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Everything posted by momto10blessings

  1. True, we are strapped for cash since dh is making half the money he was a couple years ago. Mostly because all our extra cash goes towards paying off the medical bills we accumulated last year. There are not many people around here who can afford to pay for repairs. Hopefully the economy will go uphill soon. Thanks for listening to my rambling. Darn pregnancy hormones!
  2. Yes it would be nice for dh to pay since he was the one who ran over it. I just have a terribly hard time getting in to the mindset of a child not taking care of his things and receiving a new bike because of it. That's not how I raise my kids. And, yes, that does not mean that other people have to raise their kids the same. But I just can't reward that. Dh said nephew was kind of excited when he mentioned he'd fix up the bike so we'll see what happened when he goes back over there. Honestly, dh and I don't have $100 or so to buy a new bike. We just don't :crying:
  3. Ok, I'm back. :laugh: Yes, after it happened, my husband brought the bike up to the house and apologized to his nephew and told him when he came back he would try to fix it. Sister tells him "No, you need to buy him a new bike since fixing it probably will not make it like new". DH says whatever, we'll try to fix it. Meanwhile, before dh is home I get call from sister telling me what happened and how he's really going to have to buy a new one because it's too messed up to fix it up and it'll end up looking junky. I joke that nephew will learn a lesson after this and she gets mad... The reason my dh is helping her out with these repairs is because my dh is highly skilled and he likes to use his skills to help out his friends, family and those who are less fortunate. Repairs cost a ton of money. Sister was a little angry at dh that night because dh was complaining about how her dh could be helping him with these repairs instead of playing video games. We get it, not every one can do that kind of work, but the kids and her dh could hand him things and be his laborer but they refused. I should have included age and details in the OP. My apologies. I feel like I have given too many details and wasted too much time online on this issue... If it were my child I would not ask the person to pay and I thought the majority of parents would feel the same. Thanks for showing me different sides on this issue. And, again, no kids were at risk of being run over. I promise.
  4. I did forget our geographical location, time of incident, what time the family sat down for dinner, what phase the moon was in, what color shirt my husband was wearing... Sheesh. I'm signing off now . Ok, I must add that I probably would not offer to pay for the kid's bike even if he was not doing her a favor. We teach our kids that you take care of your belongings and if they are damaged because you left them somewhere then it is your fault. I'm sure the nephew will be much more careful about where he leaves his bike. Thanks for the input, everyone
  5. Yep, I am lying! It was actually light outside and he was there to ask for money and my husband actually ran over it on purpose to teach him a lesson. You found me out.
  6. That's how I feel! She's not paying him so she can take the $1,500 he is saving her and buy a new bike. Or she could pay him $100-200 or however much a bike costs and he can buy the new bike with that money. If he was just visiting then maybe I would consider paying for the bike or for half of it, but he;s taking several nights away from his family to do them a favor. Her son broke my kid's toy last time he was over but I did not ask for payment.
  7. Never said we don't like them. Never was a chance of a child being run over.
  8. I'm honestly surprised by the amount of people who say the kid is not at fault. I was raised to take care of my stuff and if it is not taken care of and gets damaged it is no one's fault but your own. Especially at age 12. There was no risk of him running over kids. Unless he had borrowed a flashlight he would not have been able to see it. Yes, if he ran over a child it would be his fault, but there was no risk of such things happening.
  9. Her kids are 12 and 10 and he left the house as they were sitting down to eat dinner. They live in the country so no other kids were around. He even put his tools in the bed of his truck but did not see the bike. It was pitch dark since they live in the country and only have one light on their house.
  10. Yes, but he knew all the kids were inside eating dinner. We have 8 kids and always check when backing up. He did not look behind the back passenger tire though.
  11. His nephew is 12. I don't know, i would never ask someone to pay for my child's mistake even if he was 4. If they insisted I may let them pay, but I would never ask. My husband was also there to do free work that she had an estimate from someone to do for $1,500. So, he's saving her $1,500 by taking a couple evenings away from his family to do work for free and she is still asking him to pay for the bike?
  12. Do you pay for it? My dh was at his sister's house and her son left his bike right behind my dh's rear wheel. He ran right over it... She wants him to pay but he says no way, it's the nephew's fault. Which I agree with. I wouldn't ask someone to pay for my kid's bike when the kid left it behind the wheel of a vehicle. What say you?
  13. #5 was posterior before and during birth. He was 8 lbs and I actually needed vacuum assistance to deliver him. Crazy because the first 4 were born within a few pushes but I could not get him out.
  14. I've heard of the "$5 bill savings plan"- every time you get a $5 bill in change you save it... I like to save $50/month for Christmas. By the time December comes around I usually have $500 (some months it's too hard to find an extra $50) to pay for gifts for my kids, Godchildren, husband and parents.
  15. I'm 33 wks along with #9. We have 6 boys then 3 girls and this one will be another girl. She is due April 1, 2 wks after her big sister's 1st birthday. names: Lilly, Maria, Anne, Sophia. We tend to wait until the last minute to decide. nursery: she'll sleep in our room for the first 4-5 months, maybe more if she needs to co-sleep. then we'll put her in the nursery and move sister to the girls room. I've never been interested in decorating a nursery so it's pretty boring. Still blue from when we had 6 boys in a row. We still have the baby swing, ergo, moby, bouncer thingy out from big sis so I just need to wash those and baby clothes and we'll be set! last appointment: was quick- I love my OB!
  16. I had this for my last baby http://www.walmart.com/ip/Fisher-Price-Newborn-Rock-n-Play-Sleeper/11149739. The baby would sleep in it at night and we'd bring it downstairs during the day. It's like a bouncy seat but higher. I prefer it over a bouncy seat. Actually I never got my bouncy seat out of the attic with the last baby. I also have a swing, exersaucer and johnny jump up. Plus a crib and changing table. I love the muslin blankets or waffle stretchy blankets for swaddling. Oh and a moby wrap can fit any size.
  17. I don't even care what it looks like, so long as it comes with a maid that cleans while we sleep so we can awake to a nice clean room with all the papers put away and crayons in their place. I'd love not to ever have to worry about it.
  18. Who do I take him to? Pediatrician or Pediatric Dentist? If the Ped is just going to send me to the Ped Dentist or somewhere else I'd rather skip the visit to the Ped. Thanks!
  19. Oh, and one of my kids had a huge swollen lymph node on his neck. Dr thought for sure he had strep too, but everything was negative. I'm not a doctor but I would say you have the flu
  20. When we had the flu this year our throats were so, so, so sore. Sinuses were terrible. Not much cough until other symptoms went away. I was sure I had strep and a sinus infection. Also had low grade fever, chills, aches and pains, fatigue. Everyone handles it different.
  21. My cough lasted 4 weeks after I came down with the flu this year. I went to the dr and they did give me a prescription for an inhaler but it did not help at all and was not worth the $50 I spent on it. As long as your lungs are clear there's not much they can do. My lungs were clear but I was still coughing up mucus. It took quite a bit of coughing to get up a tiny bit of mucus. I got terrible pain in my sides when coughing because I am pregnant. Worst pain ever. Hope you are better soon
  22. We have bought some at Target but noticed they are seasonal so they may be out of stores by now. I did find some online on clearance. under $15. Their bathrobes are fleecy, not the towel/terry cloth kind. http://www.target.com/p/boys-bath-robe/-/A-14094204#prodSlot=medium_1_1&term=boys+%22bath+robe%22
  23. Cream is SO expensive if you buy it from the grocery store. I'm sure you can find somewhere cheaper to buy it. Homemade ice cream? Heavenly! Especially fruit flavor, when you eat it before the fruit freezes! OH MY GOLLY! Plain old strawberry is the best, IMO. Fresh strawberries.. mmmm! My ice cream maker, however, is not big enough to make enough to serve our whole family.
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