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Everything posted by kiana

  1. If you're a slow cook and find learning new ways of cooking time-consuming what I'd actually do is take your favorite recipes that you already do and work on making changes in them that you can live with. Minestrone, for example, can be extremely healthy if appropriate choices are made. You probably won't have to change most of the ingredients much, but look at some extra veg and reduced pasta or something like that.
  2. Wild sheep shed in spring. Humans have bred them to not shed so that we can collect the wool all at once and at our convenience.
  3. I actually think that a lot of this is time spent in change rather than time spent losing weight, if you know what I mean? If you have healthy and easy-to-modify-from-boredom recipes that you have cooked many times and are proficient at, it won't take much time. But if you're researching food that you don't eat much, or ways of cooking that you don't use much, it's going to take a lot longer. It takes virtually no time for me to eat healthy *now*. It took a lot more when I first started.
  4. I know by now which ingredients are significant contributors and which are not and I just don't write down some of them. For example, I don't enter in a single stalk of celery in a recipe. Then I weigh things which are calorie-dense (meat, cheese, beans, grains) and estimate the rest. I'm not overly concerned about the difference between half a pound and 5/8 of a lb of grapes, but I do make a best guess estimate.
  5. Haha, I tend to just say 'eleventy billion'
  6. 28, second perfect number, never gets the love that 6 does
  7. If you google "math mammoth placement test" it will take you directly to her page. If he has gaps in his knowledge but some things he DOES know the MM topical books might be a fit. You might also consider Math U See -- it might take most of the year to get through arithmetic, but sometimes it works when all else has failed. MUS high school math is one of the lightest options available, but the students who do it tend to do acceptably well on tests.
  8. I have PCOS and was overweight basically from the time I hit puberty and obese from late teens on. Several years ago (nearly a decade now) I started training martial arts rather extensively. To my surprise and delight, I found that with the increased exercise, many of my symptoms greatly reduced in severity. I did not lose any weight at this point (I was not tracking or regulating intake in any way) (ETA: I did stop GAINING weight at this point) but my cycles went from every few months to every 40-ish days, and greatly decreased in flow as well. I had been taking birth control pills for a few years at that point purely to regulate the cycles, and I was able to stop them. A few years after that (nearly four now) I went through a really bad time that sort of motivated me to start losing weight. I started with just tracking calories and saw encouraging and rapid enough progress from that that I was able to continue. I was not in any way, shape, or form eating a healthy diet at that point -- it still consisted mainly of grains and soda -- just less of it. I moved out of obese into overweight at this point. As time went on I started becoming more concerned with the health of my diet, but I still don't follow a specifically low-carb diet. I focus heavily on vegetables and meat but include things that I enjoy as well. I buy them in smaller packages because of my extreme lack of self-control (for example, 1-2 oz bags of potato chips rather than family size bags) but I do buy them. I don't work out as much as I used to, but I still do martial arts 2-4 times a week and bodyweight exercises 2-3 times a week. I am squarely in the middle of the normal BMI range, my bodyfat is 21-22%, and I am asymptomatic other than the ladybeard. PCOS does run in my family as my mother and grandmother also have/had it. I might have needed to drop carbs lower if I hadn't already ameliorated the worst of the symptoms with the exercise program.
  9. relevant cartoon: http://imgur.com/gallery/6sPrzhY
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if she believes "God will provide" and doesn't care about the potential legal ramifications. It's unfortunate for everyone around but also for her.
  11. Yeah, I changed with someone else at the last minute, and the original name on the roster was something like "John Doe" (very obviously male name). Got a few double-takes.
  12. Right. But frankly it doesn't matter whether the kid is fat or not. Even if she WERE fat, grading someone (even in PE) on body composition rather than on actually, you know, doing physical activities is wrong. I could see it if it's an elective oriented towards something like the military fitness test (although if that were the case they should be doing a body fat analysis), but not in a core class.
  13. Graded on their weight? Yes, go in and raise hell.
  14. I'm having this amazing image of some clerk denying her a marriage license for the second, third, or fourth marriage and it's making me chortle at my computer. (not that I think that that would be legitimate. But it would be funny).
  15. I actually think that it's her attempt at "Look! I'm being fair to everyone! I'm not discriminating! NOBODY gets a license!" And as long as we're on her topic, she's been married FOUR times.
  16. Oh God yes. I always wanted to be a teacher. All my life. From the time I started reading books. But I heard so much from everyone else about how I needed to "use that gift". I should be out curing cancer or something. I wouldn't be happy or fulfilled in a research career, and the idea that I had some sort of obligation to do that really damaged my life for a long time. Honestly I still think it might have been better if I'd just done a 4-year ed degree in the first place, but I'm in a happy place now.
  17. This is not normal and the department chair will probably be pretty unhappy unless there's an excuse such as "hit by a car on the way to school". Check e-mail and any course management system such as blackboard/canvas to make sure there wasn't a last-minute room change or cancellation notice. I've had to send out last-minute cancellation notices when I had a flat tire on the way to school.
  18. I love salt. My bp's low (typically 105/65). Now I'm getting all paranoid.
  19. Yes. Better to have it going to waste than to waist.
  20. Yeah, I'm a pro. I also use a fullsize spare so that I can simply swap the tire and continue my journey. I also have premier AAA but I am not interested in waiting for them to come out. I use them for breakdowns though and it's been worth every penny. ETA: Machine-tightened lug nuts -- it might be worth putting a piece of sturdy pipe that will squeeze over the end of your lug wrench in your emergency kit. You may end up someplace where you really need to change it, and putting the pipe on the end of the lug wrench can greatly increase torque -- plus it's easier than jumping on the wrench. Also, PB Blaster/Deep Creep or similar item is a great thing to have in an emergency kit in a car.
  21. First, I think possibly you're misreading what people are saying. It is not boring because it is too easy. It is boring because doing something in which you have a total lack of interest is frequently awfully boring, no matter how challenging it is. I would find learning to hand-make lace incredibly boring. This is not because it is easy. It is because I have a complete lack of interest in doing it. And yet some people find it fascinating and do it for fun. Secondly, even for weight loss, whether intense cardio is better or not is irrelevant if the person is just not going to do it because of an intense loathing for intense cardio. It's much better to stroll six days a week than to do intense cardio once and then quit exercising completely because "I hate exercise". I don't think anyone actually disagrees with you that intense cardio burns more calories faster.
  22. For some people it'll always be a chore. But I would recommend trying different kinds of working out. 1) Outdoor solo cardio, like solo running/walking/biking. 2) Outdoor group cardio, like finding a group to run/walk/bike with. 3) Indoor solo cardio, like an elliptical and a good TV show. 4) Indoor group cardio, like an exercise class that's based on cardio. 5) Indoor solo/video cardio, like an exercise workout. 6) Weights in a gym. 7) Weights with a video 8) Weights in an exercise class. 9) Weights at home (all of the weights can also be done as bodyweight exercises) 10) Flexibility-strength class such as yoga 11) Classes that are not solely about fitness, such as martial arts or dancing 12) Outdoor activities such as hiking, backpacking 13) Probably more that I haven't thought of For me, 1-5 are a NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. I'd rather be unfit forever than do any of those. I do martial arts, hiking, and bodyweight strength exercises such as chinups, pushups, and squats. The first two I really enjoy and the last one I enjoy the results and the workout is quick enough that I can get it done.
  23. Runny jam works quite fine on sandwiches and toast. It just soaks into the bread more -- I actually prefer it. You can also stir it into hot cereal at breakfast time.
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