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Everything posted by momto10blessings

  1. you're nesting! I tend to stay in the nesting stage for a month or 2. Maybe 3
  2. I completely agree with you. My kids all have more traditional names . I'm just not a fan of different or made up names. BUT I would NEVER EVER tell a mom that her kids names were ugly or that I did not like them. Even if it's the strangest name I just say "Oh that's cute!" IMO it's the same as saying "Oh your kids are pretty plain looking. They have boring personalities"
  3. "the works" for toilets. squirt a good amount in, wait a couple hours and scrub. will get anything off the inside of your toilet.
  4. Well with 8 kids all 18 months or less apart in age I have been there done that. And really the only thing that works is crying it out. I have borrowed stacks of no cry sleep books from the library and tried it all. Most of my babies just needed to cry. It is SO hard, but I just can not have a toddler in bed with a newborn. I tried it and toddler's head, arms and legs are too dangerous with a tiny baby. Plus toddler would wake in the middle of the night when newborn would cry from a diaper change. Then I'd nurse the newborn and have to try to get a tired 18 month old to sleep but he would be wide awake and stay up for a couple hours. No fun for any of us. I'm sure people make it work, but it did not work for me. Putting baby to bed when they are falling asleep is best. Turning on the same music each night will work wonders. I usually rub his back or pat him after placing him in the crib. Leave after a minute. He'll cry and I'll go back in after a few minutes, calm him down by patting or rubbing. Do this over and over. If he gets too upset I will leave him to cry longer because they would get even more upset when I go in the room. I am ALWAYS amazed that after a few days, maybe a week, they would look forward to going in their beds. They would actually JUMP out of my arms into their beds. Amazed me every time. Turn on music, leave room and close door- no wimpering or anything. I wish I had a solution without any crying. You'd think that after 8 kids I would be an expert, but that is definitely not the case.
  5. We usually lose power during a big storm but somehow we were spared this time. What I do to be prepared: Freeze empty plastic milk, soda, juice containers. AND fill gallon sized plastic bags 1/3 way full with water, freeze flat on sides Charge phones, laptops, etc Plastic cups and utensils and paper plates Lots of firewood by fireplace and stove Glow sticks for kids rooms Have candles and lighter out and ready Fresh batteries in flashlight and lantern Cook hotdogs or trailburgers in fireplace. Veggies can be cooked in foil in fireplace as well Shower/Bathe before storm starts (you never know how long power will be out!) Clean dishes before storm starts
  6. Of course- Amazon has everything. Why didnt I think of Amazon? Thanks!
  7. This year I bought each student different color notebooks/composition books for their school work. I bought my 7 yo all blue books, but I accidently a college ruled blue composition book for him instead of wide ruled. IT IS NOT WORKING! ? Has anyone seen a BLUE wide ruled comp. book at any stores? I bought it at target during back to school shopping, but their BTS stuff is long gone. Anyone? Thanks in advance!
  8. Cat will be fine no matter the temp, esp in FL. Cats are animals and animals are meant to live outside. It'll find somewhere snug to cuddle up.
  9. schedule dinner delivery for the family. see if you can find several people who would like to feed them offer to bring subway or home made lunch to them at the hospital. snacks too. fruit, veggies, baked goods gas card, gift card to grab some lunch offer to do things around the house. yard work, clean house, laundry, feed pets
  10. :iagree: great ideas! I would add some playdoh, colorful pipe cleaners (cheaper than wikki stix), etch a scetch
  11. I highly recommend LEAP YEAR. Newer movie with no sex at all. PG but for adults It's always helpful to read reviews at chrisitan movie reviews. They;ll tell ou every swear word
  12. :iagree: Even if I was on the fence about letting her go before, I would not now if she is acting like that. It is completely unacceptable behavior, especially from a 10 year old
  13. I just let them play. They always find something to play with. If they start bickering I would initiate a game or trip to the park. Popcorn and a movie would be fun. Pizza for dinner?
  14. Yes I agree the chores are age appropriate but you cant expect them to be perfect.
  15. First of all, you are doing something right to have such an open relationship with your dd. Pat yourself on the back!! Second, I would CALL him and tell him he is being innappropriate and that he needs to stop texting, that any other texts will go straight to you and you will call his parents if she receives just one more text.
  16. One more idea- we do "family power hour" which is usually only half an hour during the weekdays when I am cooking dinner and an hour Saturday mornings. Basically everyone is expected to clean up. Pick up toys, clothes, books, trash, put everything away, sweep and vacuum, straighten up. During the week they do it downstairs while I cook dinner and on Saturday mornings we tackle the upstairs. We get a ton of stuff accomplished with everyone working for 1/2- 1 hour together! With 10 people living here the house is never spotless.
  17. OH! He also pays the bills, which is a lifesaver! I used to do it, but the past few years he has done it and it was the best decision! Seriously!
  18. Don't forget to include the kids in the household chores! My kids start doing their laundry (wash, dry, fold, put away) at age 7. At 7 they can vacuum, clean off the table after meals, load and unload the dishwasher, wipe off bathroom sinks, feed animals, help with yard work. At 10 they can sweep the whole kitchen with a broom, wipe off kitchen counter tops, clean bathrooms, etc. Remind them that you are a team and you need everyone on the team to work hard. My husband takes care of everything to do with the dungeon (basement), yard work, working on and cleaning vehicles, trash removal. He does help me out around the house at times, but for the most part that is my and my kids job. He mops the floor and scrubs the bathtubs when I am pregnant. He'll sporadically put clothes in the washer/dryer, help make dinner, help clean up after dinner, help the kids clean their rooms when I am stressed out about the mess. But all that is just extra, and I try to help out some with his areas as well, like touch up paint, cleaning out the van, picking up trash and weeding outside.
  19. I'm very sorry for your loss... :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
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