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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. :iagree: I'm betting the OP's older dc know more than she suspects. At least, they think they know. ;)
  2. I was actually wondering this too. Yes, there IS a same-named town in IL. Hmmm... I'll call the PO tomorrow and see if there's anything they can do.
  3. I used a home pregnancy test on Valentine's Day, 1994, and found out I was pregnant with EK. I tested early in the morning, and that evening when dh came home from work, I gave him a Valentine's card with the stick inside. He "got it" right away. He teared up and looked at me and said, "You are???"
  4. On August 8, I ordered a book from an Amazon Marketplace seller. It shipped on August 9 from Arcadia, CA, supposedly headed to my location in central GA. Here is a record of its progress: August 11-12 it was in Bell Gardens, CA. August 16-18 it was in Atlanta, GA. From there it's a hop, skip & jump to my address, BUT... August 20 it was in Memphis, TN. August 23-24 it was back in Atlanta, GA. August 31 it was back in Memphis, TN. September 1 it was in Forest Park, IL. September 4 it was in Rockford, IL. What could be going on with this package???
  5. Some years ago, there were commercials on television advertising a machine that cleaned with steam only--no shampoo because shampoo was said to make the carpet get dirtier faster because of soap residue. IIRC, the machine heated the water to make the steam; you didn't have to put in water that was already hot. I can't remember the name of the machine, but maybe someone here will know.
  6. OP, I understand your position, and I know people who use the state's cyber school yet consider themselves homeschoolers. However, our local homeschool association excludes the cyber schoolers from membership in the homeschool group. As to who is right, well, I'm just not sure. The only thing I can come up with is that, legally speaking, whether one is actually a homeschooler is about more than simply where the schooling takes place, but also has to do with who plans the curriculum.
  7. My sincerest apologies for having offended you. I am one Christian who does happen to pray for Westboro BC.
  8. The point was that I disgree with the terminology "former Christian". I shared MY personal view. I do realize that even some Christians do not agree with me.
  9. As I said in my previous post, "There are many, many people, filling the pews of churches every Sunday, who think that they ARE Christians, but they're not. Unfortunately, they are often the very ones who cause good people to become disillusioned with their faith. What you see in churches is not necessarily Christianity. Take Westboro Baptist Church, for example." I do thank you for the compliment, but you only quoted PART of what I said. The rest of it has to be there for the context. Recognizing Christianity has nothing to do with "special spy glasses". The behavior is completely observable, which is why I cited Westboro Baptist Church as an example. My point was that when people see the kinds of things Westboro Baptist Church does, they think they are seeing Christianity at work. And I'm sure that the people in that church think they're "doing God's will." And neither is true.
  10. Before you throw rotten tomatoes, understand that the statements below represent my personal beliefs, and I know that many of you may disagree. I almost NEVER post in these threads because I know it can end badly. But I have a quibble about terminology. My belief is that there's no such thing as a "former Christian". Once a Christian, always a Christian. Either you are or you never were. The reason? Whether you become a Christian is your choice, but the actual becoming isn't something you do for yourself--Christ does it for you--so you can't UNDO what you didn't do in the first place. There are many, many people, filling the pews of churches every Sunday, who think that they ARE Christians, but they're not. Unfortunately, they are often the very ones who cause good people to become disillusioned with their faith. What you see in churches is not necessarily Christianity. Take Westboro Baptist Church, for example.
  11. :iagree: I was born and raised in Georgia and have lived in Georgia all but one of my almost-52 years, and I have NEVER heard y'all used to address one person EXCEPT on television when people who don't know any better are attempting to sound "Southern". Ugh, ugh, ugh! <shudder> I wonder if the British cringe when Americans try to sound British the way we Southerners do when people try to sound Southern. Hmmm...might be a good spin-off topic...
  12. No, no, no. Y'all (this is the correct spelling, not "ya'll") is ALWAYS plural. It means "you ALL", so there's no way it could be singular.
  13. Weasley (a nod to Harry Potter's red-headed friends because, as EK says, "he's a ginger and he's trouble, but you gotta love him;)) is 5 months old, and so far, he has been an indoor/ourdoor cat, always with the plan of having him become an outside cat when he is older--like now. We live in a rural area, our house is well away from any thoroughfares, and Weasley LOVES to play outside. But we bring him in to eat and sleep, and also when it's HOT outside. Our home is in a heavily wooded area and we use Frontline Plus to prevent fleas and ticks. Weasley's last application of Frontline was 3 weeks ago, and there are no longer any fleas on him, but this week we started finding teeny, tiny "seed" ticks on him, mainly on his head near his ears and eyes. He will come inside and there will be a dozen on him! Some appear to be dead, but some are not. This is so, so gross to me, and I can NOT have him in my house when there are ticks on him, whether it's hot or rainy or cold or whatever! Soooo.... should we put a flea & tick collar on him? If so, which one? Should we get some kind of flea powder? If so, which one?
  14. This is the one I have now--the one that's dying. It has done a good job, and I've had it several years, but it's hard to find bags (type RR) for it in our small town. We bought the vac at Walmart, and for awhile, they carried the bags, but then they stopped, and now, the only place we can find them locally is at a vacuum cleaner repair shop, and they are expensive there.
  15. I have doubted for brief periods in my life. During those times I questioned all of it. But I have learned that it's actually GOOD to ask questions because that has helped me to define what I believe and why I believe it. I think that if a person's faith can't stand up to questioning, that faith is misplaced. I recommend reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, and I also recommend reading books by Josh McDowell or Lee Strobel.
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