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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. What are the essentials? What are the extras that would be nice to have?
  2. Wow! Things have really changed since my dc were babies! This thread mentions a lot of items I've never heard of! Halo sleep sacks NoseFrida Beco carrier Aiden and Anais Moby Wrap podegai baby bjorn Boppy Bumbo Ergo Baby k'Tan wraps Babylegs :001_huh:
  3. Oh, it's cooked... but until I thawed it, I didn't realize that. The package just says "Corned Beef" and it was frozen solid. I didn't know I was dealing with cooked and sliced corned beef. I have 3 or 4 more packages of this stuff, and while I love reuben sandwiches, not everyone in my family does. So I want to know if it will be good if I recook it with the vegetables.
  4. Lapbooking is our biggest reason for using a lot of glue sticks. Yes, even in high school. :)
  5. A few days ago, I asked how to cook corned beef, and got some great responses. Well, I thawed the corned beef in the refrigerator, and took it out this morning to put it into the crock pot. Well, it turns out that it's not a solid hunk of corned beef, but it's been presliced, like for reuben sandwiches. We can NOT eat 5 lbs. of corned beef in reubens--EK doesn't even like reubens--so can I just pretend it's a whole corned beef roast (I guess that's what you'd call it) and cook it with the cabbage and carrots and potatoes anyway??? Thanks!
  6. :ohmy: Bill!!! Please say you didn't mean it! :O
  7. Yes, this. :iagree: :iagree: I love the aha moments... "so that's why the lamppost was there!"... that you only get when you read the books in publication order.
  8. I was given several packages of frozen corned beef, about 4-5 lbs. each. There are no cooking instructions on the package, and I've never cooked corned beef before. HELP!
  9. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: I've been homeschooling for years and years, and I still look forward to the new catalogs from RR & SL & others. I especially love the RR catalog because it's so HUGE!
  10. Oh, yes, I remember those! I tell my kids how lucky they are to be able to text their friends every day. Dh & I had to settle for a phone call or two per week when we were long-distance dating. And we tried to wait until after 11 PM or only talk on weekends when the rates were lower. :glare:
  11. I'd prefer that the protagonist be a Southerner--an average Southerner, rather than plantation aristocracy. Even better if the story takes place in Georgia. Pretty please? :D
  12. I'd prefer that the protagonist be a Southerner--an average Southerner, rather than plantation aristocracy. Even better if the story takes place in Georgia. Pretty please? :D
  13. If so, and if you've used it, please tell me how you liked it. Thanks!
  14. Does Discovery Streaming have a high school Spanish program? Or a Latin program? I will be teaching a new student in the fall, a 16yog. She took Spanish 1 at PS last year, but didn't pass. (There were problems at home--parents going through a divorce--and she had a lot of difficulty in school as a result.) I will have 2 other students, neither of whom will be taking Spanish or Latin, so whatever we do, it MUST be something she can do independently. Suggestions?
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