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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Yes and no. There are levels of formalism and nuances of definition that may be inappropriate for a beginning student but perfectly appropriate for a more advanced student.
  2. But the book is aimed at 3-6 graders, not 1-3 graders. I like the geometric idea too and actually I think sides of rectangles is a great way to discuss factors. I actually went and looked up the preview for this book on amazon. He does begin by mentioning that 7 is only the answer to 1x7 and 7x1. But then his definition is "A number p is called prime if it appears exactly twice in the multiplication table". Now, immediately afterwards, he then continues and says "The only multiplication problems with positive whole numbers that have answer p are "What is 1xp" and "what is px1"?", which is correct -- but I really don't like making that an incidental remark following a really unusual definition. I think it would be just fine to follow up the usual definition with the observation that a prime number appears exactly twice in the table. I will say that my original comment was going solely off OP's remarks and I am pleased to see the customary definition included immediately afterwards. I also agree with OP that I don't really like counting 1xp and px1 as two separate problems. Something that's supposed to challenge and extend elementary students ought to be discussing commutativity.
  3. Wow, thanks very much for the detailed explanation. I agree with you 100% about the "explanation" of primes and frankly I'm horrified to see that considered appropriate for any student, let alone mathematically talented ones.
  4. : is just European notation for division. You can write whatever makes sense to you -- for a student who has received their math education in America using a standard division symbol is probably going to make more sense. The important thing is that you clearly indicate which operation you are performing.
  5. Most states only have an age difference clause if the person is under the age of consent in that state -- for example, an 18 year old can legally have intercourse with a 58 year old. The age difference clauses came up because (for example) teenagers were getting prosecuted for statutory rape and branded child molesters for having intercourse with other teenagers who were in many cases less than a year younger, but under the legal age of consent.
  6. http://www.newyorker.com/cartoons/daily-cartoon/daily-cartoon-thursday-april-16th-cheryl-singapore-math?mbid=social_facebook (related)
  7. I would find the second example entirely appropriate for someone who was not a beginning algebra student. I think that there's such a thing as writing out too much -- it wastes time and space and obfuscates the flow of the problem -- although I would never mark off points for writing out too much. Now, I do write out my examples like the first example even in precalculus or calculus, but that is because many of my students have inadequate algebra backgrounds for the level of course they are taking and cannot follow their own notes if I do not write that out. I actually just had a discussion with someone last week about not writing down steps where the student insisted that it was ok to do a specific step in the head. Well, since it was something that had been wrong on three week's worth of homework ... no, it's not ok.
  8. I think there is nothing wrong with judging people who commit illegal actions. :P
  9. Specifically regarding the snacking, if you make sure that there is nothing handy to snack on it really helps stop you from doing it.
  10. Yes, these. I have the golden bamboo, the monet irises (I lost the water lilies one :(), the spring in central park, and a william morris pink and rose one that I don't see on their site anymore. I get compliments whenever I wear them. Slim fit is quite slim so it is a good idea to size up and if you have even a small muffin top they are not flattering. Classic fit is looser and more forgiving.
  11. Yep. For slim but still womanly figures, I really, really love the tops from the metropolitan museum of art. They're classy and extremely flattering.
  12. I like the eatsmart precision. I bought it 3 years ago and it served me very well for some time. http://www.amazon.com/EatSmart-Precision-Bathroom-Capacity-Technology/dp/B001KXZ808/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1429054464&sr=8-1&keywords=eatsmart+precision I have a different scale now because I wanted a fancy-schmancy bodyfat scale, but I gave this one to a friend and she's still happily using it.
  13. Looks brilliant to me. Can you back out if it's not working? That would be my only question.
  14. Yes. And send their kids to the local public school and have them eat school lunch.
  15. Anywhere nice like a walk around the block, or are you at all interested in a garden or anything else which is outside in the fresh air? A hot bath with bubbles and a single small glass of wine? (this has the advantage that you really don't want to get back out of your nice tub to get more wine, at least for my friends who use it)
  16. Forget 0 happiness, I get negative happiness from treadmills and ellipticals. The only way I'd get back on one is large amounts of money :P
  17. Think outside the box -- punching bag with a face on it -- voodoo dolls -- (ok, I am being a little silly here). More seriously, I do agree that it is very challenging to substitute, especially when eating has been the go-to for so long. Sometimes I still do end up chowing down. Not keeping the stuff in the house, so that I have to admit that I'm going to go to the store and buy an enormous bag of popcorn and eat it all, helps.
  18. I write different tests for open-book than for closed book. For closed-book, there will be some questions where direct recall will be necessary or following an example from the book would work. For open-book, the proportion of word problems will be higher and there will be absolutely no problems which can be solved by looking up something in the book and copying it down. I don't like giving a test which was designed as closed-book as open-book or vice versa. Another way to possibly reduce stress is allowing a student to use a 3x5 index card with whatever they are most afraid of forgetting on it. I like this a lot better because it's not a whole book's worth of information and examples.
  19. Not sure if DE is available, but if he's quite interested you might consider dual enrollment. Mit OCW has a geology course which requires no background (12.001) Here's some coursera courses as well: https://www.coursera.org/course/earth and https://www.coursera.org/course/amnhearth
  20. My car now is named "Serenity" eta: HA! slr, I didn't see your post when I posted, but EXACTLY. And she's never let me down.
  21. I mostly don't like them because I like being able to pick up the cutting board and dump stuff.
  22. re: emotional eating -- this is something that you've got to figure out how to get under control. Something else that's NOT food that you can do when you just feel miserable and want to eat everything in sight. re: whole bag of chips -- I only buy chips in the single-serving bags now. If I really want one I go to the store and get one, but most of the time I decide I don't really want one. re: good veggie eater -- it is totally possible to be an awesome veggie eater and still gain weight because of the rest of your diet. The veggies will totally contribute to your general health but, in and of themselves, will not cause weight loss.
  23. +1 for environmental science. Understanding something about environmental science is an important topic in this day and age -- it hones your BS detectors.
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