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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. How long has she been at it? I distinctly remember that, when I took geometry in high school, the teacher told us that it would probably take 6 or 8 weeks or more of doing proofs every day before it began to click. At first, they made my head swim, and then I gradually began to see the logic. It was the same with both of my dc when I did geometry with them. If your dd has just started the course, give it some time. If she's been struggling for longer than a couple of months, you might want to consider a tutor.
  2. We live near a small town with a tiny shoppng mall, and the fire department sponsors fireworks almost every year. The county hires a group to do fireworks in the mall parking lot! You can see the show for miles around. People line the streets and also watch from nearby businesses. Our Bible study group (15-20 people) gathers in the back parking area at dh's business and we watch from there. It's just around the corner from the mall, so we have a great view without the crowds. This year, the fireworks are scheduled for this coming Saturday night.
  3. Georgia does it. A National Forest ranger conducted a field trip for our homeschool group a few years ago, and he explained how controlled burns were done. He said that the reason the western states don't utilize controlled burns as much as Georgia (and, I guess, Florida) does is because conservation groups in those areas won't permit it. I don't know where he got his information, but that's what he said.
  4. I have 2 that actually fit, and a couple more that I wear anyway around the house. :D
  5. I like the Secret Keeper series of Bible studies for girls, written by Dannah Gresh.
  6. Just the opposite, actually. ER & EK look SO much ALIKE that people often think they are opposite-sex twins. Exact same hair color and eye color--and their hair and eyes are not the same color as mine or dh's. They both look a lot like my brother.
  7. I'm still buying books. I only have a couple of things to get, and then I'll start sorting it all out. My goal was to be done buying by the end of June, so I should be good. :) Then I'll work on plans an hour or two each day during July, but I told dh I was going to mostly take July off. If I don't take a break for awhile, I'll burn out WAY before next May! In August, I'll work really hard for the first week or so and finish it all up.
  8. :D EK was that way too. She loved it when people told her she looked like a little Barbie doll. (She actually did. :))
  9. I was just noticing the same thing last night when ER & I were looking for a movie to watch. I noticed that several of the movies we've watched before are no longer available, and several movies in my queue will be available only until July 1. :( My brother gave us his old Roku when he upgraded, and we have Amazon Prime, but they don't have a very big selection and Amazon's movie list is hard to navigate. But at least I get free 2-day shipping. (And I'm spending WAY more at Amazon than I used to. :glare:)
  10. Yes, I'm in Georgia. I don't remember ever hearing about that plane crash! :001_huh: I'll definitely check out Elizabeth Musser's books. Thanks!
  11. I read this book a LONG time ago, and you're right--you DO have to read all the way to the end.
  12. We're going to read The Hiding Place during the school year, but I do like the other choices for some good summer reading.
  13. EK absolutely ADORED the Christy Miller books! She read and reread them, so I put the first in the series, Summer Promise, on SJ's and HV's summer reading list. :)
  14. ...thought-provoking--even life-changing. And it must have a Christian worldview. Doesn't matter if it's fiction or non-fiction, but it has to have a PLOT. If it contained a little bit of romance, that would be a huge plus. Got anything for me???
  15. EK and SJ are going to do Modern American & World History (full credit) and Civics (half credit) next year. SJ (10th/11th) will also have Algebra 2 and either Spanish 1 or Latin 1, while EK (12th) has College Algebra and an SAT prep course (Semester 1) and then Economics (Semester 2). Both girls will also have History, Literature, Worldview & Apologetics, Health & Human Physiology, and Home Economics together. We won't do all courses all year long, and some won't do every day, but I think I have it all scheduled out so that it will work and we'll be finished by 2:15 every day. :001_smile:
  16. :iagree: Well, except for the being re-born part. :D But yes, I think I'd have the kids go once, well-tutored and bribed with ice cream, and then play it by ear after that. You have SIL to deal with after all of this is over, and you can do what you have to then.
  17. Of the choices listed, I eat only these: Pear salad consisting of pear halves with mayo and cheddar cheese (This is also good with pineapple instead of pears. I like to toss pineapple chunks with mayo & shredded cheddar.) chicken salad with grapes and walnuts mixed in (mayo of course) (I prefer slivered almonds to walnuts, though, and I often substitute diced apples for grapes.) tuna salad with tons of hard boiled eggs, DILL pickles and mayo (I eat this without eggs too, and sometimes I put sweet relish instead of dill.) I do NOT eat tomato sandwiches or pineapple sandwiches because 1) I can't stand the way the bread gets soggy, and 2) I don't like tomatoes with mayo on them. I'm not a big fan of bananas, and I especially don't like them with peanut butter. If I eat bananas, they have to be plain or in fruit salad.
  18. I vote for staying with Teaching Textbooks. I know Lial's gets rave reviews here on the boards, but I didn't like it. I found it too "busy" --it's designed for college students, after all (albeit those who need remedial math). It moves much too quickly for the average middle schooler, and especially for a kid with LDs. I bought a copy and sold it, then decided to look at it again and bought another copy, newer edition. I didn't like the newer one any better, so it's just sitting here on my shelf. :glare: (I guess I should list it on the For Sale board so maybe someone could get some use out of it. ;)) ETA: I just noticed that this thread is several weeks old, so the OP has probably already made a decision.
  19. :iagree: Although I will wade in the ocean, I do not swim in bodies of water where I cannot see the bottom. I prefer a pool.
  20. Hi, I'm ereks mom, which means I am mom to ER & EK. I posted some on the old board--can't remember when and I don't remember my original posting name, but I became ereks mom long before the new boards started in January 2008. I've lived in Georgia all my life except for a 1-year stint in Michigan (where my dad was from) when I was a toddler. I am a conservative Christian, and I've been homeschooling for 16 years. I hold a Master's degree in education, and before I began homeschooling, I taught PreK-K and 5th-12th grades at various times over the years in both private and public schools. We chose to homeschool because of academics and for religious reasons. I have two children, both homeschooled from the beginning, and a very supportive husband! My husband is a Southern Baptist minister, and he also owns a small business where he writes, publishes, and teaches character education programs for teens & adults. (Shameless plug: Feel free to PM me if you'd like the link to his website.) My son ER graduated in 2008 after being homeschooled all the way through, and he graduated from college last month with a music degree and a minor in Christian Studies. My daughter EK will be in 12th grade after our summer break. She plans to study early childhood education in college, and says she will likely homeschool her own children someday. :D I also teach a rising 8th grader, the daughter of a friend, and this fall, I will add another student, a rising 11th grader, the dd of another friend. I tutor high school math one afternoon per week. I plan to continue homeschooling and/or tutoring until... well, I don't know how long, but until God leads me to something different.
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