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Everything posted by momto10blessings

  1. Now that baby is here we need to start planning the baptism. We will be feeding about 45-60 people. It'll be around 3pm, so we probably don't need to do a whole meal. Relatives will be coming from 3 hours away though, so we do need to provide something substantial. We will not have a kitchen available. Thanks!
  2. Induction on Monday (will be 39 wks)! Just 2 more days!
  3. My earliest was born 5 wks early, He was fine besides labored breathing and he had to be hooked up to monitors. Went home at 4 days. My friend had a baby born at 23 weeks and he's been in the hospital for 2 months now.
  4. Baby is moving fine. No swelling. Checked my blood pressure while I was feeling sick at my mom's house yesterday and it was fine. I just feel BLAH! As if the end of pregnancy isn't uncomfortable enough... Add morning sickness to it and I'm not a happy mama. Almost there though. Almost there.
  5. I have about 3 weeks left until the end of my pregnancy and I am all of a sudden nauseated every day around lunch for the past 4 days. My stomach hurts, I feel like I am going to vomit and some times feel weak and shakey. I have an appointment on Monday so I will ask my doctor then, but wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this and if it is something I should call about now? It lasts for several hours then gradually fades away until the next day around noon. Eating does not help.
  6. bfast: steak and strawberries lunch: steak and strawberries dinner: steak and strawberries maybe that's just my pregnancy talking? maybe not.
  7. I tear and wash lettuce before hand and keep it in a large bowl with lid in the refrigerator. I usually put a paper towel in the bowl and under the lettuce to soak up any water. Tearing or cutting with a plastic knife is important or the lettuce will brown. I also cut up green pepper and carrots and some times celery and keep those in with the lettuce. Cucumber and tomato I usually cut when serving. I don't keep it more than a week. Usually 5 days
  8. So sorry this happened to you. One thing I wanted to add was that when my husband quit his job to become self employed we had to use COBRA. In our state insurance companies would not cover us if we were eligible for COBRA, Does not make any sense to me and this was 10 yrs ago, but that's how it was. Of course if you do not have any income it should be different.
  9. You can definitely cloth diaper with a front loader. I HAD to use tide though. other detergents did not work. I had to bleach them every other week with other detergents. Also, use enough detergent. Cloth diaperers seem to think that you need just a tiny bit of detergent, but I found that I needed more than they suggested to get rid of the stink
  10. praying. my doctor always reminds me at my 24 wk check up that any baby born after this time is likely to survive. They may have a long road ahead of them, but they can and do thrive. 37 wks is considered full term
  11. Not sure if they still do this, but I had PRIME a while back and ended up canceling it a few months into it and was refunded for the months left in my membership. I may do this again at CHristmas time if they still offer it.
  12. The media is trying to link it to anything they can. Must find a scandal! He is in poor health and realizes that the Pope's job now-a-days requires traveling which he can no longer do. The first Pope to retire in over 600 yrs since popes usually die the pope. He broke the news over 2 wks ago, but today was his last day.
  13. But the real question is... Will he join the cast of Betty White's Off Their Rockers??
  14. I'm so sorry. My heart breaks for you and the kids. I really have no words, just sympathy. I'm so, so sorry you have to go through this.
  15. I'm so sorry, I can not imagine the pain you will feel and how she will feel... I will say a prayer that she is able to make an easy adjustment and that she is going to a loving family.
  16. Were you supposed to send forms in last year? I did not mail them- I just filled everything out online and still received the tickets. I wonder if they even look at them when you mail them in?
  17. I'm 35 weeks and more hormonal and exhausted than I think I have ever been. Come one, baby!
  18. Dh goes back tonight to (hopefully) finish the job and take apart the bike. After thinking about it he thinks it is acceptable to just fix the bike and not buy a new one. The bike was a couple yrs old anyway so it's not like he ran over a brand new bike. He knows he will have to get some new (used) parts for the bike but he thinks it'll look nice enough for sister. She won't be happy about the concept, but we believe it is an appropriate action and he can make it look really nice. As for our relationship with his sister- she's older by 2 years and has always been incredibly bossy (ahem, b*tchy) towards him. That's just the way it is and we try to be friends, but some times it takes a little extra effort. Especially from me since it's another woman treating my dh like crap. Dh is used to it since he's been treated like that all his life. SHe does get angry when she can't boss him around anymore and this will definitely upset her. But what can you do? Either live with crazy family or write them out of your lives. He's not willing to write them out quite yet and I agree. My boys would miss their cousins too much.
  19. Thanks. I'm ready for spring so we can get out of the house to visit friends more and to be done with this pregnancy. Seriously, these hormones are kicking my butt this time.
  20. Sorry, I don't know how to start a poll or what JAWM means. And not really sure why I kept posting or cared about what strangers on the internet care about my situation. I'm hormonal and lonely. What can I say.
  21. I'm sorry, I do not believe I am slightly exaggerating. I was not there so I am just going off of what my dh told me. I do not know if the moon was out yet or what phase it is in. All I know is that her driveway is dark and a pain to back out of because she only has one light on her house. We were trying to figure out where the bike was because I doubt he would actually leave it under the truck unless he did it on purpose. But he's a good kid so I doubt that. Maybe it was leaning against the truck? No idea.
  22. We had no idea people look at Craigslist for contractors, thanks for the tip!
  23. I've said over and over that there was no risk of running over a child. Her 2 kids were sitting down to eat dinner, they do not live near other houses and it was completely dark so unless he had a flashlight he could not have seen the bike.
  24. most of the people we know do not have the money right now to pay for repairs. Everyone we know is struggling. He was self employed until a couple yrs ago. The only option was to start working for a company where he makes half the amount he was making while self employed. He does get some paying side jobs every once in a while and still has his contractors permit but does not have the money to advertise anymore. Advertising around here is hit or miss any way and we can't spend the money when he may not even get enough jobs to pay for the advertising.
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