier this month. Before that, I don't really remember.
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