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Everything posted by kiana

  1. I actually wouldn't worry about picking a curriculum for first grade based on what you plan to do in high school. If she wants to switch to TT, most beginning arithmetic curricula will be fine. But almost all curricula are pretty equivalent after completion of arithmetic, and then at high school level the courses are much more standardized (with a few exceptions). At worst, if you are going up a large jump in difficulty (we are talking like moving from MUS to Foerster), you may want to repeat a level to ensure foundation is solid.
  2. Oh, this is great. There are people who have been wanting and needing this for students who need a challenge but not quite the breakneck pace of regular.
  3. Beginning algebra is one idea. You might also try some fun enrichment without pressure to finish a course, such as Patty Paper Geometry or Zaccaro's books, or Visual Manna's Math through Art.
  4. That. Is. Awesome. Why don't the ones we use in college do that? :/
  5. Some people do Saxon by doing odds one day, evens the next. I think throwing in a sanity/exercise break in the middle may also help. It needn't be long.
  6. While I agree with SilverMoon, if it's very important to finish by a certain deadline you may need to extend your time spent working on these and/or add weekends. I think 55 minutes at a time is long enough but you might add another 20 minutes later in the day. Alternatively, keep working as you are but know that your school year might run longer for math. This is NOT a bad thing as it will help prevent summer brain-drain.
  7. Usually any cop can do it, even out of the jurisdiction where you got it in the first place. I've gotten a bunch of these for things like headlight out/taillight out (it's very easy for them to go out on long trips even if they worked when you left).
  8. It's worked great for me. I have dropped 75 lbs, from obese to normal, from size 20 to size 6-8 (I'm 5 10). My back no longer hurts and all my bloodwork has moved from good to excellent. I did find that lower carb (but not low-low carb) was more sustainable in general as I was less hungry. However, I am not dogmatic about it -- today there were free, very good lemon cookies and I happily ate two. I have made a few permanent changes (for example, I no longer drink sugary drinks) and I have found that with daily weighing and keeping junk food out of the house, I no longer need to track calories. But I don't think I'd have gotten to where I am today if I weren't tracking in the first place, to make myself aware of just how many calories were in the enormous bowls of popcorn I used to shovel down. I think the daily weighing is important, because I can see that if I start slipping on portion control and go up a few lbs I need to crack down and eat more mindfully. However, daily weighing is much less of a chore.
  9. It is a lot of work and milking a cow by hand is an enormous amount of work for your hands and arms. Milking machines are expensive. If you have the space, why not try a pair of dairy goats? Goats are harder to fence in but they are smaller, cheaper, eat less, and much easier to milk. The milk is still nutritious and delicious. Just don't keep them with a male goat or everything will stink. The milk won't separate nicely like cow's milk for cream.
  10. Another recent thread that may also have helpful information: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/561094-help-me-sneak-calories-into-my-boy/
  11. Liquid calories are often easier to ingest. A bowl of tasty finger food snacks near the work area can also be quite useful, because it is easy to just pick one up and eat it.
  12. Lial's is a standard college developmental mathematics textbook series. Beginning and introductory algebra are the same and any edition will do. I recommend that if you're considering it, you order an old edition as you can get them so cheaply. You can then look through it. If you do not think that it will work, you can either re-sell it or put it on the shelf to use as a reference.
  13. If it can't wait until Christmas, look for a fall break if they have one, or check it against her exam schedule. Try not to schedule it during an exam week. Inform the professors in advance and you actually might want to see if disability services can help. Work ahead as much as possible in every class so that she can (if possible) have a week or two when she's all caught up. And if she is not near you, I would highly recommend that a family member go out there and book a week in a hotel to stay with her just in case it hits her harder than anticipated.
  14. Honestly I would recommend just treating them as two separate subjects rather than trying to coordinate schedules. This will be especially relevant if she hits a few lessons that she knows really well in algebra -- she can fly through them and not worry about what it's doing to the geometry schedule. Work on both on a daily basis, but separate the time worked on them by a couple of hours to reduce brain fog/overwhelming.
  15. Whatever you choose, I would honestly start in Algebra 1 and plan on him testing through looking for gaps in his knowledge from algebra. It sounds as if he understood algebra 1 well enough to work the problems, but not well enough to really use it, so there are probably some parts that he just. didn't. get. MUS and TT have good reputations for students who struggled in other curricula. If you are getting a tutor, you might also consider Algebra: A Fresh Approach, or getting a college (Lial, Martin-Gay, Larson, or alternative -- they are all similar) Beginning and Intermediate Algebra (combined textbook).
  16. I've known some people who did really well on it. I also have a friend who dropped a really significant amount of weight (like 50 lbs) and his cholesterol skyrocketed from low 200s to well over 300. Since he has heart disease in his family, he found this quite concerning. Since people react differently to different things, I do recommend that if you try it: 1) You get bloodwork done so that you can see how your body's reacting on a micro level. 2) You include plenty of low-carb veggies, especially green leafy ones. You can eat pounds of broccoli or spinach and not get a lot of net carbs. I really don't think keto is a good choice if it's accomplished by loads of meat, cheese, and a few fiber bars.
  17. And furthermore, some parents just aren't around when their kids are trying to do homework.
  18. What did he not do well with in Saxon? Did he struggle with the basic concepts? Did he do fine with basic concepts, but struggle with word problems? How did he do in Algebra 1?
  19. Lial's has way more practice problems than most students should need, just by itself.
  20. sgbox again. http://www.sgbox.com/gceamath.html Any A level coursebook from the UK ought to be a reasonable followup as well and possibly easier to find. Note that the sgbox books cover the pure mathematics component. It is common to include mechanics and/or statistics and/or discrete mathematics as part of an A level curriculum in the UK, and those would be covered in separate books. In the US mechanics would be part of physics and the others would be separate courses, optional courses. I have no idea what Belgium does. By the time your student is preparing for university it might be wise to investigate the local curriculum as well so that you can ensure that s/he will be well prepared.
  21. Oh this is a great addendum. I loathe video lectures and would have done horribly with it as a student, but a transcript I would have read and done well. I think the best transcript would work best in a two-column format with the relevant equations on one side.
  22. They're out of print, so you'll have to get them used or go with a more modern series from sgbox. If you want to do AOPS afterwards, intermediate algebra and then precalculus would probably be an appropriate placement, or you can do the college mathematics (A level) which covers the remaining bits of a standard precalculus and a lot of calculus.
  23. Stirfry, or just make burgers and have with a side of veggies.
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